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Status Updates posted by greyphantom

  1. Took some time, and I still have more I want to do, but I'm happy and excited. I just turned 30 and I'm ready for this new decade to show off this new body 😉


  2. I think I'm gonna start posting harm reduction techniques, tips and rules I follow to keep myself and whoever I'm partying with safe. 

    Here's the first one, and I consider it one of the top important ones. HYDRATE. HYDRATE. HYDRATE. You'll be sweating a lot, maybe even pissing more than usual. Combine that with the vitamins and nutrients you're also losing while using. Make sure you have electrolytes and plenty of water to drink. 

    What I like to do, is get a gallon of water or two from the store (especially if I know I'm going to be using for more the a couple days). Then I'll set alarms on my phone. Usually every hour, and those alarms are to remind me to drink something, and yes, I'll encourage whoever I'm partying to drink something as well. Staying hydrated will not also keep you healthy while using, but it will keep you skin and body replenished so it doesn't start turning gray or sagging (I've also heard that it can help your face not sink in as well). 

    So, there's your first tip to staying safe while using and after you're done. Be safe and have fun boys!! 

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