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Everything posted by Dayvidpriddy

  1. Maybe you should ask for the full story before you make assumptions man. The guy tells stories, 3 years ago he was 25, last year when we talked he admitted after the blow off he was underage, so that's why I posted what I posted. I would think you would be grateful to people like me who call out punks and post warnings but I guess not... I don't care if you "ban" me again, nobody uses this site lol...
  2. The original creator of the thread is now trying to insinuate that he's not the same person via private message on here, he needs to be careful what he asks for, here was my reply to him, I have since blocked him, I'm not getting played a 3rd time by this douchebag! "Look sucker the only thing that is "confused" is your that thing in your head you call a brain. You know exactly WHO this is, we were just communicating back and fourth via E-Mail a few days ago with the same email address you have posted in your listings on this site, begging people to rape, force you into sex, etc...how fucking stupid do you think I am? All I had to do was Google your E-Mail address with AOL that we talked under and boom...your posts all over the internet pop right up that are associated with that E-Mail address. You're a total idiot man, and I doubt you want me to post your cell # up on the site so be careful for what you ask for. You are a player who is fucked up in the head, get a shrink man, the rest of the world isn't as stupid as you are. Are you trying to tell me you don't recall talking with a guy in Arlington earlier in the week, texting him when you were at work, texting him when you left work to meet and then you disappeared? That wasn't you huh? But the E-Mail address that you were sending him messages from is the same E-Mail address you have in a few of your posts on this site? Right..."
  3. The original creator of the thread is now trying to insinuate that he's not the same person via private message on here, he needs to be careful what he asks for, here was my reply to him, I have since blocked him, I'm not getting played a 3rd time by this douchebag! "Look sucker the only thing that is "confused" is your that thing in your head you call a brain. You know exactly WHO this is, we were just communicating back and fourth via E-Mail a few days ago with the same email address you have posted in your listings on this site, begging people to rape, force you into sex, etc...how fucking stupid do you think I am? All I had to do was Google your E-Mail address with AOL that we talked under and boom...your posts all over the internet pop right up that are associated with that E-Mail address. You're a total idiot man, and I doubt you want me to post your cell # up on the site so be careful for what you ask for. You are a player who is fucked up in the head, get a shrink man, the rest of the world isn't as stupid as you are. Are you trying to tell me you don't recall talking with a guy in Arlington earlier in the week, texting him when you were at work, texting him when you left work to meet and then you disappeared? That wasn't you huh? But the E-Mail address that you were sending him messages from is the same E-Mail address you have in a few of your posts on this site? Right..."
  4. Just wanted to let you guys know that the creator of this thread "barejockboi25" is a HUGE game player and online bullshitter! He is notorious for chatting a guy up, making plans with them and then disappearing at the very last minute...and I mean the VERY LAST MINUTE! He obviously gets off on fucking with other people who have done nothing to him and does not I repeat DOES NOT have any plans to follow through with one thing he says. He fucked me over back in 2010, then contacted me again a few years later (just recently actually) and I gave him a second chance (stupid me) and he screwed me over again wasting my time...I've also cross referenced him with other guys who have communicated with him online and they all say the same thing...DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME...AVOID THIS GUY LIKE THE PLAGUE! He is a perfect example of what gives gay guys a "bad name" when it comes to internet hookups!
  5. Just wanted to let you guys know that the creator of this thread "barejockboi25" is a HUGE game player and online bullshitter! He is notorious for chatting a guy up, making plans with them and then disappearing at the very last minute...and I mean the VERY LAST MINUTE! He obviously gets off on fucking with other people who have done nothing to him and does not I repeat DOES NOT have any plans to follow through with one thing he says. He fucked me over back in 2010, then contacted me again a few years later (just recently actually) and I gave him a second chance (stupid me) and he screwed me over again wasting my time...I've also cross referenced him with other guys who have communicated with him online and they all say the same thing...DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME...AVOID THIS GUY LIKE THE PLAGUE! He is a perfect example of what gives gay guys a "bad name" when it comes to internet hookups!
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