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Everything posted by BareFF

  1. Poppers
  2. I was diagnosed poz in 1998 at the age of 23. My partner and I were in our honeymoon and went to the test after 3 months being together. His test result was negative, mine not. Although I am now proudly poz, that time the AIDS epidemic was still a short time ago and the HAART was quite new, with many side effects and complicated medication regimen, a ton of pills, cooling necessary for some and so on. Fortunately nature gifted me with a quite special immune system: for twenty years, I lived without pills. Viral load oscillated between 60 and 120 copies per ml, CD4 stable at 750. My doctors were all fascinated, my HIV specialist was totally supportive and an amazing doctor in general, one of the best I ever worked with. He respected my decision to not take pills until necessary. At my 20th poz birthday in summer 2018 I started treatment after my blood results slightly deteriorated and I felt that my body has to work harder to get rid of everyday infections like a cold or so. I take one pill every day with no side effects whatsoever. Now I am close to 50 and I am happy to have spared my body from 20 years of accumulated long term damage without facing damaging effects of the virus. But the immune system is aging faster without treatment, and I am convinced, that I started the treatment at the absolute perfect time. I have moved away from the city with the said gorgeous doctor, but now I have found a likewise great specialist and I am in most trustworthy hands again. Regular blood control is essential, there's no sense in busting one's head in the sand. But if you're in a stable condition, use your freedom to choose your own way.
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