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Everything posted by xtc303den

  1. The short answer is that poppers give you a quick "rush", but the stuff out there these days ranges from "mediocre" to "totally sucks!" The long story is that poppers used to be (and still are) available with a prescription. They're used to treat a heart condition called "angina". They're a vasodilator, meaning they dilate your blood vessels by relaxing muscles in the arterial walls, which relieves the pain from angina. It also causes a "rush" and lowers inhibitions. But what makes poppers especially appealing to gay men is the sudden relaxation of one muscle in particular: the sphincter. A good hit of poppers at just the right moment, can open up the most tightly clenched hole to the point that it virtually begs for a cock the size of Antonio Biaggi's beautiful fuckclub. The "original" poppers were made of Amyl Nitrite. A small amount of Amyl Nitrite was stored in a little glass vile, about the size of peanut shell, that was sealed on both ends and wrapped in cloth mesh. To use them, you would take the cloth-covered vile and literally break, snap or "POP" the glass vile (thus the name "poppers") and let the Amyl soak the cloth mesh, and then inhale "thru" the cloth mesh. In the 60's people (ie Gay Men) started using poppers recreationaly, so the government started regulating them, making it illegal to sell Amyl Nitrite without a prescription. It was around this time that poppers started coming in little brown bottles. When Amyl Nitrite became illegal, manufacturers started making BUTYL Nitrite, which had almost the EXACT same effect as Amyl Nitrite, but was still legal. That lasted a few years, until Butyl Nitrite became illegal too. So they changed the formula to ISOBUTYL nitrite, then ISOPROPOL nitrite, then ISOHEXYL nitrite, and so on. Each time the effects changed and/or lessened, until we were left with the crap that's out there now, CYCLOHEXYL nitrite and ISOPENTYL nitrite, which do NOTHING, compared to Amyl Nitrite. Even before each "formula" became illegal, it was illegal to sell poppers as "poppers". That's why they're often labeled as "room odorizer" or "video head cleaner" or "nail polish remover". In the 80's, many people thought poppers either caused or contributed to HIV infection, since almost everyone who tested positive for HIV also used poppers. Finally, a couple of years ago, popper-lovers were dealt a double blow. The government instituted some of the strictest laws regarding "nitrites" used as inhalants, and at the same time, the owner of the primary US popper manufacturer died, leaving specific instructions that his company NOT continue after his death. Since then, anything even close to decent poppers has been next to impossible to find. And yet there's hope! A number of sites have popped up online (sorry for the pun). A fantastic resource is a blog by "Poppers Dude" at www.poppersplace.org. He's got TONS of information and several recommendations for where to buy good poppers. My personal favorite sources are www.USPopShop.com and www.OldBrownBottles.com. I've made several orders from both sites and I've never been disappointed.
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