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Posts posted by da90027

  1. Yes I've been around a long time and remember the 80's well. I've also had a few experts tell me the risk of oral is almost the same these days for a total top to get it from a bottom who is undetectable, healthy and on meds. As I said earlier silicone lube is also a body fluid repellent. Those up on a soapbox don't want people to know that but they do want to use scare tactics. If I were a bottom I would be considerably more concerned.

  2. Like I said I hadn't done a gay shoot in months and was stringently tested regularly before I did them. I'm out of it now so it's a moot point but HIV is not an exclusively gay virus, do you own a calendar? This is not 1985 anymore. It seems to me and I do read and watch the news daily the last several years that had a transmission on a porn set were straight vids with totally straight actors. Minus the last one, that guy was a psycho and had zero credibility. After all these years ignorance is still rampant and gay men are once again targeted as the only carriers of HIV. It's bullshit. Instead of perpetually responding to me why don't you go preach to people like Chichi Larue to use condoms in their oral scenes straight and gay and see where it gets you. If you are going to talk the talk then walk the walk.

  3. I'm retired from porn anyway but I do feel it is wrong to tell others what to do. People know the facts and have free will. Personally I don't see any porn and think "Oh I want to do that because they are"...porn is supposed to be a fantasy not a soapbox or a venue to tell others what they should be doing. I find it ironic they get one or two people infected on a porn set and the critics go ballistic when thousands are turning poz in private every day. Some of the fan mail I have received has stated that they like to see bb porn but they don't do it in their personal life. People like ChiChi Larue are hypocrites because sdhe doesn't use a condom for oral sex and it can be transmitted that way too. The only true safe sex is NO SEX and you know that is not going to happen.

  4. BTW, I am neg and when that scene was shot I had not donr a film for Treasure Island for several months and also had the previous three months of continuous testging. I've often challenged anyone $5,000 to prove otherwise, so far no takers. I am not a gambler but never make a bet with anyone that I know I can't win. I am a total top and although I have done bb porn I am still careful to a point. The fact is for a total top the risk is still very low. Poz guys these days have very low undetectable viral loads I also use silicone lube which is a repellent. The only true safe sex is no sex.

  5. Thank you both! I am very honest and approachable and always love hearing feedback. BTW, I have some great new scenes coming up. I just filmed one last Tuesday with a hot 20 year old latino. He took a hard raw pounding and we had great chemistry, we kissed the whole time I was fucking him. I don't know when it will be out sometimes TIM releases stuff within 3 months other times almost a year later.

  6. Nice back pedaling...I put my personal email address on the TIM site 5 years ago for fans to contact me. Since you seem to be on every porn site in town and claim to know so much I'm surprised you didn't see it. Maybe you are not the huge TIM fan you claim to be.

    I do have a thick skin it comes with the territory but that doesn't mean I am not going to comment on things I see online.

  7. I am kind of shocked at all the stereotypes addressed in most of the above responses. I am sure everyone here doesn't like being labeled derogatory names like "rice queen" "potato queen" "old white & pasty". WOW...I'm floored.

    We all like what we like and have certain preferences. I don't put anyone down for liking what they like. The only I care about is who I am dating or in a relationship with. Some people like chocolate ice cream some like strawberry one is not better than the other you don't have to put one down in order to defend your choice.

    I would think as gay men we have put up with enough stereotyping by straight people to start slinging mud at each other.

    As a caregiver for seniors with alzheimers and strokes I take umbrage with anyone being called "old", "pasty" etc just like I'm sure most asians don't like being referred to as "submissive bottoms". I think we all need to start respecting other's choices and decisions and preferences. It's called being open minded.

    Chi Chi Larue and others probably think sites like this are sick but I believe in people making their own choices and I don't believe in anyone telling someone else what they should be doing. Leave that to people like Rick Santorum.

  8. Since I am the type to respond and personally answer all email etc and I am known as a no bullshit down to earth person let me comment on the above. I am neg and yes got tested quite frequently when filming. If I were poz I certainly wouldn't lie about it as I feel there is nothing wrong with being poz. My ex bf was poz and I fucked him bb all the time for almost 3 years.

    Like Father Like Son was a VERY low budget production churned out by a guy who does so much porn producing I doubt if he would remember me if I walked up to him. I was nervous as hell as it was my first time ever fucking a woman. It was a surreal experience to say the least to lose your virginity on camera and at age 50. But I like challenges and wanted to do it. I actually enjoyed it but as I said there was no script and I was nervous as a whore in church. I'm sure that stilted whatever limited "acting" was required. As for being macho or fem I try not to say mean spirited things about people I don't know and have no axe to grind with anyone who doesn't fuck with me first.

    Porn is porn gay straight whatever I just like to fuck. Maybe I am a closet bi I try not to overanalyze anything anymore. So Pata you seem to know alot about people you have never met but in the future if you have any questions about me just come directly to the source. Otherwise it's like reading the Enquirer. And I really hate gossip, I don't talk about anyone behind their back but I have no problem saying what I need too when face to face.


    Derek Anthony

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