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Everything posted by Eluric98

  1. Update: On thursday we had a long talk again. My boyfriend wanted to be sure that I really want to get it and that I dont do it for him. On friday we go to our test center for regular testing. Yesterday was the first day he didnt take his meds. Im a little nervous but definatly more excited. This journey started today in the morning, whenn he cums inside me.
  2. Thank you again for your thoughts. I think some of missunderstood me because of my bad english skills. Yes, my first reaction was like "hell no", when he said to me he could poz me. But over the last months i realiszed, that is something i really want. When I think of it, I got rock hard. After i've cum, I dont lost my desire and 5 minutes later im already rock hard again. He never pushed me into this. Its more like in the movie inception. He planted the idea of something i never thought about. I hope you can better understand me now. Love you guys
  3. He was happy, when I told him. He wont tell me when he stops his medicine. We have sex at least once a day. But he doesn't want to give up that I penetrate him. We are going to let the nature so all work.
  4. Yes. We live together since last year
  5. Thank you guys for your opinion. I appreciate it. Today my Bf and me talked again about this. I asked him for this. I came to the conclusion, that, if he wants to do it, he has my permission. So he will stop taking his meds. Our sex will be the same as before. Nothing special just that he will give me his poz seed and convert me maybe in the next 6 month.
  6. First, as I wrote, I was like "nevet ever". But the thoughts about this worked for weeks. Now Im a little step away from this decision. When I think about it, I got rock hard. The only thing which stopped me is, that it is a permanent decision.
  7. My boyfriend, which is poz, and me talked a few weeks ago about pozing me. It was his idea. At this moment was like "hell no", but after the last weeks i got familiar with this idea. We fuck both each other bareback since 2 years now. We go together to the medical center for our regulary tests. So I know what would come to me. He will respect my decision. If I say "no" he will stay on meds. If I say "yes" he would go off his meds after the next test. I know that this is stupid, but I think I will let him do this.
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