Hi folks - stumbled upon this page in a fury of google searches and thought I would put this out there to and audience that appears to be well informed of these things.
On February 6 I visited a gay sauna and had unprotected insertive (me as top) anal sex with a man of unknown HIV status. I know for certain that he engaged in similar unprotected activities with another top partner shortly before we had sex. I honestly don't know what came over me and why I did this. I am married with a monogmous partner for 13 years. I have been watching for symptoms (bad idea) and last night (day 11) I was up all night - I have an itchy rash on my back and my body feels really warm though I have checked and there is no fever. I also have significant chills, headache and diarrhea. I know the only way to tell is by testing but I don't know how I am going to make it through the window period with the anxiety I have. Do these symptoms and timing suggest potential acute HIV?
I did an online assessment with an HIV clinic that suggested PEP was not warranted in the circumstances and my chances of infection were less than 1/1000 - do you agree with this assessment/would you have recommended PEP? Does the fact that another top potentially ejacutlated in him prior to me increase my risk? I am what I would describe as "half-cut" - circumcised though they left a lot of foreskin - would this increase my risk? I was treated for gonno and chlymidia out of caution though I had no symptoms if this is relevant.
I appreciate any advice you may have - I'm convinced I have been infected.
to be clear - I am in no way passing judgment on anyone who engages in bareback sex. It’s the only porn I watch and clearly I have some draw to it but in this instance I am regretting my poor judgment in light of my relationship and just seeking some information/comfort.
thanks fellas.