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Posts posted by Flared

  1. 10 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    hat's not an uncommon thing for guys who mostly masturbate to get off, especially if they use a really tight grip for masturbating. Y

    Wow never thought of that. Cause I'm a fan of jerking off and it always felt better than anything else (despite that I'm gay and I fantasize about gay sex, jerking off has felt better)


    10 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    As for the shyness: it's anybody's guess. You could be embarrassed about what you did. Talk it out with him. Communication is the key to resolving most issues between partners.

    I just don't know how to start. I fear that starting a conversation by saying I think we are very shy could be a bad start. That guy is "shielded" he won't open.

  2. I've had sex before as a bottom. I always wanted to top but I had some difficulties. I could not get hard or I could not penetrate. Even worse, when I did penetrate I didn't feel anything. Maybe it's my dick's problem? Or mine? Dunno

    This time things were different. It was actually very unexpected. It was with someone that I know for a year. We are something between fellow-students in the university and friends. It wasn't planned. We just thought of having dinner together, we watched Netflix and then it was getting a bit late, I proposed him to sleep at my place. We started to talk about our school and about ourselves. I don't know how we started to kiss. We ended up fucking with me being the top. When I got inside him it was the first time that it felt nice. I still had some trouble to cum but I managed. However I felt I was moving in and out too fast to be able to cum. If I was not an athlete I'm not sure I could keep up fucking like this till I cum. Whatever.

    We both liked it but we feel awkward no, does it make sense? He's a very cute guy. Since then we jerk each other and we kiss but I have a feeling of shyness. Why is that?

  3. 46 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    LOL .... yeah, it may very well awaken something in him you wouldn't want to wake up !!! 

    3 hours ago, Flared said:

    D'you think he'd beat me? haha


    47 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    That's silly ... no matter what moniker you or he attaches to the relationship.  Chronological age has relatively little to do with loving relationships.  

    3 hours ago, Flared said:

    Well I see some truth in that. I'd worry that if I was "too old" maybe that would be a problem for my boyfriend. So I think I understand what he means, but I don't mind.


    48 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    Do your own parents take an interest in fulfilling that crucial role?  Does he sense that you need parental care?  Usually, one pair of parents is plenty for most of us.  One thing you haven't mentioned is, has he had any sexual experience at all with other guys?  Has he ever sucked a Cock?  Fucked a guy?  That answer would go a long way to figuring out your next step.  

    My father died several years ago. But he loved me very much. And my mother is always there for me. When my father died I felt responsible for my family. He knows all that. He was pretty much there when all these happened. 

    No he never had anything with a guy, minus me jerking him off. I tend to believe that it's just his need to love a son and me to have a father that forged this bond. And maybe it's too strong and it backfires. I'm a gay guy. It's difficult not to like a man that is attractive.

    There is something else that is a theory of mine (or of someone else's if it has ever been discussed I don't know). I tend to believe that when two guys have a connection that includes an age gap and the young guy has some sex appeal, the potential dominant/protective feelings of the older guy could be expressed sexually, even if he's str8. I don't know how to express it better than that, but somehow I believe this. 

  4. 50 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    It sounds like he's trying to carry more burdens than most guys can.  Has he sought professional help with alleviating these issues?  When we try to carry too much at any one time, it's hardly surprising that he's so conflicted.  It might be worth a try.  If you're concerned he could back away, try to come up with some contrivance (oh - you have a buddy who sought counseling, got better, blah blah blah) that would encourage him to find a professional that can help.  If that previous marriage was his only "relationship", and it ended badly, there's little wonder he's skittish about getting into another one.  Obviously, we don't have enough insight here on BZ to offer concrete advice; I'm no professional councellor, 

    Actually I did suggest him to try family therapy because I think it would be useful (my mother is a psychologist so I am really positive towards mental health professionals). He hasn't though. I think his son is also totally against that (I think his son is against everything unless it can be eaten). Well I'm not looking for a professional counsellor here, but I guess someone's fresh eye could provide some useful insight.

    55 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    f you don't believe he's actually gay, then how is it you believe that you can fully receive "love" from him?  He receives comfort, a kind soul to be present with the added benefit of  physical interaction (including sexually, occasionally), but that's not a definition of "love" that I'm acquainted with.  I don't doubt that he loves you, in a limited way - as much as he's capable of it - but he's apparently carrying a ton of emotional baggage too, which may prevent him from that deeper state of intense love we normally associate with that word. 

    I know that he loves me, I cannot doubt that. I can feel it in his touch, see it in his eyes. Maybe not romantically, but still he does. He likes acting as a parent I feel. Considering my problems his as well. At times I feel his time is too precious to be spent for me because he's a very busy man. Sometimes I worry that if we're seen too often people may start to say weird things. He insists that I should go abroad for some additional studies. I keep on telling him that such things are costly, especially in the beginning and he says that I should not worry about these because he will back me up. I keep on refusing but he believes that it's somehow his responsibility. I don't know if we're both sinking int he delusion that we're father and son or if it's just the way we feel and there is nothing bad about it.

    1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

    Since he tells you to "get a boyfriend", that's the flip side of telling you he doesn't believe he will be able to bring himself to being that to you.  It sounds like he's being upfront with you - he knows what you want, and he doesn't believe he can fulfill role for you.  

    He says many things about that. He says that he's too old to be a bf and that I should experience love with someone. I tell him that he should not think that. I am much more attracted to older men and even if I do get a bf I will always be there for him. I tell him that at nights I get too horny and I crave him. He said he knows and he laughed/smiled. Sometimes I jerk next to him (that's a new one) and he waits until I cum and then I go and take a quick shower. He will let me kiss him or bite him a little. Then he will hug me and tell him to relax. Sometimes I think that if I just grab him and tell him I'm gonna fuck you hard or if I ask him to fuck me that something inside could awaken.

  5. 1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

    I'd call your description an understatement, at the very least.  At 41 years, he already has an "established" pattern to his life, and perhaps he's been wondering about his sexual orientation for quite a while, without daring (for any number of reasons (cultural, religious, etc.) to actually do anything about it. 

    I think he has been tormented for years by his divorce and the bad relationship with his son. For years he felt more like thinking into these problems than living. His sexual life must have been a bit idle. Sometimes he is hard to read. He seems focused on his career, he seems too serious at times. I think he would be more comfortable not having a relationship again than trying to meet someone.


    1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

    With what information you've given us, I rather doubt he "loves" you in the traditional sense of that word.  More likely, he likes you (maybe very much), but he's terrified of any overt act that he would interpret as confirming what may be his most terrible fears about himself.  I think it's interesting that he allows you to jerk him off - which is an obviously overt sexual act - but draws the line at anything more.  He'll return your kisses, finds comfort in sleeping with you. 

    To the "parental" issue, it may be that on your part, it may not.  You'd have to find out more about his motivations, how his mind works, how cultural/religious repressions have stunted his ability to be who he needs to be.  Maybe he's not actually "gay" either, but many of us aren't totally straight or gay either.  To the issue that he doesn't want his ass touched, some committed, very sexually active gay men just don't like their ass fooled with; I happen to be one of them, yet I'm 100% a queer, dedicated Breeding pig.

     Both can be true, can't they? I presume he loves me based on his behavior. He has devoted so much time on me, he really cares for me (and I care for him). I also find interesting that he draws a line in that. Thinking of it a bit metaphorically I think he's trapped inside a statue and every time I make his lust awaken a crack forms and maybe one day I can set him free. I'm searching for a balance of making him feel free to taste it and what would make him feel uncomfortable. I don't believe he is gay. I believe there is a combination of him being traumatized, of his need to give love but his son can't take it and then you have me that I like being protected and I'm gay. In material science we tend to talk about unique properties of a material that appear only in particular conditions. Maybe sexuality could be similar, I dunno.

    There are some things that make me happy and sad at the same time. He's told me several time that he wishes his son was like me (we're on the same field but his son did not follow his example). I feel that I antagonize his son in that sense and I don't wanna do this. He will always ask me if I need cash (I would never accept money but I think this is very kind of him) or he will cook for me. He will always message me to ask if everything is okay with my exams, he knows when I'm not well. He cares. He even tells me to get a bf.

    1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

    I'd call your description an understatement, at the very least.  At 41 years, he already has an "established" pattern to his life, and perhaps he's been wondering about his sexual orientation for quite a while, without daring (for any number of reasons (cultural, religious, etc.) to actually do anything about it.  

    With what information you've given us, I rather doubt he "loves" you in the traditional sense of that word.  More likely, he likes you (maybe very much), but he's terrified of any overt act that he would interpret as confirming what may be his most terrible fears about himself.  I think it's interesting that he allows you to jerk him off - which is an obviously overt sexual act - but draws the line at anything more.  He'll return your kisses, finds comfort in sleeping with you. 

    To the "parental" issue, it may be that on your part, it may not.  You'd have to find out more about his motivations, how his mind works, how cultural/religious repressions have stunted his ability to be who he needs to be.  Maybe he's not actually "gay" either, but many of us aren't totally straight or gay either.  To the issue that he doesn't want his ass touched, some committed, very sexually active gay men just don't like their ass fooled with; I happen to be one of them, yet I'm 100% a queer, dedicated Breeding pig.

    It seems there are several issues to resolve before any definitive thoughts can be offered:  

    1.  Love is one of the most powerful human experiences.  When anyone (g, st, whatever) is "in love", the need to express that love intimately becomes pressing.  It's why some call fucking "making love".  Love is the paramount quotient for these folks, and expressing it in myriad ways - including sexually - is appropriate.  Lust, on the other hand, is an important driver for folks who embrace their wholeness, and can be expressed in pretty much one way:  sharing sex.  Thus, 'love" is expressed in the totality of their lives, and "lust" is expressed mostly with (any) other similarly-inclined person.  Love and Lust are not the same, interchangeable things.  


    I'd suggest that you devote some time to figuring that issue out on your own.  By all means, continue with your current m.o. with him, but figure out on your own what you really need/want.  You're young, but you can take all the time you need to ask questions of yourself, and eventually answer them truthfully.  At 19 years, you've probably got a number of emotional issues to resolve intellectually - where in the "grand scheme" do you fit in?  - how to live your life - what's crucial to you - what's important (but not crucial) - what do you really want out of life?  Stuff like that. 

    You don't mention what kind of conversations you have with this man, but if you can open up to him, it could be an enriching, positive experience for both of you.  Maybe he won't dare to allow himself to do that, maybe he will.  

    In any case, thanks for the post.  It's an interesting issue.  Good luck, and let us hear more from you.  

    He talk a lot about science. He guides me. He likes to hear what I have to say. We talk about his son a lot. I try to make him get closer to him, but it's not easy. Sometimes we cook together, we go out together. Once, we 've been in a small trip. They asked us if we're father and son and he said yes. We look very much alike (but I have to say that from the island we come from we have high rates of cousins having children so everyone looks similar)/

  6. 24 minutes ago, norefusal said:

    you can't force this guy to have sex before he's ready as that will just backfire on you. 


    No of course I don't want to force him do anything. I think that his love for me makes his sexuality a bit more fluid. He will kiss me, he is comfortable with that, he will even let me touch his body and his dick (but I have noticed in certain occasions). He is not comfortable with anything further.

    8 hours ago, Ieatcumholes said:

    have had sex with a number of "straight" men in my life. In retrospect, it was JUST SEX for them though. Have you heard of the old saying, "ANY port in a storm?" Even if he DID have sex with you, it wouldn't mean the same thing to him that it apparently would mean to you....

    I get what you're saying. I believe that apart from the fact that we love each other (although not exactly romantically) and that makes him do things that he wouldn't do with other guys but with me, he also likes to please me. Or please each other. It's not a matter of becoming one during sex, it's that lust takes over.

  7. I'd like to hear your thoughts on that. There's someone, older than me (41) and I'm nearly 20. Theoretically he is a str8 guy. He is divorced and he has a son. Maybe I have a porn-fueled daddy fantasy, but I think this is not the case. I had one more time an experience with an older guy but it feels so much different. With him it was pure lust. I'm not saying lust is bad, on the contrary. But that one feels less of a sin. I'm not putting it theologically, I'm not much of a believer but it warms my heart.

    Our connection was always deep but then something occurred and that was a turning point. We got very close. We slept together more times than I can count. Not with the intention of having sex. Has anyone felt cold inside? Needing a hug until the night passes? Something like it. It was difficult for me to say whether I loved him as a parental figure or if lust was involved too. Until very recently that I was horny. Sometimes in nights I think I lose control. Without being drunk or anything, I feel bolder at night. My sexual drive takes control. And I touched him while we were half asleep. He was aware of that. He let me undress me and kiss him. I touched his body but when I tried to reach for other parts (his asshole for example) he stopped me. I didn't know what I would do. I didn't have a plan to fuck him or get fucked, it was my hands that wanted to search. 

    He told me not to do that. Not in an angry way. He sounded scared/worried. I felt scared too as if I was trying to harm him. We stayed hugged, we continued. I jerked him till he shot. He told me that this is the first time that it happened to him and he can't explain it. He said that he loves me but he can't have sex with a man. I am confused. I do believe he didn't have any similar encounter with a guy. And our connection hasn't changed. Since then we still sleep together and now we kiss although we weren't before. My question is, could under certain circumstances love feelings backfire and result in a sexual encounter? Could that be answer for all of that?

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  8. I need some thoughts about this. Or just to share your experience. Currently I have a bf. I believe it is safe to say I'm in love with that guy. If you remember from a previous post I have few sexual experience. My bf (24m) has a lesbian friend and she has a bunch of LGBTQ people that they are friends. They are not really his friends, but because she's the "link" they hung around every now and then. However, I can't stand any of them. They have a particular affinity for gay places which tends to be annoying. I am gay and this may sound weird but they overexpose me to LGBTQ content. Like, I get that you're gays but can't you be something more than a person defined by that? They do LGBTQ poetry, they go to LGBTQ places, events, stories on IG are similar. I'm just tired.

    His lesbian friend is annoying. She always tells me to get out of the closet. But it annoys me the way she insists. She thinks that because she came out, everyone should. But she's ignorant of the fact that based on her looks, she needs no telling. She looks like a boy. She also has a thing with toxic masculinity. Based on her mind, I think that toxic masculinity is anyone who isn't a gay girl-looking guy. The rest of us are toxic. Why does she loathe something that she craves so deep to be?

    The second annoying part is her gay bear friend. He has studied english literature and he holds a phd in LGBTQ literature. He's too snobbish. Sometimes I feel he's into me but at the same time he considers me as someone who is inferior. He doesn't like that I'm not from a big city, but he's blissfully ignorant of the history of my island. I suppose anything that isn't big and is not a queer center is not important.

    I try to be kind to both of them. I've read that people like me (who are not used to lbgtq) can be somewhat homophobic. I try to think all that as the means of overcoming it. But I don't like them.

    One last thing

    He says that my english sucks. I don't believe it. I've watched so many series, I've read books, played games etc. From what I've written so far, could you tell me your thoughts on that? Native speakers would be the best judges of that.


    Thank you for your time to read this

  9. I can't understand if people who get ballbusted get pleasure from it or they just want to be punished and feel pain. Ive seen people being horny when ballbusted. I've also seen people in chastity cuming by rubbing the cage of their dick. Is anyone here experienced in this? I'm not sure I wanna do it, but I think I would give ballbusting as a top a chance

  10. So guys thank you for your comments, it really helps hearing (or reading) other people's minds.

    We had sex again these two days (Friday and Saturday). The fucking hurt as hell. There were times that it was bearable though especially yesterday. The experience was definitely better. I enjoy that guy he's sexy, he has something "daddy-like". He's older than me, he's kind, he's caring. But at the same time I feel so shy around him. I can't understand who I fuck with him yet I'm shy. I don't know where this goes. I can't ask him. It feels too childish. We're not a coupe. Are we what we call fuck budies? Are we budies? Can I be buddy with him who's 40? I don't know how am I supposed to feel. He sure makes me horny. But emotionally I'm so damn confused.

  11. I've tried hard but I really can't find it. I'm looking for it's title or anything that could help me find it again.

    The most "weird" about that video is that the bottom used to wear something like a black bubble baloon in its heard (you could not see his face). He had a prince albert piercing and then the top guy sounded his dick with two different rodes. I think there was some pissing and fisint involved too. Any ideas?

  12. It's me again

    So I had my first experience at last. I found a guy 41yo on a dating app. My dream for finding someone "outside" did not come true, too romantic for today's standards. But I found a handsome man who was into me as I was into him. I think I had some risky behavrious but it was fun. I agreed to meet him outside the subway (he said he worked in a hospital nearby) and I got into his cars. I kept on thinking what my father would say about getting inside a stranger's car. I also had a thought of guilt that not even god would help a sinner like me but I pushed it away. I also had some horror movie-based thoughts. But I was not punished or murder and so far he's not a psycopath which is a positive thing. We went around with his car for a while. I was shy as fuck. I was not horny but the guy was my type I wanted him. Still believing that there's a slight chance I could get murdered I thought that I was lucky to be with him. We went into a nice bar and had a beer. We talked. He asked me if I wanted to get to his place.

    That was a tough call. Half of me wanted to go and half of me didn't feel ready to have sex. But anyway I thought that it was a now or never thing. I think that 99% of the time I had an innder dialogue with the angel and the devil (and me) inside me. I have to admit the guy had patience. We kissed a lot. Guys I'm a terrible kisser I need to practice, my teeth were hitting his, I didn't know this could happen.

    We got undressed and he hugged me. I liked that. He asked me to suck him. I felt like he was my training doll. I was asking him can I do this or can I do that and he would agree. He came in my mouth which I didn't know what to do. In my horny thoughts I would swallow but I was not sure I wanted but I did. It felt weird to go to the bathroom and spit. He fucked me after that quite soon. He smoked just before which without knowing, he triggered a kink of mine. He really tried when he fucked me but everything was painful. I mostly waited for him to cum. I was getting horny from him being horny. He helped me cum afterwards. He asked me to sleep with him and so we did. But I don't know why I didn't enjoy the fucking. It was painful, but I like the idea of being fucked

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  13. 17 hours ago, DallasPozzible said:

    Take precautions. Find a doctor or free clinic where you can get medial consultations. At minimum, I’d suggest getting on PrEP and get vaccinations for HPV and hepatitis

    In my country all adolescents are vaccinated against HPV and Hepatitis B (and also A as children but I think it only lasts for 2 years). So I'm mostly worried about HIV which can be solved by taking Prep.. 

  14. Hello everyone. I'm 19yo and just moved to a large city for the first time in my life for studies. I come from a small village (which is on an island). Although we do have tons of tourists well it was hard to do anything sexual. It seems as there is a kind of an invisible barrier between us and the tourists. Being gay is tough here but I've managed to be a fake str8 or whatever you may call it. I know that I'm gay and I have no regrets or bad feelings about it. I love liking men.

    However I'm a bit scared too. Sometimes it feels that my sexual drive takes control. It's not easy finding someone. I recently made a profile on a gay site, I receive lots of messages but very few were interesting for my taste. I'm mostly into someone who would be 35+, the daddy type you know. I don't really know if I am a top or a bottom, for the time being I can be everything. I feel like I'm ready to catch fire, metaphorically speaking. I also thinking of getting a nipple piercing. Sounds irrelevant but somehow when I get horny I think of that too. Or when I see it in others. I wanna test another man's lips and not only that.

    I know about prep and I know about STDs. I want my first time to be raw. The only guy that we're talking these days is a guy who is 40 and he likes smoking and poppers. he smokes cigarettes and weed. We jerk off together at cam and he likes smoking a lot while I stroke for him. he wants me to suck him. I think I want too. I'm just a bit confused. I'd like to discuss all these with someonen who is patient and does not want to fuck me right now. I've got no gay friends or friends who know that I'm gay. So I wanted to share all these..

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