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Posts posted by cumdesire

  1. I get my bloodwork done by a County Board of Health in suburban Atlanta. For the past 6-9 months, their results for undetectable have been able to pinpoint down to zero or one, though anything under 20 is still considered undetectable. Older tests were only able to give accuracy above 40.

    As was mentioned previously, however, that is blood not semen. Also, viral load can vary by a few dozen points throughout the day. If he's fastidious with his meds and has been reliably undetectable for more than one blood draw... that's about as safe as you can possibly expect him to be for someone with HIV. Anyone else, by comparison, is a roll of the dice. You never know if they're lying, have never been tested, have been exposed since their last test, or are positive while truly believing that they are negative.

    Sometimes it's like driving a car without a seat belt. You can never be 100% certain, and sometimes all the seat belts and airbags in the world won't make a difference. Just getting into the car puts you at risk of a wreck, and it's quite possible that you're less likely to survive the trip to the store to buy condoms than you are of catching HIV.

    You're right

  2. Right. But not "no chance" Still I think if you wanted to stay "neg" you would switch to "undet" guys breeding your hole rather than "neg" guys who most likely have no honest clue about their hiv status.

    Exactly, I weren't convinced of 'no chance', thus that is why I have those thoughts... He tells the same think that is highly lower from him bb me at this point of his health as undetectable one, than by seemingly negative ones not sure of they status.

  3. Hi,

    I have planned a hookup tomorrow with a hot poz undetectable guy whose viral load is zero. Thus I have a question (what is of course of my concern and final decision), but I would like to hear opinions: Should I let him bareback me? not to mention the possibility cuming in my hole... I am negative, He is on meds, under exact control, and assures me that there is a very low or actually no chance of infecting. Thanks for quick posting

  4. I have told this story of how I started barebacking before, but it's relevant ;)

    Once you actually take cum, it is hard to stop. I think you will love being a barebacker, but make sure you are ready before you go for it.

    I agree. It's time to consider all things, but on the other hand the temptation is strong and one would like to follow it immediately. Give yourself time and wait for the course of events,imo ;)

  5. Yeah, if you're going to bareback promiscuously, you will (unless you're extraordinarily lucky) catch HIV eventually. Another option would be to use condoms when hooking up, but bareback within a monogamous relationship after discussing things with your partner.

    Monogamous relationship would be a golden mean considering all things mentioned above, but it's not an easy 'task' if I can call it that way, especially when stressing fidelity of the potential bf.

  6. Only had one bare load in the ass so far. Was disappointed did not feel him shooting in me, but did know he was from the look on his face as he pumped my ass. Had a few bare fucks before that, including one from the same guy, but the tops did not cum in me. That time I was so horned up I told him to shoot in me. Did not get fucked again for a long time after that, but have a few times since, with condoms. More oral here and always have been. Do fantasize about taking multiple bare loads.

    Exactly the same as me.

    Took only one load from the guy who I know and met several times before, but I felt somekind of a dissapointment as didn't felt the cumshot and cum's warmth.

  7. Well, I can tell being poz isn't fun -- so if you're not a bug chaser try to take some precaution. Get to know someone, get tested, etc. If you want to take more risk, but try to stay neg, you can always go the prophylaxis rout and take antivirals either right before or right after potential exposure. I'm not sure about how long the treatment is or coverage and whatnot, but you can look into it.

    yeah, not an easy matter. About chasing - no, I'm not a bug chaser.

  8. I woluld like to start from the fact that I'm new here, so hi everybody:). I know the final decision about my question must be taken on my own but I must ask (despite myself): bareback or not to bareback? I'm a 23 year-old student, slim and rather handsome (gym) and I'm good-natured, humorous... but from the economical point of view I still live with parents what complicates everything a bit. That's the 'good' side of me and now the dark one. My tempation is to 'devote' to bb. I have it few times in my life, suprisingly only one finished with cumdumping my ass and that kind of sex turns me on and makes hot. Maybe it's a silly question but: do You think I should let myself go after it? because that thought occurs very often in my head. And finally, any advice for minimalizing the risk of STD's and do You had such doubts about fucking bare? thx for response and I'll try do develope this train.

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