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Posts posted by prettyboyindy

  1. Even in big Midwestern cities, driving an hour in any direction will land you in the middle of nowhere. You'll see a lot of corn, soybeans, windmills, grain silos, etc. You also see a lot of abandoned houses—barns, mostly, but buildings that look like they haven't been repaired or even lived in for decades. They look scary, right? Like people might've been killed in there. When I used to pick college boys up from campus and tell them I was driving them to one of those houses, they looked scared. They'd say: "damn, that's pretty far away. Are you like a serial killer or something?" with a little nervous giggle. But every time I showed them the pic of my rotting old two-story house, miles away from any law enforcement, their holes twitched. You can smell a faggot out by how much they love the idea of going missing.

    College is tough. Most of these boys are coming from places that didn't give them a lot of chances to fuck in a normal way. That meant they watched a lot of porn, and got desensitized to danger real fast. I'm 58 myself. It wasn't tough pulling millennials—I look like fucking incarnate—but Gen Z had access to hardcore bareback porn, on-demand, whenever they wanted it. The ones who slept through sex-ed and safety talks because they were bored. It was a shooting gallery.

    I was so good I started monetizing it. I work construction in the college town, which means I get a great view of all the young men coming and going. I was sweaty, and worked long, so I got a lot of stares. I made a note to follow them back to their dorms and slip a little piece of paper under the door. I called it "Faggot Rumspringa." It's an Amish thing. They send new adults out into the real world—the world of fucking, getting high, etc.—and if they like it, they stay. I flipped it the other way. I started offering three days in my house to live out the wildest, nastiest, freakiest fantasies they had. If they tired out and realized pig life wasn't for them, they got driven back. I made $1000 a pop off these boys. It was a private school. They could afford it.

    If they didn't tire out, they stayed. Indefinitely. Sometimes I'd leave them in a room and realize I couldn't feed them anymore. I spend most of my money on my business and my lifestyle, so I don't have a lot left over to feed the faggots. I'd drop 'em off in the woods for a laugh, or offer a weekend with the good ones to buddies deeper in the country. I left one in the dump outside his dorm with a 12" dildo up his ass. Over the last year, I'd had about 45 clients, and only about 5 of them stayed. 4 I got bored of after a week. 

    There was one, though. One that never seemed to come back. If you watch local news in my city, you've heard about the case, so I won't use names. He was gorgeous. 19, swimmer, long blonde hair. This one paid $1500 in advance with a cute little smile, and as soon as he got in the car he dropped his shorts and showed me the widest, most gaping hole I'd ever seen on an under-21 in my life. I started going 110. 

    When we got inside I went straight for the bathroom, and he followed me on his knees and drank up all sixty seconds worth of my piss. Then he begged me to step on his face before I even took my socks off. By the time I was fucking him he started begging me for a baby. I think he said "breed me" a hundred times a minute. 

    He was into everything. He ate my ass like it was oxygen. He let me use him as furniture. He took both my hands in his hole and squirted everywhere taking them. He drank his own piss and called me his Dad's name. Twisted stuff, but he never bored me. 

    When his three days as a pig were up, I put the question to him. He said yes as soon as he could.

    "I was kind of planning on you reaching out to me, actually, but I don't know how you found me," he said. "I've wanted this for so long."

    "You know about me?"

    "Someone told me about you. I think you're the love of my life. I want to be your little cock-sleeve forever and ever and ever Daddy. I'd put a ring around your cock if it would fit." It wouldn't. I can go deep enough to put you in the hospital just by cumming. "And I have a surprise for you. Do you get cable?"


    "I did something really naughty." This surprised me. I felt like I was on the defensive.

    "What, faggot? What'd you do?"

    "I made missing posters of myself and put them up all over the whole town. So now you can't drive me back for a long, long time because so many people will be looking for you."


    "I won't be like the others. I know better. I'll be here for a long, long, long time. You won't get bored of me. I promise."

    "You—" I was shocked, but a little flattered. I wanted to tear his god-damn head off his neck, but I wanted to fuck it first. He read my mind, dropped straight to his knees, pulled the sweats off my half-thick cock, and took every inch straight down to his stomach. He put two fingers up my ass and drank a load that I thought would choke him. He pulled his head back and smiled. He was a cute faggot, for now.

    "Alright," I said. "You'll get what you wished for."

    "They all did..."

    "What?" I was hoping he didn't know. I had a little secret I never bothered mentioning to any of my other sleeves.

    "Because you left a part of yourself with them forever, didn't you?"

    "You bet your ass I did," I said. He was stroking my cock with the palm of his hand, and I was getting harder already.

    "And now you gave me the same gift," he said, kissing the tip. "You pozzed me, Daddy..." I was hard as brick.

    "How'd you know, boy?"

    "Because the one who told me about you was my Dad... You did this to him twenty years ago, and he was disgusted with himself for the rest of his life. He got pozzed too and tried to keep it from us. I found a Polaroid he took of you, and when I saw you on campus leering at all my friends I put the pieces together. I won't make his mistake." He started kissing the tip again.He was right. I was starting to remember his father pretty well. He seemed pretty shaken. I heard from one of his buddies that he joined campus ministry. I was only thirty-nine then. There was a bit of a resemblance. But this kid wasn't his father's son. He had the soul of a pig, and had probably been in the closet so long that he couldn't go back.

    "Yeah. I gave you the gift. And your Dad. And the whole fuckin campus. And you look real fuckin' good in that missing poster." I turned him around and marched him to the fields. I bent him over and fucked him outside, in the daylight, standing up. He hadn't seen sunlight this whole time. 

    "I'm never leaving..."

    "You're god-damn right, boy."

    They should've paid more attention in sex-ed. Too late, especially for the boy. His tongue is up my sweaty hole as I write this. He hasn't tired out this whole six months. Let's see how another six years does him. 






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  2. He was 54, I was 19—

    I was with my boyfriend at the time, who had no idea I would get up to this shit. I met a genuinely fucked-up, borderline evil [banned word] on Sniffies. He picked me up from my parents' place around 12:30 in the morning, forced an energy drink into me, then took me to his place. I drank his piss from the tap. He raped me after—still have conflicting feelings about it. Said "no!" pretty insistently but he insisted it'd feel good soon. I ended up riding him and putting my tongue up his ass. I passed out at some point and he drove me back to my parents' place. He used meth a lot and kept trying to kiss me, but his teeth were yellow-y and rotten. He kept talking about how proud he was of his grandkid for graduating high school. Once I snuck back into my bedroom I fingered his cum out of my ass and tasted it. 

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  3. Chapter 2


    The clerk didn't give it a second thought that me and my "son" were tongue-fucking when we checked in. I carried him into Room 66 bridal-style and got my big, sweaty cock inside him before I'd gotten him on the bed. He was screaming loud. Loud. 

    "Dad, fuck! Fuck! DAD! DAD!"

    "I'm not your Dad, babyboy," I said. He got an evil smirk and took his phone out from his waistband. He opened FaceTime, pushed a button, and handed it to me.

    He was calling his Dad. His actual, real birth father. I didn't stop.

    "You okay?" said the fuzzy voice from the phone. He didn't know what was going on. It was dark and late; how would he?

    "Dad..." said the boy. "I have a new Dad. He's fucking me. He's fucking my hole so good."

    "What the fuck?"

    "Look," he said, taking the phone from me. That was the moment I knew this boy was special. He flipped it towards me.

    "Private school, SAT tutoring, bribing the Harvard Board of Admissions, bribing Him... Did you know what you were really paying? Why don't you tell him, new Dad?"

    "Adoption fee, buddy," I said. I hilted him. I could've sworn I felt a womb in his guts, but it could just as easily have been his windpipe. "You don't have what it takes to be this boy's Dad. You tried your best."

    "Ask him what the tattoo means, Dad," he said, pointing it at my biohazard tattoo. I couldn't believe this little slut's audacity.

    "What?" He couldn't believe any of what was happening.

    "Sorry, dude," I said. "Means I'm HIV-positive. Your son—" 

    Even though he was still squealing on my cock, he managed to speak up.

    "He's gonna give me the bug, he's gonna give me the bug, he's gonna give me the bug, he's gonna give me FUCKING HIV Dad. Fuck you! Look what it all amounted to, watch New Dad rape my fucking pussy to death, watch, watch, watch..." I heard his Dad crying softly and call him by name before he hung up. I looked down at his tiny body. I'd already done a number on him. The sweat was dripping off the bed and I'd already fucked him so hard one of the slats underneath us had broke. He turned around to look at me.

    "We have his consent. Rape me anyway."

    As soon as he said that word—rape—I knew.

    I knew this would be the one I didn't have to control myself with. The front part of my brain started to feel fuzzy. Here's what I remember:


    I remember I lifted him up by his wrists and carried him into the bathroom with me. I held him upside down and made him drink the piss out of my cock.

    "Poz piss. Yeah, I know how good it tastes," I said, and I meant it. I knew the boy was in Heaven. I carried him back onto our bed by his hole. "Poz cum is a lot tastier," I said. 

    "Dad..." he said. The booze might've been kicking in. I didn't care.

    "Son," I said, and impaled his hole on my cock.

    He didn't know it, but that was it. He'd become an adult 24 hours ago, but that was the very last moment he could've turned back. Before...


    It goes without saying that I came a few times. I didn't have any illusions about what would happen to his immune system. I was thorough, too. I remember getting a fist in there with my cock. I did a real number on my kid, and I was proud. He was a mumbling, dripping mess by the end. An HIV+ mess. He would wake up in the afternoon and come to his senses. Just like the others. I have that effect on younger men, I suppose.


    I got a number out of my wallet and called it. Harvey picked up immediately.


    "How old is this one?" he asked. I only called him for one thing these days.


    "He's 18, probably. Do your own research, and whatever else." 


    He showed up in his RV 20 minutes later. The kid was half-conscious at best. Harvey was 5'6", 110 lbs., and the kind of man families switched tables to get away from. He had a biohazard tattoo the size of a dinner plate on his chest. Anyone who looked him up on Google would've thrown up when they read what they charged him with. He couldn't live within two miles of elementary, middle, or high schools.


    And at 5:30 A.M. he became the kid's legal guardian and drove away with him in his trunk. I didn't gag him, but he was half-asleep. As we lowered him in, tied up to the point of helplessness, used like a fleshlight, he looked up at me with those doe eyes again.

    "Dih yuh poz meh?" he said. I may have made him drink a little more.

    "Yes, boy," I said, my hand covering his mouth. "Just like you wanted."

    I opened Facebook. I wanted to rub in how dumb he was. 

    "You thought this was just a dumb little fantasy?" I asked. I went to his twin brother's page. He was visibly questioning his sexuality. He was hot—clearly very shy from the profile. The kid's eyes widened and rolled back. Harvey's hand was on the trunk.

    "He's got six months. Drive safe, faggot," I said, and his tiny cock started spurting cum as Harvey slammed the trunk on him.

    "Any restrictions on this one?" he asked.

    "Hook him on whatever you want, but I wanna see him again. Dump him on the streets after you're done, I don't care how long it takes. He is your son, after all." 

    I watched him drive off that morning and filed the "adoption" paperwork that afternoon. Harvey was his legal guardian, now. The family was too embarrassed to ask questions. His friends from the high school GSA and Discord knew I was the last one to see him alive and were too afraid to say anything. And his twin brother? If you were watching the news at all in 2021, you saw how he ended up. What a shame. 

    Four Years Later

    I didn't see the kid again until after I was promoted. The cops didn't look into his brother much at all, which was disheartening. I was walking to the subway station when I saw him. 

    He was twenty pounds leaner, half-naked, and begging for change. He had a dazed, far-away look in his eyes, and he was wasting. He had three biohazard tattoos and a brand on his lower abdomen that said "HARVEY". 

    "Got anything to spare?" he asked. His eyes widened when he saw that it was me. I think he was expecting me to have suffered, too. He must've felt so helpless seeing me even more successful despite what he'd been through. And knowing Harvey, he'd been through a lot.


    A lot.


    So I took a hundred bucks out of my wallet, but I didn't give it to him. I rolled my sleeve up till he could see the tattoo that changed his life.


    "You'd be on stage at Harvard right now if not for this tattoo," I said. "Your Dad isn't a very good person. Crawl to me on your knees."


    He obeyed. I got hard reflexively, despite the new husband. I missed this.


    "Pucker up and kiss the cock that ruined you. Kiss it like the woman you never got to marry, fag. Kiss this poz cock like it was your prom date." 


    He came instantly. He scooted his skinny, weak knees toward my suit-pants. I knew I had to avoid embarrassment somehow, so I picked him up and hauled him on my shoulder. I carried him up out of the train station and into the passenger seat of my car.


    "That was your real last chance, faggot. I hope you know that. You could've gone to rehab and asked birth-Dad for money and written a memoir or some shit." I unzipped my pants. My cock had the effect it always had. "You made your choice."


    The doors locked. The little fag moaned. He knew he wasn't ever going to have that future, or any future. He was a poz slut, now and forever.


    "Rape me, sir," he said, three of my fingers already in his gaping hole. Harvey did a number on him. "Please. Rape me like you raped my brother."


    "How's that?"


    He grinned. "To death," he said. I put a vial of poppers up to his nose and he huffed it like oxygen.


    I hit the gas. A man on the radio said the age requirements for unpaid internships had been lowered, and I started formatting a Linkedin post. 

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  4. Prey animals evolve to avoid detection and predation. Predators evolve to hunt prey. The outcome of this evolution is that a prey animal knows a predator when he sees one, and vice versa. Any encounter that one picks with the other is voluntary, even if it's destructive.

    He knew I was a predator. I met him for the first time on my 54th birthday. I wasn't normally a birthday guy, but this one felt special for some reason. He was a new intern at the firm on summer break. It was the boy's second day, but he'd already looked up all the higher-ups' birthdays on Facebook. Boy wanted to make authority figures feel respected. He came too late to get to know me very well, so his gift was shitty. He looked up at me with his big, brown doe eyes and said, "Happy birthday, sir! I got you this fancy pen. I'm sorry my present wasn't better. Let me know if I can make it up to you!"

    I looked down at him and let my eyes speak my mind. The boy never followed dress code: his pants were too tight and his shirts were too large. He had long, soft hair and near-perfect complexion. He was about a foot shorter than me. His smile was beautiful, but it seemed to hide a certain wickedness.

    "I'm not a pen guy," I said. "Make it up to me."

    His face, which looked hurt at first, suddenly contorted into an empty, lustful gaze. He looked down at the bulge I'd never made an effort to hide.

    "Look at me, new boy. Can't misbehave on your second day." I put my hand on his cheek and stroked it. He was soft as butter.

    "I'm sorry, sir," he whispered.

    "You're gonna make it up to me, right?"

    "Yes, sir." 

    "Good boy. You'll do just fine here. I'm gonna take you out to a drink tonight, okay? I like to get to know my new interns intimately."

    He blushed. Adorable.

    "Sir, I'm not 21..."

    "You have a fake?"

    He nodded his head.

    "I'm picking you up at your parents' place tonight after dark. Stay up til 1. I'm taking you straight to the bar."

    I did. I spent that Friday evening at the bathhouse. I got a lot of mileage out of it being birthday. Nobody was scared to take my loads that night. I'd lied and told them I was back on my meds.

    I got back to my place at 12:30. I rifled through my dirty laundry. I wanted to smell overpowering. I settled on a sweaty wife-beater I put on for the gym, the undies I'd had on at the bathhouse, and a pair of Levi's. I drove over to his place and texted him. The house lights were off, so his parents were asleep. He walked out nervously and sat in my passenger seat. He looked tired. 

    "You're gonna love this place," I said. 

    I took him to the Brothers' in Broadripple and poured long island iced teas into him until I could tell he wasn't gonna be coy anymore. I knew he was prey since I laid eyes on him, but it shocked me how willing he was to be hunted. After his second, he looked down on my arm until his eyes reached the biohazard tattoo on my forearm. He smiled shamelessly. He reached out and touched it, saying, "I heard men with tattoos like this were dangerous."

    I grinned. I don't know how, but the boy had already been corrupted. It felt pointless to go through the process of breaking him. He'd already been corrupted. But if he thought other doms pushed him before, he had no idea what was in store for him tonight.

    "That's right, baby. Where'd you learn that?"

    He hesitated and stuttered.

    "Um... on Twitter, I think."

    "You know what this tattoo means, don't you?" The waitress brought him a tequila shot I ordered while he was distracted.

    "I know what your tattoo means." he was stroking my tattoo, now.

    "Good boy. Tell Daddy what it means."

    "It means you're poz."

    "Good boy," I said. "Does that intimidate you?"

    He shook his head. 

    "How old are you, boy?"

    He leaned forward and whispered, "I'm 18, sir. You weren't the only one with a birthday today."

    I pulled his hand away from my tattoo and onto my thigh. My cock was getting hard very slowly.

    "That means I'm legal, sir. I want a birthday gift, too."

    He reached his hand onto my cock. I could tell by his face that he was surprised—pleasantly—by how big it was. 

    "A gift I can keep with me forever."

    He was drunk. I bet he was watching poz play videos all afternoon, and the liquor brought it out of him. He clearly hadn't thought this through. He was horny and trying to live out a dangerous, self-destructive fantasy. I let him.

    "I don't have any condoms," I said. He looked worried, like he was having a crisis of conscience. I bought him another tequila shot and his mood improved.

    "But you're mature enough to pull out. Aren't you?" he was still worried, but if he was offering himself an out, I wouldn't accept it. He needed to know what I had planned for him.

    "I'm not gonna pull out," I said. He moaned. I couldn't believe this kid. "You know I'm poz. You know I'm twice as big as you. I bet you stumbled on poz porn for the first time a little bit ago. You have a voice inside your head urging you to have sleazy, illicit, dangerous sex. You're addicted to the thought of your guts being flooded by a diseased pervert. Is that right?"

    He brought my tattoo up to his mouth and kissed it, letting a little spit linger between his tongue and my arm.

    "That's right."

    "It'll never go away. Never. You're gonna watch dozens of verbal poz play videos every day until you give in. Tease guys into raping you. Soon the idea of a guy being neg is gonna turn you off, make him seem like he's not a man." I stood up. "This is forever. Once you're poz, you're poz. If my dick is in your guts, it's because I'm gonna flood them. I'm not pulling out. There's no guarantee I'll infect you, so if this is what you really want, you need to know it's a commitment I won't stop breeding you until you're mine. You're drunk, and you'll hate yourself in the morning for choosing this, so think it over. But once I breed you, I own you."

    I knew what he was gonna choose, but he might never be able to forgive himself. Fine by me. I walked to the bathroom to piss. I had a lot of beer. 10 seconds in, the boy had made up his mind.

    He walked into the bathroom, dropped to his knees between me and the toilet, and aimed my piss into his mouth. He drank it for maybe 45 whole seconds, tapping the tip of my cock against his tongue and sucking the rest out of the slit. I was hard as a rock. His hand looked so tiny cupped around my balls. He licked as much piss off the urinal as he could.

    In that moment, I realized why I loved being 54. 

    I was exactly three times as old as my preferred prey.

    I picked him up to his feet by the throat and carried him to the window. I forced it open, dumped him outside, and hopped out. I carried him over my shoulder, my big, strong hand on his soft ass the whole time. I put him in the back seat of the Cadillac and locked the doors. He looked scared, but his dick was stiff in his shorts.

    "No going back now, boy," I said. He almost looked like he regretted it, but he didn't fight back at all.

    I started to drive us to the nearest motel. If he knew what I had in store for him, he would've avoided me like so many other employees tried to. But this young piece of meat acted like he craved to be turned into a whore, and I was going to do it whether he really wanted to or not. 

    "You got fifteen minutes until I turn that boypussy inside out for hours with my fat poz cock. Any last words, meat?"

    He looked like he was falling in love with me.

    "I wish I joined your firm two years ago..."

    "Happy birthday, boy," I said as I parked the car in front of a Red Roof Inn. "Get ready for your gift."





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  5. Conclusion

    I wasn't going to tell a soul. Earl was a violent, perverted, evil old psychopath, but I was devoted to his cock. If he'd proposed marriage I would've accepted just so he could abuse my hole with that fucking thing for the rest of my life. I don't understand how my boyfriend could've been so ungrateful for the gift he'd been given, but he was the one who ended up calling the cops.

    There wasn't a lot of evidence against him. It was hard to push the rape case through the court system (my testimony was quite different than his), but eventually they managed to stick him with a public indecency charge and gave him 2.5 years. I wondered how many of his other victims didn't testify, either. 

    I dropped out of school a week later. What was the point of going to college if you were destined to be a degenerate slut forever? I wanted to live for piggy sex. I didn't think there could be a better feeling in the world than having your guts resized by a sex offender who wants to use you as a sex toy. It gave me purpose.

    I visited him in prison after a year. I was still very much afraid of him: I knew he'd be furious at me for tempting him into it. I didn't know what to expect.

    "You got some fucking nerve coming here, boy," he said. "You the reason I'm in here."

    "Yeah," I said. "I wanted to schedule a conjugal visit with you. Would you do that with me?"

    He looked like he was going to reach through the glass and strangle me.

    "You insubordinate fucking faggot," he said. "You come to me a year after rapebaiting me back into prison so you can rapebait me again?"

    "The youngest guy here is probably still an old fuck next to me. You wouldn't pass up on teenage pussy, would you Earl honey?" I was pissing him off on purpose. It was easy to make him mad and easy to make him violent, and that's just how I wanted him.

    "Earl, I'm gonna tell the warden to book that visit now, okay?"

    He nodded his head.

    They let us rent a guarded room for a few nights. Earl showed up half-drunk on toilet wine.

    "You sent me to prison," he said. I spread my legs and showed him my shaved, bleached hole, with a new tattoo right above it. 

    "I did," I said. "Now send me to hell."

    He walked toward me fast. That big, disgusting cock was already hard. I felt the head of his cock kiss my hole.

    "If you thought I was rough on you last time, just wait. I'll show you how fucking pissed another year up the cut made me."

    He reached his arm around my throat and pulled my tiny, fragile body onto his cock.

    "Once I get out, I'm gonna rent a van and take you across the country. That teen mouth is gonna drink my piss on the road and drain my balls when I pull over at night. I know the meanest fags in the Midwest, and they're gonna turn your pussy inside out three at a time. Then, when you get too old or too loose for me, I'll beat you into a coma. Then you'll really be my toy. No thoughts, no needs, just a warm fucktoy I can use forever."

    When he said the word forever he pushed his dick into my prostate and my little cock started drooling cum instantly. He was right, too, except for one thing:

    His friends used me four at a time. 


    thank you all for reading! i hope i've made at least one of you horny enough to try this on me haha! this was fun, i'm glad you all enjoyed one of my fantasies too!! : )

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  6. Chapter 6

    Monday, 6:45 A.M.

    It feels weird to say it, but I could tell he liked me. I never got sold off or prostituted like his other "victims". Getting his dick hard was as easy as kissing him on the cheek. When I mentioned my boyfriend, he clearly got jealous and started fucking me even harder.

    He even let me sleep every now and again. Of course, he still fucked me while I was asleep, and more than once I woke up with a load or two dripping out of my throbbing hole. Once he told me he was poz, the last ounce of my resistance disappeared. There was no point in resisting. I was never going to have a normal romantic relationship again, and that turned me on more than I'd ever been turned on. I had no choice but to be a depraved slut.

    It was Monday morning when he took me back. He passed out at some point a few hours ago. I decided to wake him up by eating his ass. It was covered in sweat, so he tasted fucking amazing. I felt drunk off his musk (and all the booze he'd force-fed me).  I stopped licking his hole and started making out with it. I watched his flaccid cock get hard while I kissed his hole like I used to kiss my boyfriend.

    "Good morning, Sir," I said. It was time. The "vacation" I took over the weekend was ending, and I didn't want Earl to go back to jail. Plus, I couldn't help but wonder if he'd be true to his word and leave me on my boyfriend's front doorstep. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when his boyfriend came back to him covered in bruises, cum, sweat, and piss.

    He woke up.

    "Good morning, boy," he said. He grabbed my head and pulled my tongue deeper into his ass. I started tonguing his hole like a crazy person, refusing to come up for air and going as deep as I could. "Mmmmm, good boy," said Earl. "Choke on that fuckin' hole." I did as he told me. I don't think I could refuse him anymore. I would've done anything for him. "Kiss that ass like you wanna fuckin' marry it."

    "Yes sir," I tried to say. I could see his cock throbbing. I still couldn't believe how big he was. 

    "I'm gonna cum, boy," he said. "Tell me how old you are."

    "18," I said. "An 18 year old is eating your old ass out..."


    I leaned forward and whispered a lower number in his ear. A much lower number. It wasn't true, but I knew it was what he wanted to hear. I was right. That number was all it took to make his fat balls pulse huge ropes of cum out of the tip of his cock as he moaned uncontrollably.

    "Fuck!" he said. "You're gonna send Daddy back to prison, babyboy..."

    I bent down and licked the cum off his red sheets. I didn't want any of his disgusting, diseased cum to go to waste.  

    "It's time, boy."

    I was sad. I really, really didn't want to leave. He flipped over, got out of bed, and hoisted me onto his shoulders effortlessly. He carried me out of his room, the first time I'd been out in almost 3 days. He really had used me like a pocket pussy all weekend. 

    He kept carrying me until we were both outside. Both of us were fully naked. He must not have been afraid of being caught. He pulled his keys out and opened his trunk. After all this, I was really going in there? I still had some dignity. I made this old, rapist, HIV+ motherfucker cum dozens of times and I don't even get to ride in a seat?

    "Sir... I was thinking I could sit beside you while you drove me off," I asked.

    "Seats are for men. Objects go in the trunk." He dropped me in. He took a piece of rope from the trunk and tied my legs together, then a pair of handcuffs with some blood on them. I wasn't the first one to be here, and I knew I wouldn't be the last. "Try not to run out of air. Give me your boyfriend's address, now."

    I was his property and I knew it. Any dignity or pride I had as a human being melted out of me. I was a sex offender's property, and I couldn't have been happier.

    The words "126 Beauplaisir Drive" dripped out of my mouth like saliva.

    He slammed the trunk shut. I was tied up and cuffed in the dark. I felt the car start to move. I took a lot of damage on the ride to my sweet, young boyfriend's apartment. He lived in Noblesville, so it was a long drive. I felt myself running out of oxygen. At some point, I passed out. When I woke up, I was being put on some sort of ottoman or small table he'd had in the back seat. I was directly in front of my boyfriend's door.

    "He deserves to see what I turned you into," he said. "I want him to see me poz you." 

    I felt his head on the top of my hole. As he leaned forward, he pushed inside with no effort. I was a loose, gaping mess at this point. He knocked on the door.

    He was already fucking me as fast and hard as he could, like a fucking piston, when my 19 year old, short, beautiful, innocent boyfriend opened the door. He saw a man with a biohazard tattoo pumping the biggest cock he'd ever seen into his loving, loyal boyfriend.

    "Oh my God..." he said. I could see his tiny prick get stiff in his pants.

    "Honey..." I moaned to him. "He's raping me, baby. Watch his big Daddy dick fuck my ass better than you ever could. I'm sorry, honey, I'm his fleshlight now."

    I was barely even conscious at this point. I couldn't believe how depraved I'd become, but I loved it. I was breaking his pathetic heart in 2 and he couldn't do anything about it. He tried to shove Earl off me, but his tiny arms couldn't manage it. Earl pushed his dick deep in my guts to get close, then punched my boyfriend in his pretty blonde head. Earl picked me up in the palm of his hand, and walked into the apartment while he kept using my hole. He slammed the door before dropping me on top of my boyfriend on the floor.

    I moaned as he pumped his dick into my loose, knocked-up hole. 

    "I wanna breed him too," he said. He was gonna give my boyfriend AIDS, too? How many teens had he done this to?

    "I can't stop you," I said. I sat on my boyfriend's bruised face. Earl's pre dripped down my colon into his mouth. He wasn't strong enough to pull me off. I watched Earl position his cock onto the entrance of his tight hole. His tiny prick was rock hard. We both leaned forward and pressed our sloppy, spit-covered lips onto each other. We kissed like it was our wedding night. 

    "Beg," he demanded. I knew I'd have to say it out loud.

    "Poz my pathetic boyfriend," I said. "Ruin his hole. Ruin him like you ruined me. He lives alone. Nobody will know. You can do whatever you want to him. Anything."

    "You're such a good boy," he said. My boyfriend woke up. If it wasn't for my ass covering his face, he would've screamed.

    "Do you know what 'poz' means, boy?" he asked my boyfriend. He tried to shake his head no.

    "You're about to find out," Earl said. He pushed the head of his cock inside the boy I once called my future husband. I knew both my boyfriend and I were gonna be corrupted. I didn't know what Earl would end up doing to us, but I knew I'd love every second of it. 


    Thank you all for your support! It's crazy to see how many people love this concept. Feel free to DM me story ideas! :^)







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  7. Chapter 5


    He kept his promise. Earl didn't just use me as his sex toy, he used me as furniture. If he needed to cum, he bent me over and drained his balls deep in my ass. If he needed to piss (Earl drank a lot of beer), he grabbed my chin and forced my mouth open. If he wanted a seat, he always sat on my face. It was hypnotizing. The smell of sweat, musk, and sex around his hole made me light-headed. 

    He'd split me open. His fat cock had drilled me so many times, it stopped tightening. I would look at myself in the mirror and watch the cum leak out of my gaping, throbbing hole. He even came in and made me eat it off his fingers. I never imagined someone was could treat people so brutally. Knowing he had done it before turned me on even more.  His dick brainwashed me, and he could tell. He kept pushing boundaries.

    At one point, after he pulled the tip of his throbbing cock out of my ass, he lifted his arm up.

    "It's not big enough. I wanna fuck your hole up forever. I don't want you to take another dick without thinking about me."

    He spat on my hole again. He joined the fingers of his hand together and pushed even harder. I felt a warm, radiating pleasure go deeper and deeper inside me.

    "None of my cum leaks out of you. I'm pushing it all the way inside you, fag boy."

    I nodded my head in obedience. He saw how weak I was in that moment and took advantage of it.

    "Boy," he said in a growling voice as I felt his knuckles at least a foot deep in my guts. "Ask me what my tattoo means. My biohazard symbol."

    I had been wondering about that. I knew his dick was dangerous when I saw it, but I didn't think there was any deeper meaning that that.

    "Sir... what does your biohazard symbol mean?

    He grinned like the Devil and stared at me.

    "It means I'm going to fuck you up for life, kiddo. I'm gonna turn you into a whore forever. I'm going to give you the gift of freedom. You'll never be stuck with a limp-dicked boyfriend again, babyboy. You'll be a perverted slut like me for the rest of your life."

    I could feel his elbow on my ring. It felt like it was working its way into my brain.

    "I'm poz. I've been off my meds for ten years."

    I'd been in ecstasy before now, but I started to shudder. He had HIV? That horrible disease? The reason my boyfriend wore condoms? I thought about what he said more. A whore forever? I'd been his whore the whole day and I'd never felt so good...

    "You... came in me..."

    Was I gonna be like him? Would this make me his toy forever?

    "I did, babyboy," he said. "I'm working it deep in you right now. So there's no doubt. I'm gonna breed you, boy."

    I was paralyzed with fear and excitement. This was the peak of my degenerate urges. This was my ticket to a lifetime of satisfying my darkest desires. I would be in pure bliss, forever. My rapist, the sex offender who kidnapped and used me like a fleshlight for almost a full day, would be able to make me a whore for life.

    I couldn't resist. I wasn't strong enough.

    I reached my arms forward and grabbed his arms, pulling him closer.

    "Cum in me more, sir. You'll have more to work in with that big, strong arm of yours. Knock me up. Make me your evil young slut forever."

    His dick got hard in a second. He jumped on me, putting his hands around my throat and pulling my hole onto his cock. He didn't move his hips. He literally used me like a fleshlight.

    "Good boy," he whispered into my ear. He came ropes inside me twice in fifteen minutes, and then again on the couch after an hour.




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  8. Chapter 4

    Reality was setting in. This man was dangerous. He'd drugged me, fucked my throat, and now he was about to permanently damage my hole. I watched him stroke his fat, huge cock, some globs of my spit still hanging off the tip, and couldn't help but think about what he did to land him in prison in the first place. This guy wasn't just a rapist: he practically turned his victims inside-out. I had no safe word. My hole was basically as tight as it was when I was a virgin. If I didn't get out now, this man—this evil, disgusting man—was going to violate me for days.

    I could feel the heat of his cock just millimeters away from my tight, pink hole. I decided to make a run for it. I made it to the door. As soon as I turned the knob, I heard a clicking noise. Fuck. He'd locked the door. There was no way out.

    "Get your faggot cunt back on the bed now or I'll give you back to your family in pieces."

    I had no choice but to do what he said. I'd never seen anyone look that angry before. 

    "I've got you till Monday, meat. You do everything I say for the next three days or I'll be fucking your body instead. Say ''yes, sir'."

    "Yes, sir," I said obediently. He walked back to the bed, grabbed me by the legs, and pulled my ass up in the air over my head. He spat onto my hole powerfully and rubbed the head of his cock around the entrance. His feet were planted by my head. Fuck, they smelled so sweaty... I couldn't stop myself from thinking that he smelled like a man. The smell of his sweat and cum filled the room. My hole puckered—I couldn't help it. I couldn't think straight. 

    "Dirty boy," he said. "My dirty boy. This cock is going in you, now."

    I could feel a warmth trickling up my spine. My breath hitched in my throat, and my head felt fuzzy all of a sudden. He put the tip in slowly, clearly reveling in how afraid I was, and eased his cock into my guts. My boyfriend was only 3.5". When his cock went past that point, I noticed. I felt full. It felt like he was wearing me from the inside. I was his toy. "I'm gonna be Earl's fleshlight..." I thought. I moaned, loud. I wasn't thinking anymore. I was just a piece of meat.

    "You feel like a virgin," he said. "You got the tightest hole I've fucked since before they caught me. Daddy's gonna use this pretty boy pussy. Use you till my thick cum fills your guts."

    He put a hand on my back. I felt my hair prick up, responding to this monster's warmth. He was still sinking deeper into my hole. I could feel the heat off his huge balls radiating against my hips.

    "My cock sleeve."

    I was whining. I needed him to fuck me. I didn't care what my boyfriend thought. I didn't care what my parents thought. I didn't care about the fear of being ruined that still pulsed through me. I needed to be used like a toy. I wanted to be owned by him.

    "They tell you what I did to get locked up for so long?"


    "Say it."

    "You kept them, sir... you kept them as sex toys..."

    "Good boy," he said. "I drugged 'em up, tied them, and used them to empty my balls in until they were broken. I put them in my truck and sold their tight holes to my buddies when I got bored. And when their mouth and throat were too loose to be good anymore? I threw them in the fucking trash outside their families' place. I turned boys younger than you into broken fucking fleshlights with loose holes covered in my fucking piss, cum, and sweat. I do that to boys like you, and you still showed up to my house dressed like a faggot whore."

    He started to pull his cock back out. I could feel my hole gripping him tight as he pulled the weight of his hips off me. I could see his biohazard tattoo inch out of me. He was ready to use me like a piece of plastic. I felt his grip get tighter.

    "Any last words, meat? You know what's about to happen to you."

    I knew what I wanted. Earl was going to rape me, and I would fall in love with this disgusting, vile man's cock.

    "Don't leave me in my family's trashbin..." I begged. I put my tiny hand around his enormous shaft.

    "Leave me on my boyfriend's front door.

    He rubbed his tattoo like he was putting a curse on me.

    "You're dead meat, kiddo." He slammed his cock back inside me. Hard.

    "I'm dead meat... sir..." I said.

    We were right. I was fucked from the moment he laid eyes on me. 

    I was dead meat.


    Sorry about the delay, it's my first time writing a story like this. Hope it was worth the wait 🙂



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  9. Chapter 3

    He threw me onto the bed hard. There were still fresh cum and lube stains on his sheets from when he was jacking off. It reeked, but at the same time I kind of liked the smell. 

    The Ambien-vodka cocktail Earl made for me was beginning to kick in, hard. I felt warm all over and my head felt like it was buzzing. All the fear left me instantly, and all that was left was pure, filthy, disgusting lust. I couldn't help but let out a moan when he grabbed my arms and pulled me so that my head was hanging off the bed.

    "You're the reason this dick is covered in pre, so you're gonna clean it, boy. If I hear the word 'no' come out of your mouth one time, you do not leave this room alive. Understood?" I nodded. "Good boy."

    He stroked his long, fat cock until it looked hard as a rock. A little string of pre was dripping off the tip and his fat, sweaty balls were bouncing up and down. I was hypnotized. This was the biggest cock I had ever seen, even in porn, and it was going in my throat. I couldn't help but get hard too, but since I was so much smaller than he was he probably didn't even notice.

    "Open your mouth."

    I opened it right away. I could smell his cock as soon as I walked in his apartment, but now that his cock was so close the smell was really strong. It smelled like he hadn't taken a shower in a week! He reeked of cum and sweat, and the smell only got stronger when I felt the tip slide past my lips. I could barely even fit the head in my mouth!

    "You knocked on the wrong door, boy."

    He wasn't even a little gentle! He leaned forward and started drilling my poor throat with his fat cock. I swear I could feel him in my stomach! I couldn't breathe at all! He tasted like sex, too: if this was just his pre-cum, then how much does he cum? I focused on making him cum as fast as possible so I could get some air.  But he was so much bigger than anything I was used to that I just couldn't help it! I felt him graze past my teeth at some point, and he stopped right away. I started coughing violently. I had spit and pre all over my face and dripping out of my mouth. I felt like a whore—no, I felt like a victim and I fucking loved it. 

    "If I feel your teeth again I'll knock them out of your fucking head."

    "I'm sorry sir, I've never sucked a cock this big before."

    "I don't give a shit." He leaned all the way forward and grabbed my hips. Being in his big arms made me feel safe (even though I wasn't). He flipped me over and lifted me up off the ground until his mouth was on my ass and I was staring right at his cock.

    "Clean it."

    "Yes, sir." I opened my mouth and practically worshipped his cock. I licked it, sucked it (or as much as I could), even made out with the tip. I wanted to feel his cum cover my face. I wanted to watch his balls jump over and over again while he shot ropes on me until I was covered in this disgusting, evil man's seed.

    "Good boy... Fuck." He was licking my hole with the same ferocity. I'd shaved my hole that morning for my boyfriend as a coincidence. "Haven't had a hairless hole in years. You did want this, didn't you?" I tried to answer him but couldn't bring myself to take my mouth off his perfect cock. I was kissing his tip like I kiss my boyfriend's lips. "Daddy's getting close. Keep doing that. Fuck. Fuck!" I couldn't wait. I wanted to taste his cum so fucking bad. "FUCK!" Just when I thought I was about to get coated in Earl's cum, he threw me back on the bed. I felt his full weight on my body as I felt his cock sink deep into my throat. His dick was so thick, I could feel it throb against the walls of my esophagus. 

    "Take it, boy. Fuck....." He was shooting ropes. I could feel it coating the walls of my throat and slide down into my stomach. After what felt like a minute and a half, he got off and left me in a pool of cum, sweat, and spit. I must've blacked out from the lack of oxygen and the pressure of his body on me, because when I woke up all my clothes were off and my phone was in his hand.

    "Sir... why am I naked? Did you rape me?" 

    "No. I was waiting for you to wake up. There's something you should see, though." He turned my phone around and showed me texts he'd sent from my phone.

    "I" had told my family I was staying over at my boyfriend's house for a few days. "I" had texted my boyfriend that I was going on vacation and that I'd be away from my phone. "I" had turned my location off.

    "Looks like you're mine for a few days, fag boy." He threw the phone against the wall as hard as he could. It broke. Fuck. I didn't tell anybody where I was gonna be, my family and friends think I'm gone, and I'm locked in a literal rapist's apartment.

    He was already hard again. How was this even possible? I saw him stroking his cock and rubbing his biohazard tattoo with his free hand. He was walking right towards me. Oh, fuck...

    "You're done for."



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  10. Chapter 2

    I was sitting across from Earl at his table, now. Part of me was sad that I couldn't see his cock anymore and the other part was relieved. I'm a professional performing an important community service, and I wasn't going to get distracted by something like that. I was talking to him more about what our non-profit offers, and the whole time I was trying not to think about what it would feel like to have a cock head that big in my ass. I could think about it tonight while my boyfriend "fucked" me—right now, I just had to give him our spiel and get the hell out.

    "We believe that a single mistake should not define someone's life, and that you represent one of the most marginalized communities in the country. We offer community outreach, job education, and general quality of living assistance so that your transition into the outside world can be more pleasurable-pleasant. Sorry, I misspoke." 

    "What the fuck are you talking about?"

    "I just mean that... I don't know, that we're qualified to help you with stuff you need now that you're out of jail."

    "I need to get my dick wet. Can you help with that?" 

    Fuck. Earl even said it out loud! This wasn't the first time that I'd been hit on by a client—it sort of comes with the territory when you're a teen boy working with sex offenders for a living. It's so common that I even get offended when they don't flirt back. But Earl was being so open about it in a way that none of the others didn't dare. What do I say?

    "Umm..." I couldn't deny how bad I wanted this. In a way, we both had power over each other. His power—that I knew he was already a disgusting rapist—made me afraid. My power—that I knew I could always claim I was raped, and enjoy this without worrying about getting caught—made me aroused. The combination made my heart beat as hard as I'd ever felt it. My tight, shaved asshole was literally throbbing. Fuck, I wanted to feel my hole get reshaped by the most immoral man I'd ever met. And what was up with that biohazard tattoo? It's not like he could seriously hurt me by fucking me, right?

    I had to be professional. If he was gonna try to fuck me, he could try: if I consented, it wouldn't be as erotic anyway. I would be able to say truthfully that I was a good caseworker and I'd be able to enjoy being raped even more. But I was gonna at least pretend like I wasn't trying to get this evil motherfucker to breed me.

    "No, I'm not allowed to help with that. I'm sorry, sir!"

    "You don't have to help, babyboy. It's enough just looking at you. Twice as pretty as anyone I had in the joint. I'll take care of myself, if you don't mind." He spat in his palm and started stroking his huge dick slowly. His head was poking out from the table. Fuck... it took all the strength I had not to crawl under the table and glue my tongue to his balls. I could smell his musk from six feet away. Fuck, fuck, fuck! He smelled so good. I was in serious danger.


    "Keep calling me that. A lot of pretty cunts called me that when I was doing time. I wouldn't breed them if they didn't call me that."

    "You didn't use condoms?"

    "I never use condoms."

    "Oh fuck..." I was way over my head. This evil fucking rapist was literally everything I've ever wanted in a sexual partner. I couldn't help but think that if he forced himself on me, I wouldn't fight back at all.

    "Maybe you need sex education assistance?"

    "Pointless. I'm gay and I'm not getting any cunt pregnant. As for STDs... let's just say I'm not worried."

    He was looking right at me.

    "Are you gonna drink that, babyboy? I'd be offended if you didn't."

    He was right. My job is to help people, and that means earning their trust.

    "Of course, sir." He stroked his huge, uncut cock faster when he heard me say that. I took the double shot in one gulp.

    "Good boy," he said.

    I felt funny. My ass felt loose and I felt my head feel warm and cloudy.

    "This drink is really strong, sir..."

    "That's because I put 10 mg of Ambien in it, boy. You aren't gonna remember a lick of this, but you're gonna love it."

    Shit. Did this pervert really drug me? I felt the effects more and more but only felt more turned on. Oh god... what was about to happen to me?

    "Come here, pretty young faggot." In what seemed like an instant, I was in his strong arms, being carried into the bedroom of his shabby apartment.

    "You're about to find out why they gave Daddy 10 years." 

    All I could do was stare at his fat, throbbing cock, and thank God (or Lucifer) that I was about to get raped by it.


    (Thanks for the positive feedback, it's good to know other people are as degenerate as me 🙂)




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  11. Chapter 1

    I work for a non-profit which seeks to rehabilitate sex offenders in Indianapolis. My friends are always telling me how worried they are about me—I'm a few months over 18, but I'm pretty small and I could easily pass for younger if I wanted to. They don't want me to get "raped" like their past "victims" were. All that tells me is that they're uneducated. Most people I work with are public masturbators and public urinators, people who made one mistake that ends up defining their lives. People I want to help re-enter society and get their life back.

    Earl is different.

    My boss texts me the names, addresses, and offenses of the people we work with a little in advance: public information. That Friday afternoon, I got the text during math class. I was gonna meet a 46 year old man named Earl Jessup at his apartment on 14th St. He'd been in prison for 10 years, and looking at his convictions, I understood why. The less said about his offenses the better, but it was enough to make me nervous. I almost passed it up, but I didn't like the idea of letting a coworker get the case instead of me. Plus, it would only prove my friends right: I wasn't in danger, and I was gonna prove it to them. 

    I pulled up outside his apartment around 3:45. I sat in my car for 5 minutes before deciding to suck it up and go. I was perfectly safe with a man like this... right? When I knocked on his door, I didn't get any response. I rang his doorbell and waited. Maybe he wasn't home? I was about to turn around when someone inside opened the door. He was big—really big. 6'4" and 225, at least. He was wearing a bathrobe he'd clearly just put on a few seconds ago.

    "Fuck, you interrupted me. What do you want, boy?"

    I looked up and down at him. The bottom of his cock, still half-hard, poked out of the bottom of his robe. Fuck—this guy was huge. An evil thought occurred to me—"what kind of ungrateful bastard would call the cops on this dick?" It was 3 inches longer and twice as thick as any cock I'd seen, even my boyfriend's. The pink head alone looked like it was the size of my fist. He was coated with precum. I could smell it from here.

    "Eyes up here, honey. You gonna tell me what you're doing outside my apartment?"

    Fuck, was I staring? I looked back up and made eye contact. 

    "Sorry," I said. And I kinda was sorry—I felt guilty for looking at another man's cock and having thoughts like that. My boyfriend and I aren't open! I shouldn't have these feelings about any man, let alone a man straight out of prison.

    "Are you Earl Jessup?"

    "Yeah, and I'm not trying to go back to prison, so get to the point or run away, boy, because those tiny shorts are starting to make me real happy." It's true—I was kind of dressed like a slut. I didn't expect to get casework tonight. His dick was getting harder.

    "You wouldn't go to jail, I'm 18." Why was that the first thing I said? Did I want this evil bastard to fuck me? Let me remember the script... "Um, and I work with a sex offender rehabilitation nonprofit serving the greater Indianapolis area. I've been assigned to you as a volunteer caseworker who can help you adjust to living in society and finding acceptance in a community."

    "18, huh?" he said. "Well, I don't believe you, but get in here anyway." Did he hear any of what I said except that?

    "Oh, I just uh- came by to introduce myself, that's all."

    "I told you to get inside. Your job is to make me feel accepted, right?" Fuck. His dick was poking out of his robe. Did he get hard just looking at me? What is he thinking about doing to me?

    "Okay... but I can't stay for long."

    "Good boy." He put his hand on my shoulder and led me into his apartment. Fuck, he had such a strong grip, too. I took another look at the part of his stomach that was exposed by the robe.

    "Is that a tattoo, sir?" I asked. I clearly got his interest.

    "It is," he said. He spread his robe apart more to show me it in full.

    "It looks like a biohazard symbol. What does it mean?"

    "You'll see," he said. He took two glasses from the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of vodka. Was he trying to get me drunk? I wanted to run away, but I knew my supervisor would be upset at me. My friends would probably make me quit, too, and I liked this opportunity. But the strongest reason I decided to stay was the primal, irresistible urge to see more of this older man's body. I wanted to indulge my intense desire to be in the presence of his throbbing cock. I didn't need to do anything with it, I just wanted to be near it. I needed to burn it into my memory to remind me what I'm missing out on with my pin-dick boyfriend. I made up my mind to stay, despite the risk.

    "You'll see what it means real soon, boy." He was fully hard when he said that and a little pre-cum was dripping out of his throbbing cock.


    To be continued




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