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Posts posted by biskit

  1. On 5/9/2024 at 12:57 PM, Guy4GuyCoSpgs said:

    I was between 7 and 10.  Same....my friend asked me for us to suck cocks and I jumped right in!  We'd walk around his house naked when his parents fell asleep too.

    At that age, I was the one who was always trying to get my friends naked, but none of them took my "joke" offer of sucking them off... Too bad for me 😜 I did have a pretty good way of convincing them to strip for losing at various games though 

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  2. 16 hours ago, SummerWind said:

    12 y/o me in the YMCA locker room. I was a popular young man there after that! ❤️

    When I was around 8 I LOVED LOVED LOVED the YMCA locker room, it was the best part of having to go to swim lessons. Seeing all those big hairy cocks up close and in person (and at almost eye level) was the best. I still wish I could have had the chance then to play with one (or many lol)

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  3. 3 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    First, welcome to both of you guys.

    To the quote:  There are plenty of gay guys around that haven't dealt with issues like yours, and at some point, biskit's right.  Whether that's in the near future or not so much, it's an issue you'll need to be forthright about, and ready to deal with the potential consequences. 

    Those may range from the boyfriend being even hornier for casual sex than you are, and you both go get what you need, come home and regale each other with tales of tails (and Cocks).  Or, you might go out together for group-sex.  Or, he might not be ready to hear it, and that could be the end of the relationship.  The important thing is to be honest with the guy you care about, even if it means eventually splitting up.  Take your time, get all your thoughts in order, and when you're ready, have that conversation.  

    Even if he reacts poorly, which would be a shame, at least you don't have to carry the burden of being dishonest.  Try to avoid the trap of "cheating" - despite what some guys on here like to go on about.  Dishonesty isn't good for anyone.  

    Good Luck, you hotassed piggies !!!

    Great post, and I want to reinforce the part about taking your time. I lied to myself and my partners for a long time, but I stopped that by taking a time out and using that lengthy time to reflect on myself via therapy. Once I had that "coming out" of sorts, it was like a new lease on life, and I found peace I didn't know I was looking for. Sounds silly, I know, it's just my experience.... And, oink. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, Danny74 said:

    Hello I’m a new member here👋🏽 I enjoy reading about the experiences a lot of guys have on here. It’s so hot to know that there are guys out there experiencing the things that I want to experience. I’m young, I have a boyfriend, but I also have a strong urge of becoming a cumslut. I want to satisfy men and let them use me. I’ve been fighting the feeling but it only grows stronger. I hope to fullfill this urge and start my journey. Any advice helps, especially if you understand what it’s like to have these urges, but are also in a relationship. It feels impossible to choose…

    Welcome Danny! I'm in the same situation, although I get the feeling you're much younger than my 51 years 😉
    I'm in the beginning of my cumdump journey after being in denial for decades about my true self. I may be speaking out of turn because of how new I am to this world, but to me being a cumdump is more than a fetish, it is who you are. I've been through a few relationships, and just about every one ended because I wasn't up front from the beginning about who I was. Tell your boyfriend that you think you might be meant to serve as a cumdump and see where that goes. Some can compartmentalize their role and serve on the side of their relationships, but I can't for the life of me think of one person where hiding their true self worked out.
    I hope your journey helps you find who you may be.

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  5. 18 hours ago, chargedodger said:

    Love reading all this,makes me feel good to know so many men grew up just lie I did!I ws 12 when  starteing cocksucking....was just sorta natural way to please men who started coming on to me.

    I agree. I was probably 8 or 9 when I finally convinced my neighbor friend (who was a couple years younger) to let me see if I could make him hard. I told him he could see my dick if it worked... Lol

    We were under a blanket fort in his bedroom and he pulled it out. I immediately went for it and sucked it hard like a straw on a fresh milkshake. We then took turns on each other, although he wouldn't take it into his mouth and would just sort of kiss my dick. I remember being a little disappointed after that but I got what I wanted.

    I was always fascinated with cocks, and loved the locker room at the YMCA when I was that age. I so badly wanted one of those grown ups to let me play with their hairy dicks and have them play with mine. I would NEVER wear any clothes in that locker room and would proudly show off my little boner in the shower. As an adult, like to think that I got at least one of those men thinking about it... 🤣🤣

    My first taste of cum didn't happen until a few years later when I was 13 when one of the older neighbor kids in my friends subdivision invited me to his tree fort and was teasing me about not having any pubic hair. I had a little and showed him, to which he showed me his very full bush... Which also included a very hard cock. No words were spoken but I knew what he wanted me to do, and I did. Been hooked ever since 

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