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Posts posted by echopork

  1. My longest current is around 7 years. He's the type to frequently disappear for long stretches, return out of the blue (with a new phone number, always), hang out on and off for a few days/weeks before vanishing again.

    Always relieved to hear that he's not dead. And that he's still a pig. And that his cock is still massive and ready to slap me in the face.

  2. Did i stump BZ with this one? Here's the options I found at Home Depot:

    • zinc plated steel
    • galvanized steel
    • stainless steel

    I asked a few of the orange aprons which was the best option for inserting up my ass, but they each gave a different answer so I'm back to square one.

    My (still chainless) gut says stainless steel is probably the best choice?


    • Like 2
  3. When I was 31, 32 I had a sugar daddy who liked to roleplay a dad-takes-son-out-of-school-for-the-day scenario. He'd text me the night before and I'd call off work sick first thing in the morning and then wait outside of one of the local high schools for him to pick me up around 9:15ish (I was held back a few years lol). He'd roll up in a Mercedes (always a different one), I'd get in wearing the shortest running shorts I owned (my ass/thighs sometimes burned by the extremely hot seats) and he'd slip something exciting and tingly up my butt to get me primed and off we'd go.

    First stop was usually a sex shop where he'd treat me to a few toys, cock rings, big ole' bottle of silicone lube, and then he'd select a jock strap or kinky type of underwear for me to wear the rest of the day. Second stop was the bathhouse where he'd get one of the larger rooms and for the first hour or so he'd encourage me to smoke naughty things we weren't supposed to be smoking and tell me what I good boy I was as I worshipped his fat daddy dick and he opened my hole up with the toys from the shop. Then he would leave the room for 30-60 minutes (I stayed put, per his instructions) and then return with 2 or 3 of the piggiest daddies he could find to whore me out to. I'd submit my holes to the group and sometimes the others would cum sometimes not, but my daddy would always cum about an hour in (always on my hole, to be pushed in with his cock or fingered in by the others). The other daddies would then vacate while mine recharged and had me smoke more.

    For the rest of our 8-hour shift he'd take me around the bathhouse and whore me out to anyone, anywhere, with the promise of $10 for each load I took. At the end we'd go back to the room, he'd give me the cash for the loads (ranged from $60-$140) and assure me that he'd lie to mom about where I was the rest of the night. Because I was to stay another 8 hours on my own and continue collecting as many loads as possible. The "lies to mom" were always described in detail and very strange! One time a friend from school had died in a car wreck and I was attending a fundraiser for his sister who was also in the car and now on life support at the hospital. Another time I was participating in a focus group for a new hunting and lifestyle magazine being developed for 14-20 year old anti-gun males called Bow Bros. Another time I got suspended from school for dumping a massive amount gatorade powder in the pool and was being kept in a local jail with my co-conspirators for the night as part of a scared straight program.

    So he'd pay for my second shift and leave and I'd be my usual piggy self until it was time to go. I'd get home late, roommates already asleep, and wait on the couch with the lights off and the door unlocked. He'd come in about an hour later, quietly, take off his sweaty jock strap and stuff it in my mouth, mount my cummy ass and fuck me slow and deep until he unloaded, and then slip out without a word. The next day he'd text me that we could never do it again and that he was a horrible father and was wracked with guilt about robbing me of my sexual innocence and that I had to promise him to follow up with my doctor to be tested if I was still negative in a few weeks time and that he really had a bad feeling this time, that we might not have dodged the bullet like before...and that I needed to call mom and tell her how things went with the fundraiser/focus group/jail stay/etc.

    Sadly daddy just disappeared one day!

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    • Upvote 1
    • Piggy 1
  4. On 2/11/2024 at 8:08 AM, Oldercumslut said:

    Although it was awkward having a guy who breed me as a patient.

    Two of my phlebotomists. 🙋‍♂️ Topped one, bottomed for the other. Both gave me weird looks when I asked if they ever tasted anyone's blood. Thought it was a reasonable question!

    • Confused 1
  5. On 12/17/2023 at 1:20 PM, Vancrawman said:

    Any of the Dawson weekend ones…and “viral loads,” “the thousand load fuck,” and “Fuck Off Homo,” has a great 1-hour + group scene that really delivers, as does the Marcus Isaac’s gangbang one.

    ☝️ Fuck yes to all of these positively unforgettable masterpieces.

    Some of my favorite TIM-at-its-filthiest moments...

    • The "Gangbang For A No Limit Whore" scene in "Breeding Season," with its 70-load Devil's Dick slopping up, launching out of, and making a piggy spectacle of the bottom's cum-drenched hungry fuckhole. The icing on the cake (besides the obvious icing on the cake) is the amped up sweaty beat-red-faced condition he's clearly in.
    • "What I Can't See 2"'s blindfolded real-life preacher (well, I'm taking their word on it) being enabled to engage in the ultimate transgression, submitting his hole to an endless stream of anon cock breeding their loads deep up his now-corrupted guts. Joel Osteen, eat felch your daddy's heart cumfart out.
    • Scene 4 from Timfuck Volume 11: Wade Stone, Jessie Balboa & Alex Ramos having a hot piggy good time outside at "an infamous Florida pool/guest house" (side note - anyone know where this is in real life?). This scene almost always makes me blow my load.
    • "Legendary Stud Ethan Wolfe" for obvious reasons (uh, Ethan Fucking Wolfe). Also, sexiest tattoo of all time.
    • Oh man, I could go on all night. Last one for now, kind of obscure TIM..."Anarcocks: Pirate Tape 1". Weird vibe, hot vibe, my vibe. Keeping the dream alive for a Tape 2 one of these days!

    Damn I'm in greased-up-n-sweaty feverish cock-hungry pig fucker mode now. And it's only Tuesday night. 🥵

    • Upvote 3
  6. On 2/7/2024 at 7:43 AM, hntnhole said:

    Probably best that you keep the neighbor's kids as far away from BZ as you can.  Don't want to wind up in the clink, do you !!

    Why not? They're in college now.

    Well, except for little greaseball who got picked off by the gator last summer. He'll be forever 21 months.

    • Haha 1
  7. Oh thank fuck. A few failed attempts left me spiraling in utter existential terror that I had lost my ability to figure out tech stuff on my own. I was just about to finally crack and ask the neighbor's kids to show me how to do it, when I found this thread. Whew! 🥲

    • Haha 4
  8. This is something I've been curious to try for awhile. I'm referring to the act of inserting a metal chain anally, usually while positioned upside down, letting gravity do most of the work getting it inside. The chain is then pulled in and out at varying speeds. I've never heard from anyone who's tried it if it's actually enjoyable/pleasurable, but I think it looks really hot and want to give it a try. Before I run out to Home Depot, I suppose my questions are:

    • What type of metal is best? Guess heavier = better? (unless it's lead?)
    • What finish (if any) should the metal have? (thinking I don't want the chain to rust?)
    • How big should the links be? Are certain sizes more likely to pinch? How much length should I get?
    • What type of lube works best with this?
    • Any potential injuries that could occur? Ways to mitigate them?
    • Any other tips/suggestions?

    Much thanks in advance! ⛓️🕳️🐽

  9. 3 hours ago, BruxoCub said:

    I never really knew much about it, hope to check it out next weekend - or at least swing by and get some play time in 😉

    Tbh they don't do the best job promoting it. Their website is kinda confusing to navigate and unclear on a number of things that should be super clear and easy to find (how much are day/night passes? how much do they cost? what exactly do they give access to? where are the different areas located in the hotel? etc).

    Once you're actually there at the hotel and able to find someone, they're always super friendly and helpful and everyone is all about just having a great time.

    But yeah, it's always (well, the last 3 years anyway) the week of Thanksgiving at the Westin Bonaventure in downtown Los Angeles. Cool hotel, not sure if they still allow horses, motorcycles and terrorists to have run of the place..


  10. I chose red hood, the guy standing next to me at the start had a white hood. We both handed our hoods over to volunteers at the same time, turned around, got hooded at the same time. About 30 minutes in I took a break and when I got to the bathroom I took off my...white hood? I told the volunteer know I had somehow accidentally gotta a white hood and he ran out and brought me back a red hood, and then led me back in.

    Can't say for certain if the other guy was in there with my red hood on (as I was hooded the rest of the time).

    Never saw the guy again. He must have been one of the lucky few sold into sex slavery.

    • Like 1
  11. Hmmmmm must say I'm a wee bit skeptical of the "digesting loads" theories, because biology and stuff.

    Have we considered the possibility many of these cases are due to air that was already present, residing higher up the GI tract, set free on early parole as a result of all the jostling and prodding around in the region, from both external and internal stimuli?

    On 11/24/2023 at 6:33 PM, RealCute said:

    Aside from all the reasons given above I noticed I would get super gassy after douching and play. What I found out was happening was the diverter valve on the douching wand was actually picking up air and injecting air and water.  I accidentally found this out one day when I was filling a bucket of water using the douching hose and notice a lot of air bubbles after the bucket had water in it.  A new o-ring in that diverter valve and I'm not nearly as gassy as I used to be so perhaps other people are having the same issue.

    This too sometimes! Check those aerators.

  12. Not sure if I average the most loads there, but San Diego has long been one of my favorite spots for cruising around being a slut. All types of guys there, perpetually nice weather, just one bathhouse but it's pretty decent, close proximity to camp pendleton as well as the mexican border (from both of which flow many fun things). And if you get bored you can go to the zoo and watch the gorillas bang.

  13. On 10/20/2023 at 6:30 AM, ErosWired said:

    whether I can fuck someone without putting them at risk - which is a huge issue for me. Unless I’m Untransmittable, I do not, will not, fuck anyone ever again.

    Then you should not fuck anyone ever again. Even if you reach the numbers (or lack of numbers) that render you untransmittable beyond doubt, those numbers are already outdated. They were good on the date the blood was tested. And you won't know again the next test. How can you be certain what they are on any date in between?

    Personally, I think they more reasonable approach is to disclose status, and then it's up to the other party how they wish to proceed. They can use a condom. They can use PreP. They can use Pep. They can ask that we skip anal and only do JO/oral. They can pass on having sex altogether.

    They have more options than ever before to protect themselves. Personal responsibility is a real thing.

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