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  1. Hi all, Recently started exploring but have a partner. Besides using protection and Prep, what other tactics do you use to stay off your partner's radar and/or minimise the chances of getting spotted in public? I've recently bought myself a one man tent to use as a gloryhole for anon fun (great for indoor and outdoor use!). I also play a lot as masked as well (not a necessity). Interested in any tips!
  2. I'm intrigued. Living with a partner, but I do enjoy keeping my toys away and hidden. I've got mine in a small bag, which could easily be found (unfortunately there aren't many hiding places). I was thinking of buying some containers that look like coke cans (as an example) to see how that would work. What do you have and where do you normally hide it? Any ingenious ideas that you're happy to share?
  3. Hi all, Looking at booking myself a nice room in London for some fun. Looking for a place that has a hot tub within the room and is also easy for guests to access (basically a more upmarket St Giles, if you will). Would also prefer a shower head which I can remove to use as a douche, but not the end of the world, if not. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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