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Everything posted by BathhouseCumdumpDC

  1. At 53, I still get a lot of action at sex clubs, where I am a frequent visitor. I walk around the club completely nude, or I am in my room with face down and ass up. Hole is always lubed and ready to get fucked. The guys who approach me are usually my age or older. The older you get, the harder it is to attract younger guys - there is no denying that - and that is okay with me. I am attracted to men of all (legal) ages, and I give it up freely. When you're older, it's better if you are more open about who you engage with at clubs.
  2. I actually live just across the border in MD but it’s easier to say DC.
  3. Registered Independent, formerly a registered Democrat. I will vote mostly R going forward, but NOT for any batshit crazy Republicans like Trump. Dumbocrats have moved far too left for my comfort. Most of my views are conservative anyway.
  4. I There is a place called Glorious (aka 2120), but it's not technically a bathhouse. It's a sex club with a big open space. It's in a rough neighborhood, not metro accessible, and doesn't get many customers these days.
  5. I live in the Washington, DC area and frequent Crew Club one or twice a month on a weekend night. I would not want to live in an area that did not have a gay bathhouse.
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