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Everything posted by BBCumSlut7

  1. Hoping to pig out while in town. Staying downtown 12/8. Plan to visit Club Z or Steamworks and host at hotel. Looking to take as many loads as I can. anonymous cool. Tell me your status after you’ve cum in me. Telegram: @cxbb7
  2. In town for the night. Looking to host a top or more at my hotel to drop a load or more in me while I’m visiting. Staying near Stratford. Hit me up. telegram: cxbb7
  3. Showed up at his place and he told me to strip down. He led me to a back bedroom that was set up as his play area. He told me to get in the sling and get comfortable. He excused himself for a few while I got into the sling. When he returned, he asked if I wanted anything to loosen up. I replied yes and he opened his bag and pulled out a pipe. He handed it to me and said go for it. As I started blowing clouds, he began lubing up my ass. Without saying anything, he reached over grabbed a butt plug, sprinkled some powder on it, and started to push it in. It was bigger than I am used to so he massaged it until it popped in. After letting me smoke for a few minutes, he took the pipe and started strapping my arms and legs into the sling. Only thing he said to me while he was doing it was I don’t want you to touch yourself while you are getting fisted. About this time, everything started to kick in and all I wanted to do was touch myself. He slowly started to pull the butt plug out. The popping sound and the feeling when it came out took my breath away. He asked me if I was ready and I moaned yes. He gave me a big hit of poppers and started. He slid one, two, and then more fingers into me. When he reached the first stopping point, he worked his hand in and out. He told me to breathe a few time and just relax. The moment his hand slid in, my body shivered and I had an instant feeling of pleasure. He spent the next 30 minutes working my ass over. The guy was a man of few words. When he was done fisting me, he stood up and slid his dick in me. He started fucking me and after a few minutes began to grunt and pound me as he dropped his load in me. He unhooked me and I got out of the sling. He offered me the pipe again, which I didn’t refuse, and took some big hits before I left. When I went to the bathroom to clean up, I logged onto BBRTS since I knew I was going to still be high and horny when I left. I got dressed and headed out.
  4. Scene is ok. I travel a lot, so I find more trouble when I am out of town.
  5. 2 loads down. Looking for more.
  6. Headed here for a few hours looking to get fucked. Any tops in the area interested?
  7. Truckers passing through KC area who want to drop a load. Poz or neg welcome. There is a truck stop/rest area right before the Liberty exit off 35. I can meet you there. HMU if interested. NSA fuck session.
  8. Started chatting with a guy online who wanted to pnp while his bf was out of town. I showed up at his place and he immediately offered me his pipe. After several big hits, we got undressed and started feeling each other up. I came prelubed and soon as he was hard, I bent over and he slid inside me. He was about 7” thick and he didnt last very long. He apologized and let me take a few more hits of his pipe. I was still horny when I left, so I decided to stop by The Club. I got situated in a room and very quickly made eyes with a hot Hispanic guy. He stepped in my room and started sucking me off. He reached around and felt my lubed ass and growled when he felt it leaking. He got up and turned me around and bent me over the bed. He started reaching for a condom and I said fuck me raw. He said you cool if I am poz and I repeated fuck me raw. I thought the next thing I would feel in my ass was his dick, but it was fingers instead. He started with one and slowly started increasing the numbers. I realized quickly he was going to try to fist me. I took a big hit of poppers and decided to let this happen. I have never felt something so intense and I was oozing a ton of precum. After loosening me up, he pulled out and shoved his dick in. He began pounding me while I moanded into the pillow. After awhile he pushed me down on my stomach, he grabbed my arms and pulled them around to my back and held them there. He didnt want me to move. He slid his legs up on my side and I could instantly feel his dick poking my prostate. He said he was close and asked if I was ready for his load. I moaned yes louder than expected and the next thing I know he was unloading in me. He laid on top of me for a few minutes and then pulled out. I thought he would leave but instead I started feeling his fingers in my ass again. He asked if this was my first time attempting to get fisted and I said yes. He asked if I wanted to go to his place because he had supplies to make it easier for me. I told him I was up for it and I was ready when he was. More to come…
  9. Looking for anonymous encounters in KC or surrounding area. Like to get some action shots of me getting fucked and cum leaking out of my ass. Want to take?
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