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Posts posted by tonio

  1. Hello,

    I recently tried PrEP for the first time, on an on-demand basis (2-1-1 dosage).

    And it was just awful.

    It felt like I had the stomach of a 80-year-old.

    I couldn't drink, even one beer. And even if I took the pills with a meal, I experienced pretty nasty stomach discomfort.

    What's the point of being immune to HIV if you can't even enjoy to party and play?

    So I stopped the medication, and quickly recovered (about 2 days after stopping medication).

    Now I am talking about alternative options with my physician (maybe going for a 1-1-1-1-1 dosage to decrease side effects).

    Anyone else experienced stomach issues linked to on-demand PrEP?

  2. 22 minutes ago, Bimarried001 said:

    To me that’s like a weed smoker voting for a candidate that is running on banning weed. 

    You are entitled to your own opinion, but I humbly believe this is slightly exaggerated. In fact, some staunch Republican supporters are gay, like Peter Thiel or Scott Presler. Being LGBT+ doesn't require us to be woke advocates or to support a specific political agenda, especially in the free West. This is not Russia or Saudi Arabia.

    I voted for Clinton in 2016, and did not vote in 2020 btw (liked Trump foreign policy but at the same time didn't want to vote for him). But the problem with the current Dems is that their aim is not to DO GOOD THINGS, but to APPEAR AS THE GOOD ONES. And that I cannot stand, especially after the Biden-sponsored genocide in the Middle East: at this precise moment, for the first time of my life, a vote for Trump wasn't out of the table. So yeah, having mean tweets in exchange of world peace and prosperity seems like not that bad of a deal honestly.  Just my two cents, not gonna dwell on this topic, this is my final message.


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  3. On 2/27/2023 at 7:29 AM, Poz50something said:

    OK first of all, you're saying that circumcision prevents HIV - so why then, in the years before tritherapy did so many of our friends and so many porn stars die of AIDS? It's anecdotal, but a large majority of the US porn actors of the '70s were circumcised, and many of them aren't alive because they died of AIDS. If circumcision prevents HIV, why the high rates of HIV/AIDS among msm? You indicated that "its limitations are substantial".....follow your own logic.

    Because most gay/bi guys aren't total tops.

    Circumcision only protects total tops, and said protection is incomplete (about 60%).

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, 50latinos said:

    I am glad to be able to say I don't know any and can't imagine any reason why any LGBTQ person would do such a thing.

    That's a perfectly understandable statement. But believe me, we exist (lol). This is not a political website so I am not going to elaborate on "why", but it's interesting to see that even here, we find some diversity in that regard. 

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  5. Hi again,

    So here is my final strategy to avoid HIV/most STDs. Maybe it could inspire some of us here:

    - Lube

    - Vaccines against hepatitis A/B + HPV + mpox + meningitis B (the Bexsero meningitis B vaccine offers a 50% protection against gono) + normal vaccines from calendar

    - Circumcision

    - Avoiding high-risk behavior (e.g.: no receptive anal whatsoever as I am a total top). Because hepatitis C is easily transmitted this way and there is no vaccine against it (curable but a pain in the ass)

    - PrEP on demand (on vacation as I only bareback on vacation) + DoxyPEP + full testing (STDs, kidneys, liver) twice a year


    I will keep you updated on this thread in case I still catch something despite this comprehensive strategy.

  6. 7 hours ago, rawfuckr said:

    In my risk calculations I had put "getting hep C" as a far far far possibility. "it's a thing for people who inject drugs mostly and the fisters" I thought 

    But here I am. Diagnosed with hep C and brutal viral load of 20milion/ml, and my liver markers (alt) off the measurable range for the tests

    If something is certain is that I know 100% sure I got this from getting bred. I don't do drugs nor fist. Just normal fucking. So it's the only vector that makes sense. 

    I feel stupid for having caught it. Always thought of hep C as an impossible possibility. I was clearly wrong. 

    There's supposed to be a treatment for me, but even that seems complicated. Will insurance pay? Epclusa is 75k, mavyret 30k...

    I'm scared and now I may  have to  live with hep c  due to my stupidity ....

    If you bottom bareback, you're at risk for hep C. Period. Unfortunately there is no vaccine yet but the current treatments make it curable in about 8 weeks time.

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  7. [think before following links] https://www.nbcnews.com/health/sexual-health/gonorrhea-treatment-new-antibiotic-shows-promise-drug-resistant-infect-rcna123390

    New antibiotic shows promise for drug-resistant gonorrhea

    “Zoliflodacin gives us a new tool in the treatment of gonorrhea, and if used wisely, a barrier against the further spread of resistant infections,” said Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, an infectious disease expert at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, who was not involved in the trial.

    The antibiotic, which would be the first new gonorrhea treatment approved in decades, could make it to market by 2025.

    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, Spunkinmyarse said:

    Gonorrhea will be your biggest enemy- DoxyPEP is not very effective against it. But you’ll just have to deal with it as and when it appears- at least as a top, you’ll probably know when you’ve got it. But you should still get tested regularly.

    They say that peeing after sex helps, but I’m not sure if there is any evidence for that.

    Spot on. According to clinical data, DoxyPEP reduces odds of syphilis and chlamydia by about 90%, but only by 50% or so for gonorrhea. 

    Gonorrhea is no fun, but a new oral antibiotic against drug-resistant gono has been found:  [think before following links] https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/10/health/gonorrhea-treatment-zoliflodacin.html No need to get a sting up your ass like with current treatments.

    Moreover, therapeutic HPV/herpes vaccines are currently prepared and should be released in 2025 or so.

    Finally, as I am a circumcised total top, my risk for HIV and genital herpes are already lowered by 40-60% (but with PrEP, HIV is nothing to worry about anyway).

  9. Hello,

    I am a circumcised total top who barebacks girls and ladyboys.

    What do you think of my long term strategy to avoid HIV/STIs?

    1) Circumcision

    2) PrEP

    3) DoxyPEP

    4) Vaccination against hepatitis A/B

    5) No receptive anal sex or anal foreplay whatsoever/No oral sex as a giver


    In your opinion, what's the worst case scenario in term of diseases if I bareback according to the above strategy? Thanks

  10. On 1/19/2023 at 9:36 AM, Ben said:

    I’m a total top and don’t want to get infected, but I think my risk tolerance is relatively high. I never wear a condom and don’t plan to.

    Your risk is pretty high if uncircumcised. If you really want NOT to get infected, at the very least, get circumcised, and for more safety, if you don't want to use condoms and lube even if circumcised, get on PrEP. 

  11. On 1/18/2023 at 10:28 PM, BootmanLA said:

    This is generally true, except the part about the herpes vaccine (HSV). While the HSV shots show *some* protection against infection, they do not offer complete protection, and once contracted, herpes is *not* a curable STI.

    See, for instance, [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/treatment.htm

    That's not to discourage this course of action, but as you note, it's a "safer" way to have bareback sex, not a "guaranteed safe" way.

    I was talking about the HSV-1 disease, not HSV shots.

    Once you get HSV-1, you get partial protection from HSV-2. Circumcision also helps reducing the odds of contracting HSV-2. But as you mentioned, it does not eliminate the risk of catching HSV-2, it only reduces it.

  12. I feel like if you don't use condoms + lube, the only safer way to have bareback sex is to:

    - Get the hepatitis A/B vaccines

    - Get the HPV vaccine

    - Get the monkeypox vacine

    - Get the Meningitis B vaccine (40% cross-protection for gonorrhea)

    - Get at least HSV-1 AND be circumcised (about 40% cross-protection for HSV-2)

    Only then, you can get safely on Prep and will be fine (other STDs are curable).

  13. 21 hours ago, viking8x6 said:

    It certainly would be. But the drugs have a similar efficacy, and are AVAILABLE NOW, which a vaccine is not.

    There's a big difference between 0.01% per event and "almost impossible".  For example, your odds of dying in a natural disaster this year are well under 0.01% (unless you live in a small island off the coast of Florida). That may be negligible, but it's certainly not impossible. And the 0.01% is per event, so if you have a lot of sex, it does add up.

    You're being quite sensible in seeking out the best information you can find on the risks. You have an approach that works for you. Excellent! You do you. Don't argue with the other people here who have a different assessment of the risks and benefits here. They're making decisions for themselves. And don't forget that if you're constantly worrying about HIV or other STDs, it will probably detract from your enjoyment of sex.

    Yeah I perfectly understand your point. Some people, especially barebackers, use PrEP in order to be protected and Im totally cool with it.

    It's just that I humbly think that cut total tops can rely on lubricated condoms instead of using PrEP. This way, they'll be protected against HIV but also against syphilis.

  14. 28 minutes ago, analluv27 said:

    With oral sex chances of catching HIV is extremely low but there’s always a chance , a  perfect storm of  getting blown by someone who’s positive unbeknownst to them with a high viral load happens to have cut or open sore in the mouth breaks the skin on your dick while sucking you. Could possibly lead to you getting infected 

    There are simply NO documented cases of guys getting HIV after receiving a blowjob. It never happens. 

    It seems like the only tangible risk with blowjobs is when someone gives a blowjob and the HIV+ guy cums in the HIV- mouth.

  15. 1 hour ago, vladkor said:

    All if that sounds like you are worrying too much, as long as you use protection the way its meant to be used, you should be fine in most circumstances, but i have a question, why did you not use protection this time? I mean, sounds silly, but if you didn't use it this time, you will probably not use it again down the line

    Simply because I did not carry condoms. Now I know that some sex workers don't always have condoms, and as a result I always carry at least 4/5 condoms plus a bottle of lube in my pocket. That bad experience made me become a real condom nazi. So no... I'll always use lubricated condoms from now on. 

  16. 16 hours ago, Mcv69 said:

    Why do you not just use PrEp like any normal person would, PrEp is basically a miracle drug it’s almost 100% affective if you take it daily and has zero side effects, if you don’t want to worry about making mistakes just take it, it also encourages you to test regularly and get checked every 3 months. 

    The problem with that is that if you take PrEP you automatically fall upon the "receptive anal sex" category, at least in the eyes of your doctor.

    Plus, a cut total top who always uses lubricated condoms does not need to be tested every 3 months...

    I have a general feeling that for this category of sexually active people, PrEP is overkill.

  17. 21 hours ago, Spunkinmyarse said:

    Ha- I think there are plenty of ‘total tops’ who might disagree with you on this one… that’s certainly been my experience, anyway.

    And as far as any future vaccine is concerned, one thing we’ve all learned in recent years (what with COVID, monkeypox, etc.) is that no vaccine provides 100 percent protection. Truth is, I’d be surprised if they come up with one that is more effective at preventing HIV infection than is currently the case with PrEP, so no need to wait till 2030…

    A vaccine, even if it's let's say, 90% effective, would be enough to reduce the risks from "very low" to "virtually impossible", at least for cut total tops.


    Maybe for bottoms the risk would still be substantial (i.e from 3% risk, a vaccine would lower it to 0.3%), but for cut total tops the risk is already 0.11% only, so a vaccine would further reduce these odds to 0.01% or so, that is, ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO GET INFECTED.


    In my book, a three-dose vaccine which lasts a lifetime (like the hepatitis B vaccine) is WAY BETTER than drugs that have to be taken everyday and are potentially harmful/toxic.


    So no, I am not a fan of PrEP, nor I will be. I'll stick to water-based lubricants and skyn non-latex condoms, at least until a viable vaccine is released. 

  18. 14 hours ago, fuckholedc said:

    I have heard of people who claimed that but I haven't personally known any.

    As for the chances of contracting HIV from a single exposure: the CDC says 1 chance out of 909 - so the probability is  0.11%.

    [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://hivrisk.cdc.gov/about-the-data/

    Thats funny though... according to this website, receptive anal sex WITH a condom is still 4 TIMES MORE DANGEROUS than insertive anal sex WITHOUT a condom.

    No wonder why in the western world it's mostly receptive sex which allowed for the transmission of the virus.

  19. 20 hours ago, Bimarried001 said:

    It sounds to me like you want a reason to take risk. 
    it’s very simple. Fuck raw you take a risk. Even if it’s low. 

    I really don't. This was a one-time mistake. Believe it or not, uncurable diseases are not what most people want, even on that website.

    Lube and condoms are a must for tops. Lube, condoms AND PrEP are a must for bottoms. That's as simple as that.

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