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Posts posted by Jversbttm

  1. I was recently diagnosed in the first week of Nov '15. I've been hooking up regularly since I was 20 (24 now). Once or twice a month on average. Not always bottoming, Not always bb, But mostly started bottoming last summer tho.

    In August I got gono in my butt so nov I was was due for a follow up but in August I asked my doc about prep. She said she doesn't really work with prep she'll see. In sept I fool around with 3 guys who cum in me. I feel regret. Remorse. Ect. So I plan to stop hooking up. Oct rolls around and I'm dealing with life as normal. No sex tho, promised myself I wouldn't for whatever reason. I get a phone call from a different doc saying I got an appointment to get on prep. Cool. Maybe my non-sluttyness is paying off.

    Shortening my story, I get diagnosed not long after my appointment. Emotionally it's been a battle anyway so when I go for my med appointment and see the doc again they tell me they caught it early. First time I got blood drawn I was at 560k vL. Not sure cd4. Second time(day I was diagnosed) 440k and 280cd4. I'm on trimeq (spelling?) pill. My doc says she estimates InJan when I go for my 6-8 week I'll be down to 440 vL, 3 decimals shorter (I'm aiming for undetectable)

    Now do you think I'm correct in assuming that my poz lifestyle would pretty much be the same as my prep lifestyle except if I don't take my meds everyday my vL will begging to rise and slowly kill me?

  2. I think it is just your perception, or It's what hits you up, or what doesn't hit you up (the type you like doesn't like you) but it really is Prolly just your area. There are tons of fit sexy white guys here. Sure there are old fat guys here but I get rejected all the time for being Puerto Rican and chubby. And i mean actually chubby not fat and obese.

  3. Thanks for the advice, while I certainly am chubby Im not chubby to the extent that fat is hiding my penis and I dont have micropenis but it is really small I think not sure if I can post pics here but yeah. I would like more girth then length but I think im just destined to be a underwhelming top

  4. We all been there, we want a bigger Dick, fatter, longer, more cum. I like to top but i feel inadequate. Anyone tried anything and worked? Any myths or advice. So many products and It's hard to know what works and what doesnt. If anything even does work.

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