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Everything posted by cp70817

  1. What I did to loosen my hole was train myself with shower enemas (you will have to remove the metal drain catcher in shower so shit can go straight down), and after I was cleaned out real good I squat down in shower and finger my hole in circular back and forth motions. That helps your ass to get used to things going inside it. I also made my own mixture of lube that has worked real well for fucking over the years. Here is the recipe I use (works better than any lube) Big jar of vaseline, 1 big tube of water based personal lube (the kind women use for their pussies), and 2 tubes of oragel ( 1dollar at the dollar tree off brand works great). scoop out half of vaseline and put it somewhere or throw it away. now put vaseline that is still in plastic container in microwave for 30 secs, pull out, stir, put back in their for 30 secs and pull out again. pour in rest of ingredients and stir them in real good. let cool and now you have an awesome lube. Take this to the shower with you and go to town on your ass with just about any toy, but be careful as it will numb you somewhat and you may cause yourself irrepairable damage. I hope this helps anyone looking to stretch. I have been using it for years. You can also add some triple antibiotic to it and that will help a lil in case you tear yourself in the stretching process. Ya'll have fun with it.
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