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Posts posted by lesklave

  1. Relative to some other stories I have read here, this one is going to seem rather ordinary, but for me at the time these events were not.  This is a true story.  After these events, I continued to live a normal, hetero life while submitting to my darker hungers whenever called upon to do so as I have up to this day. 

    I was 19 and in my second year at university.  I was a shy, introverted sort of guy (still am) but masked it effectively and, as a result, moved easily between tribes first in high school and later at the university I attended. 

    I was tall, 6' with long, dirty blond hair and a dry, muscular physique.  I was successful with girls largely on the strength of my ability to charm just about anyone.  

    I was working my second year as a hotel clerk in a very large downtown hotel in the center of the city.  My boss was a very handsome and sophisticated guy, 33 years old, guy who lived an openly gay lifestyle with a rich lover.  I certainly had no issues with his sexuality and just enjoyed working with him. 

    Over time, along with other staff, we began to hang out.  Going to bars both straight and gay to drink and dance in the early hours of the morning after our shifts had ended. 

    In those days, I was living with my girlfriend from high school (we'd been dating for three years) who was attending a college in the same town.

    Jon, my boss, asked me if I could help him move some furniture from his parents place in a nearby city to his lover's house during an upcoming weekend.  I spoke to my girlfriend about it and she thought it was fine.  She would just go home to visit her parents that weekend. 

    The drive up to his parents' place in the rental truck was relaxed and easy.  We arrived just after lunch and quickly got all his stuff loaded and secured in the back of the truck.  We then headed to the hotel where Jon checked us into a twin bedded room before we went to get some dinner.

    In a gesture of gratitude, Jon treated me to a great steak dinner with wine and then drinks on the outdoor terrace before we headed back to the hotel for the night.  I was feeling the booze but still wanted to smoke some weed before going to bed. 

    Once in the room, we watched a bit of TV and I asked Jon if it would be okay if I smoked a joint on the balcony.  He told me it was fine and I got my kit and rolled myself a joint before heading outside.  

    Enjoying my toke in the warm summer breeze I quickly felt the buzz come on to me and after finishing my joint, sort of stumbled a bit as I entered the room again with a wide grin on my face.  Jon just laughed and told me I looked pretty stoned.  I told him he was absolutely right.  Awkwardly, I pulled my t-shirt off stumbling and hitting the side of my bed almost falling over before managing to get it all off.  I then kicked off my sneakers forgetting to take my socks off and dropped my shorts leaving my boxers on. 

    I then layed down on top of the bedspread and promptly fell asleep. 

    I awoke some time later to an incredible sensation.  I will still solidly stoned so it took me a bit of time to realize that my boss had pulled my shorts off and was now sucking my cock.  I lifted my head heavily and looked down to see him swallowing my entire cock as he sucked on it.  He looked up and smiled.  I tried to lift myself up but he pressed down on my chest and I relented, enjoying the most incredible sensation I had ever felt.   Of course I'd had my cock sucked by my girlfriends, but never like this. 

    Gently, Jon pushed my legs up and began to lick my ass.  Again, I was experiencing something sexual like nothing I had ever felt before. 

    Somewhere in my head a voice was telling me that this was wrong, that this was gay, that this was not something I was into.  But my body was ignoring that voice with my moans and complete submission the proof of it.

    Jon then slid up the length of my body and lay on top of me.  Again, I tried to lift myself but he easily held me down.  He tried to kiss me, the rough, unshaven scratching of his beard against my face a strange sensation.  I turned my head away from him but he grabbed my face and held me, his lips hard against mine.  I relented and his tongue entered my mouth as I found myself surrendering to his kiss.  His tongue was so much larger and longer than that of any girl I had ever kissed.  I realized this must be how it feels for my girlfriend when I kissed her. 

    However foggy my head, I was enjoying this and at some point just decided to let whatever happened, happen.  I began to respond to his kiss and wrapped my arms around him, surprised at the hair on his back. 

    "I knew you wanted this" I remember him telling me.  I moaned in reply as I opened and lifted my legs to him in what seemed a natural response. 

    His hard and substantial cock pressed against my ass as he kissed me while slowly humping against me. 

    He broke the kiss and lifted himself off me.  I just lay back with my eyes closed as I felt him leave the bed.  I opened my eyes to see him with a facecloth and a small bottle he was wetting it with.  A strong chemical smell filled the room. 

    "This is going to help you relax and enjoy yourself more" I remember him telling me as he climbed back on top of me and held the facecloth to my nose and mouth.  

    Initially, I sort of panicked and tried to get up off the bed, but Jon held the facecloth against my mouth and nose while pressing his weight down on me.  Stoned as I was, I was not much of a coordinated match for him and as I inhaled, the effect of the poppers rolled over me causing me to slump back down onto the bed. 

    "You like that boy?" he whispered to me as he began to dry hump me again with his big cock.  I remember just moaning and feeling overwhelmed by an intense sexual hunger. 

    He continued to hold the facecloth on my face with one hand as he lifted himself and spat into his other hand several times, spreading his spit on my asshole.  The sensation was incredible and I would rock my ass to meet his slick hand.  When he slid first one wet finger then another into me I responded by trying to fuck his hand. 

    The poppers were providing a relentless rush and I could feel my heart pounding in my head.  Jon spat into his hand several more times and then I felt the heat of his cock at my asshole.  I inhaled deeply as I surfed on a wave of sexual hunger.  He gently pressed himself into me, resting his weight on my hips.  I felt a stab of sharp pain as his swollen cock head slipped in past my anus.  I could hear him spitting and thick gobs of spit hitting my ass and balls as he continued to push himself into me. 

    He grabbed my hips and lifted me thrusting forward at the same time.  I gasped and cried out.  He pressed the facecloth onto my face, holding it there as I inhaled the fumes as he slowly began to slide his cock in and out of my hole.  

    In my drugged state I came to an immediate realization.  I wanted to be fucked, I loved being fucked, I needed to be fucked.  I responded to his considerate motions by lifting my ass to meet his cock. 

    "You like that cock inside you boy?" he asked softly. 

    "Yesssss" I replied the word trailing off to a sigh. 

    He stopped moving and I groaned as he removed the facecloth from over my mouth and nose and again sprinkled it with poppers before putting it back on my face.  I inhaled deeply and lifted my ass to feel his cock slide into me. 

    "You're a fucking whore boy" he hissed.  Those words seemed to set off a hidden circuit in my brain that electrified my entire body and I moaned loudly as the full meaning of them sunk in. 

    Jon seemed to pick on this and began fucking me harder and faster, thrusting more deeply into me.  His eight inch cock was now sending jabs of pain through me each time he bottomed out into my hole.  The pain was somehow pleasurable to me and I wanted more of it as I hungrily tried to ram against his thrusts. 

    "What a fucking slut" he continued as his fucking grew harder, more brutal. 

    I responded by moaning and inhaling deeply from the poppers soaked facecloth.  Fuck, I could not get enough of the sensation of his cock inside me. 

    He began fucking me faster now, ever harder, ever more brutally.  

    "I'm going to cum inside you bitch.  I'm going to breed your faggot hole slut, I want you to beg me for it, beg for my seed you cum slut" he hissed as sweat began dripping of his face onto my chest. 

    "Fuck me" I moaned.  "Cum inside me, please" I begged. "Cum inside me, cum inside me, please, cum inside me, cum inside me..." I kept repeating as I struggled to meet the hard thrusts of his cock into me. 

    "I'm going to seed you bitch and I then I will own you, I will own you completely, do you understand me whore?" he continued as I began wincing with each painful thrust into me. 

    "Do you understand bitch!" he yelled. 

    "Yes....yes.....I under....stand....owned....you own.....me.....please....cum inside me....own....me" I answered to the rhythm of his thrusts. 

    He growled and slammed into me then held his cock deep inside me as he began to fire his load into me.  He gripped me by the neck and began to squeeze, choking me as he trust again, shooting more of his seed into me.  Between the poppers soaked facecloth and his choking I began to feel the room slipping away from me.  He slammed once more into me and I felt like I was peeing then felt like I was blacking out. 

    A moment later I was coming back again from the darkness.  Jon had removed the facecloth and now rested the full weight of his body, moist with sweat, on top of mine.   He put his hand around my throat again and squeezed gently. 

    "You liked that didn't you whore" he whispered softly then kissed me. 

    "Yes, I liked it" I replied, my voice betraying the exhaustion of what I had experienced. 

    He squeezed my throat a little harder. 

    "I own you now.  You are my whore and my slut and you will learn to do whatever I want, whenever I want it.  Are we clear?" 

    "Yes, we're clear." I replied in resignation of what I had accepted I had become.

    He released my throat and lifted himself off me, pulling his cock from my ass as he did so.  I plopped out heavily and I felt a wetness leak from me.  Jon reached between my legs and scooped up some of the cummy filth and brought it to my lips.  I opened my mouth and he gave me his slime covered fingers to suck.  In that final surrender I knew I had truly accepted to engage upon that downward path the destination of which I could not yet know.

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  2. Raw...I was 17, my boss was 35....I was helping him move and we were sharing a room in a hotel...I knew he was gay but I had a girlfriend....I got stoned out on the balcony and then crashed on the bed...I came to a bit later and he was sucking my cock....he rimmed me then fucked me....shooting his load inside me....I later found out he had told all his friends about it so they would look me up and well....without knowing why or how...I sort of got passed around.

  3. Interesting thread. I only recently told my wife of 22 years about what happened to me when I was 13. I had been sent to a summer camp which consisted of travelling by bus from Montreal (Quebec) to Victoria (BC) over the course of a month. We were in small groups that slept in tents at various provicial and federal parks along the way. The kids in the groups were from 13 to 18 - all boys, a total of about 40 kids I guess. I did not know anyone and was teased by the older boys at the back of the bus even before we reached Toronto. The incident (I'm detached from any emotional connection to it...the memory feels like someone else now...or a movie) happened somewhere in the prairies. I had done something wrong and was confined to the tent as punishment for the afternoon with two other kids. They were old, about 18 I think. Anyway, they had hair on the bodies which meant "older" to me. It was July and incredibly hot. The tents were quite large and the older guys were at the back smoking dope and giggling. I was in my underwear lying on my sleeping bag trying to sleep. Next thing I know, one of the guys is lying on top of me, holding me down, he's calling me a "tapette" (french for faggot) and sort of dry humping me. I remember my back was all slick from his sweat. I honestly don't remember saying a word or even resisting, he pulls down my shorts and then he's inside me. I also don't remember any pain...there must have been....but like I said, this all seems like a movie to me now. Whatever he did was quick and then the other guy did the same thing then it was over. I'm thinking maybe 10 minutes tops. I don't remember much of anything about that whole summer after that. I remember leaving Montreal on the bus, I remember having my book taken and thrown across the bus outside Toronto and that made me cry which I was ashamed of. I remember the event in the tent and then flying home from Winnipeg much later. Not sure if this made me "gay"...I have been with many women in my life and have been married a long time. My wife and I still have great sex, but I have always been sexually passive/submissive with men...I try and resist it, but I always end up giving in and finding someone who will use me and humiliate me. i guess you could draw a connection, that would be convenient. But I feel so detached from the event, I don't see how they could be related. As I said - the memory is like a movie to me. I have no recollection of pain, no "cum leaking out my ass" ( did not even know what cum was), nor do I remember how the hours and days that followed unfolded. Was I touched again? Did they tease me about it? I think it is likely that what happened scared them silly and they left me alone, acting as if nothing had happened. But i cannot assert this as I frankly don't remember. Today, I have a dark side (if it must be given a name) that finds me craving for degrading sex with anonymous men. I struggle with this urge because it is inherently destructive. To give in to it would set me on a slippery slope that put at risk everything I hold dear.

    But I'm here...on this site....dancing at the edge of darkness.

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  4. This is a translation from memory of a story I read a long time ago on a french BB site. I just thought it was the hottest thing and reminded me of my own first breeding.

    What I like, as a bottom, is that it is written from the breeders perspective...I've gotten a lot of insight and enjoyment from this forum....I thought I'd contribute modestly in return.

    I was lying naked on top of my bed, my skin moist with the relentless heat that hung in the still air. It was one of those nights in the city when sleep would only be achieved through medication or as a consequence of a good, hard fuck. The stirring in my loins and the hard cock in my fist wrote the prescription. I rolled off the bed, pulled on my jeans, a clean t-shirt and some shoes and headed out for the park.

    The dark, city park fuckscape was busy tonight with others who, like me, were both horny and too hot to sleep. I walked the narrow, dirt pathways slowly, hunting for the right prey. Around me, the sounds of clandestine sex amid rustling leaves whispered in the night air.

    I crossed a few good prospects and had my ass fleetingly fondled once or twice, but I was on the hunt for a hole to unload into and soon spotted the one I wanted.

    He was clearly out of his depth. A newbie, betrayed by his nervous movements, the way his eyes never met anyone's gaze and how he seemed so painfully lost just a few meters from the city sidewalk.

    I walked past him slowly, taking him in. He was young, about eighteen was my guess, longish blond hair, tight jeans, light blue t-shirt clinging to a thin body, Van’s slip on shoes, no socks, about my height. Very sweet piece of ass I thought to myself. I walked past slowly enough to get him to start following me.

    I drew him along like this down the hill to a secluded spot among some older trees, just off the path. When I felt he’d entered the small clearing, I quickly moved through a small gap in the bushes and came back quietly behind him.

    He was standing there, achingly beautiful in the faint light, as lost as ever.

    I came up behind him, making just enough sound so as not to startle him and before he could turn, I wrapped an arm around his upper chest and pressed him forward against a tree holding my body firmly pressed against his back.

    “You’ve been following me” I hissed in his ear, kissing his neck. The sweet scent of his sweat was divine, making my needy cock harden.

    “No…I…I don’t know….” He stammered nervous. He was not resisting. There was no effort to break free of my grip. He was unsure. Waiting to understand.

    “I want to fuck you” I growled, putting emphasis on the “fuck”.

    “Yes….but I….I don’t….” he replied, his whole body seemed to tremble.

    “You don’t what” I insisted, gripping him more firmly, pressing my hardness against him.

    “I’ve never done this. I mean. I’ve never been…you know….in the ass…” he replied, his voice a low whimper.

    Damn! I thought. A fucking virgin. How lucky could I get?

    “Don’t worry, I’ll go very gently…make sure this is special for you” I answered softly, gently dry humping him. I reached into the pocket of my jeans with my other hand and pulled out a bottle of poppers. Expertly, I twisted the cap off letting it drop to the ground. I held it to his nose.

    “Take a deep sniff of this then hold it in a bit before exhaling” I whispered.

    He inhaled deeply, held his breath a moment then exhaled. In an instant, I felt all the tension in his body drain away as he began to press his ass back against me. Yeah. This was working out very well.

    “Strip” I ordered.

    He fumbled with his belt and dropped his jeans to his ankles while I pulled the t-shirt off over his head. He kicked his shoes off and pushed the jeans aside in the dirt. He was perfect. His pale skin seemed to glow in the faint light. He was soft and smelled of soap and sweet sweat. I ran my hands over his flat stomach up to his erect nipples and teased them, making him moan ever so softly.

    “Here”, I said, giving him the poppers. “Keep sniffing, it’ll make things easier.. You’ll see”.

    I knelt behind him and beheld his small, tight ass. I ran my hands over those beautiful, round, hairless cheeks and spread them gently, revealing his pale pink pucker. I pressed my mouth against it, licking his sweet tasting hole, pressing my tongue gently into him, wetting him as I teased him. As I feasted on yhis lovely boy cunt, I could hear him sniffing deeply from the dark bottle, rewarding me each time with a horny wiggle in his hips and a loosening of his hole.

    Finally, I stood behind him and spit into my fist, lubing my hard cock. I began to rub the swollen head against his tight hole, teasing it slowly into him. He sniffed feverishly on the bottle then, curving his back, pressing his ass back onto my cock.

    “You want it don’t ya?” I hissed into his ear.

    “Yessss….” He replied softly.

    I pushed a little more of me into him.

    “Sir….I….sorry….but should you…you know….a condom?” he asked, his body still, my cock only just an inch or two into him.

    I pressed a bit more into him, feeling him wince as I popped past his anus before answering. I held still.

    “Shit, no. Don’t like them. Never use them. Do you want me to stop?” I asked knowing everything hinged on this awkward moment.

    “No…..no…don’t stop…” he replied, taking another hit of poppers.

    I pushed myself further into him and began to gently fuck him savoring the velvet grip of his tight, virgin ass on my hard cock.

    “So were okay then bareback. No condom” I said, slowly sawing my cock in and out of his ass.

    “Yeah…it’s good, no condom…don’t stop” he replied desperation in his voice...taking another hit of poppers.

    “What if I was poz” I added softly, continuing to fuck his sweet ass.

    “Are you?” he replied, a trace of panic in his voice, his body stiffening in an instant.

    “Do you want me to stop” I asked again, pulling my cock almost fully out of him.

    He curved his back and pushed himself onto my cock, he answered with his ass. He was mine now.

    I fucked him harder now, making him groan and grunt against the bark of the tree while sniffing as best he could from the poppers.

    “Are you ready for my seed boy?” I growled, my release rising inside me as I fucked him deeper.

    “Yes…..yes....” he replied meakly.

    I growled loudly and rammed deep inside him as my seed erupted. I fired stream after stream into him, gripping him by the hips as I unloaded.

    I held him tightly, holding my cock deep inside, packing my tainted seed into his bowels. After a moment. I pulled myself slowly from him, a long, thin stream of cum falling away from my cock onto his leg.

    “You are going to make one sweet cum slut boy. With what I've given you tonight, there’s no turning back for you now” boy. I whispered to him as he seemed to slump against the tree. I pulled my jeans up and shoved my cock back inside. I ran my hand down the sweat moistened skin of his back. He curved his back and thrust out his ass in response. I heard a rustling of leaves and another guy came up alongside me. His big cock was already out. He ran his hand down the boy’s back as I had done. The boy responded as he had for me and, as he took another sniff from his bottle, a new, raw cock was pushed into his cum lubed hole.

    It was going to be a hot night, I thought, as I made my way back home.

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