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About Shaytan

  • Birthday 06/15/1985

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  1. Does anyone have any plans to go on the Treasure Island Sea Tea Porn Cruise? Not sure if it's the 1st time they have had it or not. Sounds fun. http://maxsohlblog.com/2012/08/14/treasure-island-nyc-sea-tea-porn-cruise-sunday-august-22/
  2. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --- By examining multiple-cause death records, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have determined that deaths from viral hepatitis are insufficiently appreciated and by 2007 were exceeding reported deaths caused by HIV. Approximately 21.8 million records were included in the study, which was presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases on Tuesday, November 8. Those records were examined for mention of hepatitis B or C and for HIV. For the period of 1999 to 2007, deaths associated with hepatitis B remained constant, HIV declined, and hepatitis C increased – significantly. Almost three-quarters of HCV-related deaths occurred in the 45-64 year-old age group. HIV was one of the comorbidities associated with viral hepatitis, as were chronic liver disease, other hepatitis virus, and alcohol-related conditions. Scott Holmberg, MD, the study's presenter at the Liver Meeting® spoke directly to the conclusion of his team's study, which states a change in policy direction to improve detection and access to care for patients with hepatitis is required to decrease mortality associated with hepatitis, "Without reducing allocation of resources that have diminished HIV deaths, we think a commitment to detect and treat chronic HCV will markedly improve the growing wave of disability and death from this under-appreciated viral infection." Abstract title: The growing burden of mortality associated with viral hepatitis in the United States, 1999-2007 AASLD is the leading medical organization for advancing the science and practice of hepatology. Founded by physicians in 1950, AASLD's vision is to prevent and cure liver diseases. This year's Liver Meeting®, held in San Francisco, California, November 4 – 8, will bring together more than 8,000 researchers from 55 countries. A press room will be available from November 5 at the annual meeting. For copies of abstracts and press releases, or to arrange researcher interviews, contact Gregory Bologna at 703-299-9766. Press releases and all abstracts are available online at www.aasld.org. This release was issued through The Xpress Press News Service, merging e-mail and satellite distribution technologies to reach business analysts and media outlets worldwide. For more information, visit http://www.XpressPress.com. SOURCE American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)
  3. July 21, 2011 -- There is an ongoing "explosion" of deadly hepatitis C among men who have sex with men. It's spread mainly by anal sex, often enhanced by methamphetamine, according to a report in the July 21 issue of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. "We are having an explosion of sexually transmitted hepatitis C," study researcher Daniel S. Fierer, MD, of New York's Mount Sinai School of Medicine, tells WebMD. "We have uncovered an emerging epidemic of sexual transmission of hepatitis C. And the main reason is men having anal sex without a condom." It's no surprise to experts who treat hepatitis C. Liver cancer and cirrhosis caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV) already is the leading cause of death among people with HIV infection who have access to HIV drugs. Some 30% of Americans with HIV are co-infected with HCV. Sexual transmission of HCV among people without HIV is rare, notes Eugene R. Schiff, MD, director of the Center for Liver Diseases at the University of Miami, who was not involved in the Fierer/CDC study. Among heterosexual couples, he says, only 2% of those with HCV infect their partners after 20 years of monogamous marriage. The same may be true for men who have sex with men -- if they practice safe sex. "Our data do not support sexual HCV transmission between HIV-negative men," Fierer says. "There is reasonable data that HIV-negative men are not part of this epidemic." But that's not the case for HIV-positive men, notes Lynn E. Taylor, MD, of Brown University. Taylor was not involved in the Fierer study. In a study published last March, Taylor and her colleagues showed that new HCV infections are relatively common among HIV-positive men who do not use intravenous drugs -- a phenomenon previously reported in Europe and Australia. "We have robust evidence of increasing HCV incidence among men who have sex with men who do not inject drugs but do engage in high-risk sexual behaviors," Taylor, who was not involved in the Fierer study, tells WebMD. "It is the new sexually transmitted infection in this population. I am very concerned." Schiff notes that when HIV-positive men get HCV, they have much higher levels of the hepatitis C virus in their blood. Taylor and Schiff warn that hepatitis C infection progresses quickly in people with HIV infection. "These men are sitting ducks for liver cancer," Taylor says. "If they don't get treated and get HCV eradication, they are at risk of cirrhosis or liver cancer. ... We are seeing tons of gay men newly diagnosed with HIV, and then with HCV. I could go to a funeral of an HCV patient every week."
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