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  1. Have you ever achieved this from just masturbating anally though? I’m trying to decide if I should stop all penile stimulation in order to get this or to combine penile and anal to build up an association between anal stimulation and climax.
  2. I would love to experience orgasms from fisting and/or extremely large dildos. Unfortunately I only have my own hands to work with for the time being, so while I have definitely felt that “tingling” inside my hole before, I have only been able to get it by mixing penile and anal stimulation. (It was with an ejaculatory orgasm) If anyone knows a good method to masturbate your self to an orgasm with anal self stimulation alone I would be very interested.
  3. I guess some people are into that. Personally it doesn’t feel comfortable to me when it doesn’t go back inside but that could just be because the cause is different. Just having a larger/stretchier anus I could definitely get into though. I’ve made some good progress with my practice so far. I’ve gotten to the point where I can fit all five of my fingers in. Unfortunately it seems I have hit a barrier. My main knuckles seem to be hitting bones in my pelvis. Not sure if this is because I am not able to get in the right position with my own fist or if my hands are just too big / my bones are too close. Hoping it’s not the latter because I might even want to be able to take two fists at a time someday. (I am ambitious lol) Maybe if I was able to turn my hand so the widest part was vertical relative to my hole that might work? Not quite flexible enough to do that atm but I probably could with some practice.
  4. My condition was entirely caused by muscle straining and not from being stretched, but I would probably prefer to avoid frequent prolapses if possible. Not sure how practical that would be with fisting. I prefer gaping to prolapse. One thing I have found helpful though is If I time sessions about half a day or so after a bowel movement I’m pretty much empty. That means I can’t have a session every single day but hopefully a couple times a week is still enough. Good to know about the enema thing though.
  5. Sorry if this isn’t a very pleasant topic. I’m new to anal masturbation and I am trying to work my way up to fisting but I am having an issue with stool being way closer to my entrance than it should be. I have had IBS constipation since I was a teenager and developed a prolapse from straining too hard on the toilet. Now I have better techniques and diets to keep myself from straining but I’m guessing what has happened is that my second sphincter has slipped down into my rectum. This makes part of my anus stick out all the time, but not so much that I can’t control bowel movements. A lot of times I bump into a stool when I am only about an inch and a half deep with my finger. I am worried that the only way to fix this problem would be through surgery. I’d really like to be able to train anally without having to have an enema each time because I have heard that frequent enemas can cause health problems. Is there a way around this or perhaps a way to reverse or gently push the prolapse back in? I really want to be able to have good anal orgasms because It’s what turns me on and I have problems with my penis not being very sensitive. Please do not just respond with “ask a doctor.” I know that is the safest option but I am a broke college student and can’t afford to have extra doctor visits. Also most doctors don’t seem very knowledgeable about anal kinks at all. Does anyone have any advice on how to anally train with these issues?
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