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Posts posted by Verbal76

  1. The only friends who know are fellow bb-ers....one friend has an inkling....it turns me on to think I'm sort of living this double life

    Just wondered if any of your friends know you bareback and if so what are their thoughts?

    Do you play the " Of couse I play safe " game?

    When they say to you " Make sure you wrap it up", Do you pretty much cringe and just say " Of course".

    In my situation my friends and family don't want or need to know the nitty gritty of my sex life and I find that just agreeing tends to allay their fears.

    But sometimes I want to yell " No, I am a slut and my fantasy is to fucked by as many guys possible until cum is running down my leg.".

    But I just say of course I wrap up.

  2. I"m a high school teacher and this man's behavior disgusts me.  I'm no prude (i'm on this site)..but all teachers, under law, are mandated reporters and have a responsibility to protect all minors--so yes, his job is relevant even if the student in question wasn't his.


    As someone who truly and appropriately loves his job and also enjoys sexual liberation, stories like this trouble me because it makes it harder for guys like me who separate work and play to make the case that out private lives should have no bearing on our jobs.

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  3. I think it's the quality of the porn. Things like Treasure Island not only showed me bb porn, but they showed real-looking guys. It seemed a lot of the bb studios, especially when bb porn was newer had guys who looked more, for lack of a better term, normal. The scenes seemed more like real sex and not soft-focused, heavily-waxed, impossible-to-attain bodies, cheesy music porn that I had been used to seeing.

    There was just something more "real" about the bb porn guys

  4. Well I had my first appointment. Doctor prescribed the Truvada but he wants me to abstain two weeks, get tested with the super sensitive test, and then, assuming the result is negative, start taking the meds.

    It's annoying to have to go without sex for two weeks, but I'm hoping it will be worth it in the end.

  5. But if I get bred Wednesday and my appointment is on Thursday...shouldn't there be a window where I abstain so they know for sure I'm 100% negative before starting treatment? I think my friend had to do that, but it was more like two weeks, not three months.

  6. It strikes me like maybe the CDC, WHO, etc. are including condoms as a cover-their-ass. It can be a tough sell to the public to endorse an expensive medicine just to allow gays to fuck without consequence. Furthermore, I"d imagine the condom part is more about the other STIs that are out there such as syphilis.

  7. So I know you need a confirmed negative diagnosis before they put you on PrEP. Does that mean I need to abstain for three months or two weeks or what?

    I'm scheduling an appointment with the doctor who specializes in it. I last had raw sex Saturday...would like to get on the treatment ASAP but it's hard to resist.

    Can anyone who's been put on the treatment sort of give a walkthrough of what to expect from the initial sets of appointments?

  8. So...any advice on how to create a really good BBRT profile? I'd like more results and people messaging me. Is it because my status is negative? How descriptive should one be?

    I was on a recent trip to London and literally hundreds of guys checked out my profile but few responded. I just had a face pic, with privates locked. Should it be the other way around? I also wasn't able to stay online that often, so I don't know if people saw my profile and just weren't interested or just didn't bother sending me a message since I wasn' tonline. (some did.)

    Tips or suggestions would be nice. I'm home from the trip but the profile is still based in London. Verbalmke76 is the bbrt profile. Advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

  9. Yeah, my doctor didn't even know what PrEP was...I'm feeling really divided. He's a good doctor, rated in Milwaukee magazine, and has been a family doctor for years. But when it comes to gay men's health issues..he hasn't taught me anything I haven't learned on my own. His advice is "always use a condom" and sort of leaves it at that. He's not judgmental and doesn't make me feel shamed but I'm not sure his advice is always realistic or that he "gets it."

  10. So I hooked up with a guy over a week ago. He claims he hasn't fooled around with anyone since. He also tested positive for gonorrhea because he was experiencing symptoms. He seems to think he got it from me, but possibly from someone he played with before me. He tested negative for everything else.

    I'm not into bug chasing or get off on the idea of diseases at all. This to me is troubling because I'm completely asymptomatic. No discharge, no soreness, nothing. My doctor says that stuff is often hard to find on a test, particularly if there is no discharge to swab and such.

    So I'm not sure what to do. I don't know whether I have anything. I don't feel like I have anything. I certainly don't want to pass anything on. But I don't want to be celibate either.

    Any advice or experience with being asymptomatic for STDS other than HIV?

  11. Eery so often I run across a video of this guy..he's really verbal, masked, and there's some sort of theme (construction workers, Roman orgy). His videos always look like they're shot super lowbudget in someone's basement or sexplay room. Anyone know who that is?

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  12. Class isn't really discussed much in the US. We have the poor, lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class, the rich and the ultra wealthy. I don't think I'm any better or worse than any other class.

    I think what's also interesting is that in gay sex culture--bathhouses, hook-ups, grindr, etc.--once the clothes come off, class differences are hidden. If I'm in a bathhouse, other than the guy being able to pay the fee, I can't really tell what social class he is. The usual items that signify class--clothes, hairstyle,etc. are gone. However, physical classifications such as race, age, body-type, are still evident.

    I will say that my experience is that I went through a phase of whites-only (I'm white) and within that, I was very choosy..wanted the athletic build, masculine, jocky type--not an uncommon preference on the gay personals. But once I realized what I was doing was going after the sort of preppy, pretty, popular, jock guys who made my life a living hell in high school. I was more of an exclusive top during that period, and with much soul-searching, I realized my racism, body-ism, etc. stemmed from my own insecurities and my need to dominate the sort who had picked on me.

    Once i Realized that, I saw how shallow I was and I began to enjoy the variety of both men and roles I could have, I became quite happier.

  13. Sounds like it could be a carbuncle. I had one on my shoulder once..from carrying a backpack and rubbing it. They are basically a bunch of hair follicles that have infected each other. It's gross, but easily treated with the right antibiotics and ointment--and it's not necessarily sexual. My doctor said people get them on their butts from toilets or sweating with certain underwear and whatnot.

  14. I can't tell you how many people I know have an account on say Manhunt or a4a or Lifeout and are all "Safer only" and also have accounts on bbrt wanting raw loads. What I've noticed online is if there are face pics, then it's "safer only," but if it's cock/ass pics, it's more open to bb. So yes, there's obviously a closet about this.

  15. Yeah it sounds like most of us have had our share of run-ins with idiots. I do like that there are a lot of guys into bb that just hind behind things no "no bb" or "safe sex only." It probably stems from them being embarrassed or from fear of being lectured from guys like the asshole who did it to me. If people were less judging and more free thinking I think more people would be not only open to bb but open to being open about being into bb.

    It's hilarious comparing guys on BBRT with the same guys on Manhunt or Adam4Adam. On BBRT, they're all "want hot raw loads" and on the more mainstream sites, it's "safer only." I should know...I'm one of those guys? Why? Because I have friends on those sites..I ran into a coworker on Manhunt once..and...there is this expectation to "be responsible."

  16. I only discovered I liked bottoming when it was raw. I had tried..and would accommodate a condom-covered dick. I remember all my health class lectures and so forth. But sometimes the condom would burn or irritate and it just felt weird. It took me a long time to top someone raw as well.

    And then one day...I just let a FB do it...and the sensation was amazing. I drew the line at him cumming in me..but I've done it a few times now and I love it--and that frightens me a bit.

    Like many guys, I'm on here partially for fantasy...partially for info...I really want to be a slutty guy, but I don't want the health and social costs of HIV. I'd worry about my job (I'm in education), my family finding out, the finances. It's very frustrating for me as I want to be sexually fulfilled but also physically healthy and it seems these are mutually exclusive.

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