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Posts posted by nativebottom

  1. Any health care provider that's being judgmental is a health care provider I'd dump right fucking now. I'm paying them to provide me with medical advice and with treatment. Not moral judgments. Frankly, it's none of their business.

    However, it sounds like the biggest problem is in your head. Ask yourself why you feel ashamed. Do you feel ashamed if you need treatment for the flu or pneumonia if you skipped your flu shot? Should a rock climber who falls and breaks his arm feel ashamed when he goes in to get it set? Should you feel shame because you travel abroad and forget not to drink the water and get a stomach virus? Of course not. People engage in risky behavior all the time and seek out treatment to help deal with the consequences without any moral judgment at all.

    But with sex, and especially gay sex, of course it's different. Lots of people want you to be ashamed of being gay, of having sex with other men, of barebacking and having multiple sex partners. It's none of their business; they're the ones who have the problem and they're pushing it off on you.

    You're an adult. You're entitled to make your own decisions about your medical treatment and the risks you're willing to take, and you shouldn't feel any shame whatsoever about those decisions. Now, you may decide that dealing with the STDs is something you no longer want to put up with. That's legitimate. It's like deciding you no longer want to work in construction because of the potential for injury.

    But don't let anyone shame you into that decision. A virus is a virus is a virus, and a bacterium is a bacterium is a bacterium, no matter if you get it from a doorknob or a load in your ass. There's no moral dimension to contracting an STD or treating it.

    Well said!

  2. Just finished a marathon fuck session with a hot top. The guy wanted to end with him fucking my sloppy ass and he just kept pissing inside my gapping hole. This went on for two hours. Hardly wasted a drop. I went back to my hotel with a stomach full of his chem piss and was flying high.

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