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Posts posted by Fitlad

  1. Hey people sorry to be boring but searching for answers and reassurance as very distressed. 

    I bttm’d for a guy that FF’d me back in November. 

    ever since and increasiny I’ve had this pelvic pain, like nerve pain on the left. I thought originally it might have been a stomach perforation or something as I think I felt when it happened but I went to my gp and gu clinic and they tested me and my tummy was fine. 

    but the pains persisted, it’s really sharp and really distressing. There’s nothing online about nerve damage or fracture from Ff only “pedundal neuralgia” but it’s not effecting my toilet habits. I’ve even had physio twice a week thinking it was my back or stretched position and sacral joint (I know that area well now lol) 


    I had a CT scan in December and it came back fine! Which is disappointing because I wanted it to be a slipped disk and not internal nerve damage. Which is so distressing it’s left me on such a distressed place and not the way I wanted to go. And can’t talk To family or anyone as I’m so worried.

    Has anyone else had similar? 

    the pain is in lower spine into left pelvis area and you can push into the left buttock hard and  get to the pain and it goes down the left leg a bit. 

    this happened 20th November last year with a casual partner. Ive not contacted him as it might distress someone and it was consensual. 

    if anyone’s got any reassuring advice or experience or could reach out to me I’d be grateful I’m in a very dark place atm. And my Gp Is dreadful and judgy over practical,


    thank you so much.

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