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  1. Living near the intersection of two interstate highways a lot of traffic passes through my area, though in general it dosn't often produce a lot of play opportunities. One afternoon however, I was online and struck up a conversation with a top and just a couple minutes later he was on his way to my place. I usually try to get to know someone a bit and have the chance to get a good read on them prior to meeting, particularly in regard their health status, but in this instance things moved at a quick pace without much pre-meeting activity. Earlier though I had done some internal cleansing in the hope to have some play at some point - which it looked like I was going to get. I have a thing for anon and bondage play which I mentioned as he was on his way, to which he said he would like to do, so prior to his arriving I quickly placed cuffs on my wrists and ankles, spread myself face down on the bed, wrapped a blindfold across my eyes and attached each cuff to short chains on each corner of the bed and waited. As I lay there, I realized that other than the few things he had on his profile, our short conversation didn't give me a lot of info but he included a quite appealing cock picture in our quick chat which admittedly had me hooked and not concentrating on the other details as much. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of his vehicle pulling up, the car door shutting and the door into my place opening. This was soon followed by the sound of his voice saying "oh yeah" as he evidently must have laid eyes on me. The touch of his palm on my upturned bottom caused me to give a soft instinctive sigh as I exhaled and melted into the moment knowing I was just where I wanted to be, with all other thoughts passing to the side. His touch on my ass lasted only a few moments and the sound of his clothing coming off and the mattress sinking between my thighs quickly followed as he took his place there. I knew what he was wanting and given that it had been quite some time since last playing, it was what I was wanting too. The lube was a bit chilled as he dribbled it between my cheeks and as swiftly as things were moving along, some degree of caution reentered my mind and I decided that it would be best to be safe and ask about his status and talk about condoms. As I began to speak though I felt his fingers quickly enter deep inside my ass and the sudden intrusion caused me to lose my words. The swift entry was somewhat uncomfortable but at the same time it also felt quite good. Other than very little play on my own, I hadn't had any anal or other play in weeks and his act quickly awakened my sense of arousal had he easily had me wrapped around his finger - in this case both literally and figuratively. It wasn't long before I found my ass slowly gyrating to his movements. Sensing that he had my attention, his body then lowered and was fully atop mine to which I gave another sigh, wanting to talk but also not wanting to interfere with the moment. Then in one seamless movement, his fingers pulled free of my ass, his body shoved forward and he sent his cock deep inside my ass causing me to give a loud and audible gasp. He took advantage of the moment and quickly shoved his fingers into my open mouth, turning any words I had into a muffled mumble. When he told me to suck my ass off of his fingers, I had little choice but to do. Then without hesitation, he then began fucking me. While my attention was on the activity happening inside my body, my thoughts were also on the subject of whether it was safe to be having sex together, particularly with someone that I didn't know at all, and I began to utter a muffled "wait" and "stop" while softly trying to pull back from his fingers and cock. He either didn't hear what I was saying or was just ignoring me because he didn't stop or slow, instead he kept moving in a steady pace with his cock continuously alternating between deep inside then just about out, time and time again. The amazing sensation of his cock fucking my ass caused me to give up on trying to speak and words stopped trying to flow and instead I was only able to manage a series of moans, each coming in synch with the inward stroke bottoming out inside my body. As I lay there for a bit and absorbed in the moment, my mind went back to the moment when he started fucking me. While I had some condoms laying beside the lube, I was sure that I didn't noticed him taking the time to use one and in addition, the fucking felt much too smooth for there to be any barriers between us. While I wasn't really sure, it was quite likely that his cock was in me bare and natural. After a while he pulled his fingers from my mouth, wrapped both arms around and pulled me tight while working his body ever further into mine and with considerably more intensity. With the full length of his cock impaling itself on each stroke and with his girth taking a toll on my stretched and now worn hole, it wasn't long until the pleasures began to turn to soreness, which brought me back into the reality of the moment. With his fingers out of my mouth and my head now free, I turned my head in relief from the position it had been held in and instinctively asked if he was using a condom. His reply was "No", following by "Are you on prep"? This sent a mix of emotions throughout me, particularly since instead of asking what my status was, he was asking if I was on prep. There were only a limited number of reasons that someone would ask if I was on prep and ask it that way and I replied with a somewhat reserved "no". "Oh babe" he said as he held me closer while continuing to fuck me, somewhat more slowly but just as deep and even more intentional, "Are you undetectable", he asked, then after a slight hesitation before followed with "...or poz?" I answered "no, are you?", with a noticable degree of fear and apprehension in my voice. His grip tightened even more firmly with his chest now locked onto my back and with his mid-section continuously moving just as fully and as deeply as before, though at a slightly slower pace. "I don't want to stop" was all he said with his mouth so close that my ear filled with the dampness of his breath as his body fucking, not missing a beat. He didn't answer my question I thought, oh gawd, he didn't answer my question... My breathing immediately became quite deep at the realization of what might be happening to the point that it felt as if I was going to hyperventilate and my heartbeat increased to a rate that I don't think it has ever reached before. Even though the blindfold that was still covering my eyes had completely removed my ability to see, I could feel my eyes moving back and forth as if looking for something but I wasn't sure just what. "Wait, stop, please, just wait" I said in a pleading voice, "please just stop for a minute, please". My emotions were turning to complete fear and I needed to talk and know what was going on. I began to twist and turn while I tried to get free, though with the very limited movement I had while bound to the bed, I noticed that my movements were more like a gyration that was in tune with the fucking he was giving me than a clear sign that I was trying to escape, and in reality I was not in a position to truly stop him. A tear came to the corners of both eyes and I was filled with total fear with my body beginning to tremble at the thought that a hot and charged cock could very well be inside me. I am not sure if he stopped out of mercy or because he had just shot his cum because the way he ended the fucking was by dropping his body fully upon mine, with his cock fully impaled and continuing to hold me tight and close. With his face still nuzzled along the side of my neck, and with his labored breathing flowing across my flesh, I felt a series of slight spasms occurring throuhout his body as I lay beneath him. My thought was clearly that it was quite possible that I was now experiencing the waning energies of an orgasm that he had just released. I was afraid. I didn't know what to say or to do and I simply just laid there, immersed in the moment, confused, yet at the same time mesmerized in a warmth and an odd sense of sub-surface excitement. I had never considered myself to be a chaser and in reality I truly didn't ever want to become poz. At the same time though many of my most intense fantasies have been about being with someone that was poz and being fucked by them. About the only thing that ever came close to equaling a similar feeling were my fantasies about forced play and having my body violated and taken advantage of, or more specifically of someone raping me. Now here I was with the possibility that both had actually happened. The full sensations of the reality of the seriousness began to come into focus as the soreness in my ass told me that not only had I been psychologically used, but I had been physically used just as much. The pain in my ass from being stretched to take his girth, further inside where the end of his cock had been punching the linings of my guts and the intensity that some of the fucking reached told me that I would be feeling it for a very long time, and that my tender opening was quite likely also an open wound that would provide the opportunity for any cum to now directly enter my bloodstream. In reality though, nothing really mattered because what had been done had been done... I gave a whimper as he rose up and his cock pulled from my worn hole which also caused me to instinctively give a twist of my bottom back and forth. He clearly noticed my moving ass because just as we had begun, he promptly took two fingers, shoved them inside my ass and held them while asking if I wanted more, causing me to give another whimper, this time noticeably louder. It was clear that he didn't recognize the sound and signs of my anguish and had instead looked at it as perhaps a tease that I was wanting more - and when I didn't give an answer to his question if I wanted more, he dove his hand in even further and firmly grasp an exposed ass cheek with his other hand in a quite strong and painful manner which caused me to give a distinct "Oh Gawd" in response. "I could tell that you were a slut', he said', and clearly a cum and pain slut." The truth was that I didn't know what I was or what I wanted, and for that matter I wasn't really sure exactly what all had just happened - the fingers in my ass didn't feel exceptionally wet so I still wasn't sure if he had cum in me or not - or what his status truly was - and to be honest, I wasn't sure that I wanted to know. As he pulled his fingers from my ass, he wiped them on my bottom cheeks, got dressed then gave a firm swat to my bottom that I was sure would leave a mark and again called me "slut", which elicited a tender moaning sigh and an instinctive and interestingly sincere "thank you" from my lips. "I am through here a couple times a week, if you want to do more" he said as he headed toward the door. Without taking a moment to think I told him I'd like that, to which he responded "you should really be on prep, slut" and with that the door closed behind him. After I worked my way out of my restraints and got up, I saw that he had left a card with his contact info and the days and times that he passes through. Later a message came through the app with a couple screen shots from the video that he had taken which clearly showed him fucking me without a condom. What have I done, I wondered, and what am I going to do?
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