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Posts posted by bbzh

  1. It depends. I tend to get hard if I'm very attracted to the top or he has a particularly nice dick. I don't mind having a flaccid penis during sex because there are certain positions I don't like to be fucked in when my dick is hard. I also don't like my cock played with either. Usually if it's soft, the top is less interested in it.

  2. About 5 minutes from where I live, there is a river with a trail that runs along it. There are a few benches that people rest on while taking walks during the day. Well, at night, those benches are perfect for fucking. The trail is gravel, so you can hear (and also see) people approaching well in advance from both directions. And there's absolutely no lights, other than the moonlight. Nothing like being bred by moonlight while high on poppers while you listen to the river run by.  

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  3. I have also seen where some places are making the code to the front door and the code to the room the same, so if you give that code out, you've essentially given that visitor access to you and your belongings for the entire length of your stay. That's a real deterrent.

    Also don't understand that website listing cumdump hotels...that's just flagging to the world that it's time to beef up security. People forget there are gays among us that report that kind of stuff. 

  4. I have a straight male friend who I am probably closer to than my gay friends. I am attracted to him and I joke (to myself only) that if his dick fell out by accident, it's getting sucked 😆. We do not talk about sex at all. We met at the gym 8 years ago. We now go on vacation together, but don't stay in the same room. Vacationing together was his idea by the way, and I am surprised his wife agreed to it. I do think gay-male-straight-male friendships serve so many purposes, particularly for the straight men, who often learn the power of empathy and how to be vulnerable with someone of the same sex. When sex is not on the table, it removes all the tension. Perhaps not germane to this discussion, I want to point out that I identify as non-binary so I embrace the masculine and feminine energies within myself. I definitely benefit from having his non-sexual masculine energy around me. It puts me at ease. Now I'm wondering if my feminine energy is what he enjoys most lol. Maybe I'm like a bonus wife who provides companionship, but doesn't nag him or make any demands 😂.

  5. On 4/18/2024 at 5:00 PM, Bottom Jim said:

    I met a guy on sniffles several weeks ago . He claimed he was 100% straight.

    When are gays going to realize that some men go on these platforms claiming to be straight because they know many gays are obsessed with seducing (so-called) straight men? 😆 

    For those obsessed with labels, please understand that there are men out here who will fuck any warm moist opening regardless of the hole's gender if given the opportunity. It's not the flex gays think it is, You're just a human fleshlight to these guys. You had sex with a straight horny guy. Period.

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  6. 10 hours ago, Sharp-edge said:

    Have you ever encountered during your app cruising anybody that fits this description? Was it a turn on/turn off? Would you be interested in meeting someone like that? 

    A couple of years ago, I was at a naked sex party in Berlin at a very popular bar. At one point, I encountered this rather tallish guy who could not walk properly due to what seemed to be a physical deformity. His face and arm were twisted. He was also making sounds (moans and grunts that I did not deem to be sexual) that seemed to suggest he could not speak properly and was living with an intellectual disability. He obviously was green lit to come in. He had a nice body and was getting plowed bareback continuously. I was quite conflicted by the scene. After I got over the initial shock, I hoped that he was at least able to look after his sexual health. However, the longer I witnessed it, the more I was starting to find the scene hot. I was in a position where I could have fucked him but chose not to. The entire episode reaffirmed what I believe about the nature of (some) men. If presented with the opportunity to do something, with no way of being held accountable, would they do it? Hell yes. I felt that by watching this all happen, I was becoming numb to what I was witnessing and almost finding it acceptable because others were doing it. This is why I try to avoid exposing myself to anything (eg porn) or situations (in real life) where it's not clear parties are consenting adults.  Do I think most of those guys who fucked him would have fucked him under any other circumstances? No. But as I say with many things in life, when luck, preparedness and opportunity intersect, anything can occur. 

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  7. On 4/14/2024 at 12:20 PM, NewCumdumpSlut said:

    Wow bet I took over a hundred loads. Honest question for cumdumps: what is the realistic risk of Hep C? I want to keep being a slut. How worried should I be? 

    Check out this discussion about Hep C. If you are having group sex, you are at risk - and considerable risk if your tops are going from hole to hole without washing up...



  8. May I also sing the praises of Sniffies? I'm in Fort Lauderdale on a Wednesday night and these men are pulling up to the door and filling up cunts! My first tonight was a Latino guy who bred me a few days ago. He's already asking if he can come again tomorrow. He is an expert rimmer and opened my hole up nicely.

    After he fucked his load into me, a guy with a BBC hit me up. He got really excited when I told him my cunt was already used and sloppy. He asked if he could come immediately to add his DNA to the mix. 15 minutes later, I got his load. My hole is a sloppy, cummy mess right now, but guess who's still online 🫠

    There is a gay couple on the other side of this bungalow I'm renting. I know they heard me in here getting these cheeks clapped so I'll just have to brace myself for the jokes and judgment tomorrow morning 😭. One of them has been flirting with me the entire time I've been here. 

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  9. I'm not sure I'd advise a bottom to go on apps like Grindr unless they: 1) are traveling to or living in a large metropolitan area, 2) are below a certain age and 3) are considered "conventionally attractive" in the market they are looking to get fucked.  These app developers are not stupid. They know bottoms outnumber tops and so when a bottom searches for tops, these apps charge money for increased visibility and then create this false sense of hope that there are many potential matches. Of those 100 tops they see, a bottom might only have a realistic chance with 5% of them. And then add in factors like is the top going to flake, negotiating who is going to host/travel, avoiding scammers, druggies, pic collectors and creeps - and then you quickly see that the chances of getting fucked by a stranger on an app is super low. At least if you're out at a venue, you see quickly who is interested. 

    I'd say to the OP, if the budget allows it, please pay a visit to a gay sex city like Fort Lauderdale or Berlin and get to some venues to see which bottoms are getting fucked and take some notes. Look at how they are dressed, look at how slutty they are, maybe go in the darkroom etc. Also visit venues that attract older as well as younger guys. You'll quickly see that if you are giving off "top" energy, it's hard to get fucked. And having a big dick flopping around is likely going to attract bottoms lol.  And my last tip for visiting a bigger city is to go on Sniffies. It's different from the other apps in that you can see where potential partners are on a map. I'm in Fort Lauderdale at the moment and I've had quite a few guys drop by and load my mancunt. But your mileage may vary. Good luck getting fucked.

  10. 5 hours ago, Ieatcumholes said:

    To this day I am rather silent during the act of copulation. But I DO make a point of letting the bottom know when I'm about to cum even if I have said nothing else during the act of copulation...

    THIS. 👆

    Nothing I dislike more than a loud cummer - everyone in earshot does not need to know what just happened 😭.

    I can tell from the faster strokes, the swelling of the cock in my ass and your breathing if you are close. No need to announce it but if u want to say (not YELL) you are close, that's fine. I get turned on most when it is a "sneaky" fuck - like the one I had not too long ago in a busy IKEA bathroom. 

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  11. 15 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    Haulover is the only one I know of around here as well.  Be wary of fucking though ... fun to meet guys there, but not necessarily fun being cellmates with them too .... 

    Can confirm this. There are signs everywhere letting you know what will happen if you get too frisky lol. And the most annoying part is that they fly small drones right near you on the beach to let you know they are not playing either.

  12. I use a lube injector to inject silicon lube before getting fucked. I also apply Vaseline right around the opening and just inside my hole, especially if the top is on the hung side. I find that using Vaseline in this way pretty much eliminates having those little tears around the anus (that can be painful for days post intercourse). It is also a barrier of protection against those sudden thrust tops who want to insert their dicks without my help or who intentionally try to inflict pain.

    If a top expects to rim, he should put in his request early and I'll skip the Vaseline. To be honest, I feel like bottoms should have the (exclusive) right to choose how to prep their holes for penetration. If the parties are dating or in a relationship, then different rules apply. Random, anonymous, 2 minute fucks means I decide. 

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  13. Sorry to hear this @rawfuckr. I contracted Hep C back in 2014. The antivirals hadn't yet been fully clinically approved and I had to take those horrible interferon injections with side effects that turned me into an emotional wreck. And to make matters worse, that treatment failed.  I was able to get into a clinical trial and get on Harvoni, which cleared me of the infection in 12 weeks if I remember correctly. (Harvoni cost $90k back then, but I see it has come down considerably in price since then).

    By the way, I was never one to inject drugs so my infection came from group sex. To this day, I am very careful about those situations. I am pretty sure I got it from a top plowing another bottom, drawing blood, and then that infected blood got fucked into my hole. It's best if the top washes his cock or at least grabs a paper towel and wipes off before he enters another hole. I've had tops refuse to do this in a group setting and I refuse the fuck. It's not worth the risk. And 95% of the time, the bottom doesn't even get the load! As hot a fantasy as it is to be lined up next to other bottoms and letting the tops try all the holes at random, this is one of the highest risk situations for a bottom. Syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydia are straightforward to treat. But Hep C is a monster, far scarier than HIV if you ask me. And get this, even if the top is Hep C positive, it is hard (thought not impossible) to transmit it to the bottom unless blood is exchanged.  

    Check out this guy's blog. When I was infected, I was in contact with him to help me get treatment in India. It looks like his network is quite extensive and you can get treated at a reasonable cost. And good luck to you man! There is a solution.

    [think before following links] https://www.generichepatitiscdrugs.com

  14. Would you be ok with this scenario if the shoe was on the other foot, meaning wifey got bred and infected and tried to medicate you without your consent? I doubt it. What if she has an allergic reaction? I advise you to get tested to see if you are indeed positive.  If you are, and you infected her, she is probably going to find out eventually via her own medical check-ups. You can fess up without saying you got burnt by a man. No point in you getting treated but not telling her and you end up passing the bug back and forth to each other.

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  15. I was at a movie theatre years ago (not a sex cinema). This guy kept staring at me in the lobby. Eventually, he came over to talk to me. I was a bit shy at first. He eventually invited me to go back to his place. It didn't take long for his penis to fall out, get hard and enter my rectum. Never saw or heard from him again after that. Since then, I've had guys clearly signal that they find me attractive in public places like the train station. I tend to just enjoy the attention and leave it at that. I become suspicious of guys who come on too strong in non-gay spaces. I end up  overanalyzing the situation and wondering if he has other intentions. I've seen guys change up when they see the car I drive and where I live, so I'm not so keen anymore on pulling dick off the street that I haven't properly vetted.

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  16. I remember years ago being in a sauna in Brussels. This guy who I thought was hot signalled for me to join him in a cabin. Once I got inside, he pinned me down immediately and tried to fuck me bare, which I totally was not into at the time. I was just strong enough to keep him from penetrating me, but not strong enough to get him off me. The struggle went on for a few minutes before I told him, "Look it's not going to happen so just give up." He finally did, but I was angry. I remember feeling shaken by it all too. I didn't think to try to get him thrown out of the place. To this day, if a guy tries to force my head down or do anything without my consent, my fight reflex kicks in. 

  17. I'm north of 50 now. I'm less interested in sex these days, but I've been slutty so long that I keep fucking anyway. I've got good genes and can pass for much younger than I actually am, and I keep myself in decent shape. I have more of a community service attitude to fucking versus being truly horned up and craving sex. Just had a 22 year old this evening, who can cum back to back, ask me for a repeat.  God bless this ministry.

  18. I arrived in Vienna today. I stopped by to see a platonic friend before I headed to my hotel. As soon as I had gotten settled in my room and showered, Grindr started pinging. A guy close by asked where I was. I said "my hotel, to which he replied, "I thought you were in the IKEA."

    I told him I would prefer to get fucked in my hotel and we left it there. The angel on my right shoulder was proud😇

    Then, suddenly, the devil appeared on my left shoulder said, "Douche your cunt and take it to that breeder".

    So I did😈

    He texted me exactly where to go. Once I was in the bathroom, I texted him which stall I was in.

    Luckily, the stalls in that IKEA go from the ceiling to the floor so no one could see us. I sat on the toilet and sucked him before he signalled for me to turn around and face the wall. Looking him in the eye, I took a huge huff of poppers and assumed the position. He fucked me with strong, quick thrusts.  I took his dick in silence. There was a guy in the next stall that had to have heard my breeder's belt buckle swinging back and forth.

    My hole was hungrily grabbing on his cock and it wasn't long before he started breathing hard. He whispered that he was cumming. I took his load, pulled my pants up and waited for him to leave the restroom before I opened the stall door.

    I walked past him on the way out the store. He was already back at his station and talking with his colleague about something. That co-worker likely has no clue what that quick "bathroom break" was all about. 

    I stopped by the grocery store to get some wine and cheese to celebrate the fact that it's not every day that a hoe takes a load in a busy IKEA store. 

    The breeder later texted me, "That was amazing. Thanks for coming."


    Angel: 0


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  19. One of my (married) regulars turned up once without revealing he had a cold. I was not too happy about that, but since I had prepped and was horny, I took the load. I'm now wondering if his wife told him to fuck off, so he came to me instead 🤧. When I'm not feeling well, I don't want anyone near me. 

  20. On 9/30/2023 at 5:58 PM, topblkmale said:

    Could we add inflation to the list? I paid close to $50 bucks to get a locker at Club FLL on a holiday weekend. The younger generation won't pay that when you could get three months of ad-free Grindr for $39.

    Grindr did to bathhouses what Netflix did to DVDs.

    Which brings me to my point of could bathhouses do a subscription service model to attract new patrons?

    I'd like to amplify this point about cost. I can afford to go as often as I want, but I do a sort of cost/benefit analysis in my head every time. The place is often full of mostly bottoms. When I first arrive, there is a frenzy among some guys hoping I'm going to top 😭. If I'm not (more or less) guaranteed the sex I'm after, then why spend the money? I've got a couple of professionals on call for when I don't want to play the fishing game on the apps for hours or don't feel like going out. Luckily, I've also got some reliable fuck buds. I travel to other cities to be the fresh meat as well. Furthermore, the sex cinema here is a better bet than the bathhouse. The married and DL guys don't have much time, they're less picky, I score every time I'm there and it's a fraction of the cost of the bathhouse 🤷‍♂️.

  21. A top on Grindr hit me up on Monday of this past week. We exchanged photos and then proceeded to engage in hot breeding talk. I'm sure he shot a load while chatting with me. The exchange was so hot that we exchanged numbers. He wrote me yesterday, super horny and ready to fuck. I prepared my hole and drove a half hour over to his house. 

    I walked in and got undressed. When I turned around, his 8 inch dick was already at full mast and up against my butt cheeks. I exclaimed, "Oh! You're ready!". He ate me out, made me suck his dick, and then he throat fucked my thrussy until I started to gag. He then folded me up in a number of very specific positions and fucked me senseless. We were both high off the poppers when he mounted me missionary. I could tell from the sounds he was making that he was close. He slammed into me, grunted and let loose. He went wild when I used my ass muscles to milk his cock. He stayed hard enough to keep right on fucking until he dropped a second load.

    As I lay on my stomach recovering from all the action, I saw that he kept playing with himself. He suddenly climbed on top of me and piston-fucked me until I got loads three and four. I've never had a top who could huff poppers like that and still be hard enough to fuck. I for sure thought he was done after that. We lay there chatting a bit. Because he has such a pretty dick, I began to massage his balls and suck him. Well, that got him going and he fucked load #5 into me. 

    I got dressed, thinking his balls HAD TO BE empty at this point. I asked for a quick tour of his apartment. As I stood near the door, I thanked him for all the loads. He pulled his dick out again and asked me to suck it. I did and right there in front of the door, he pulled my jogging pants down and fucked me yet again. What the fuck?!? I got SIX loads in 90 minutes, so I know he wasn't lying earlier when he told me that he needs to cum 4 times a day.

    After I arrived back home, he texted me, "Come back soon to get my loads. Loved how you sucked me. I felt like there was no hurry. You just enjoyed sucking it and when I turned you over and used your ass, you just took it. Really nice."  Nice indeed. I don't know what I did to deserve this big-dicked, multi-cumming top, but I'm hella thankful 🙏 .

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  22. On 9/13/2023 at 5:38 PM, hntnhole said:

    You reference "in a group setting";  Swapping Cocks is the whole point of group sex.  Of course no Top would mind at all - it only makes the group scene all the hotter.  I can't imagine bottoms minding either.

    To the "don't pull out" issue, would you mind so much if the guy rutting in your Hole pulled out and kneeled to increase the pleasure by eating it - tonguing it - savoring your Hole - before Breeding it?  Since you're describing a "group setting", maybe there's already a load or three up your gut - you wouldn't mind a tongue exploring it, would you?  

    I could have been clearer. I should have left off the "in a group setting" part. I was referring specifically to a situation where a top has seemingly paired up with me, but then sees another bottom he'd rather have fun with and ditches me - in other words, I didn't get what I was going to get. No one, top or bottom, wants to be ditched because someone "better" comes along. 

    To the "don't pull out" question, I didn't say it wasn't allowed - it's the excessive pulling out and re-entering that I don't enjoy. I've had tops admit they do this to make a bottom fart. I actually had a top do this to me today, but he also pumped 6 loads in me during a longish session so I kept my big fat mouth shut 😂 .

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