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Posts posted by PozBearz

  1. This thread really show's how many of us guy's have a thing for our father's that runs deep in each of us.

    Some of us grew up blessed having father's who were more concerned about their son's getting a fully rounded sexual education growing up. Allowing their son's and themselves an intimate time together both grown up as adults.

    I always thank my late step-father for being the man many men can't be because of social norms. My stop-father taught me how to be a real man and how to enjoy my sexuality without any of the hang-ups so many guys have in today's world.

    I want to just thank all of YOU fathers out there who can raise good boys into strong balanced men who are truly ready to face the world out there and can truly enjoy the sexuality they were born to have.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Now that was a small novel that is one of the best I have read in some time.

    Good writing with a good central theme that keeps the reader engrossed in the story as he tried to dump his load while reading.

    I'm going to keep my eye out for more work from this author and THANK YOU for the many loads shot while reading it.

  3. I met Scott while in the porn business and I was scheduled back in 2005 to be in a porn where he would bareback and Hollywood breed me (shoot a volley of cum on the ass and then push it back into the ass). There was some problems on the set and the filming was canceled and never rescheduled.

    However me and Scott became friends and he would call me a couple times every month and we would get into a Q&A/debate about God and social issues.

    I knew he was really depressed and even advised him to seek out some help. We talked about his depression a little bit but I would never of thought he was suicidal in any way.... guess I was wrong.

    Anyway, I know I will miss him and his calls along with that ever promise to sink his dick in me good and deposit his gift.

  4. I myself decided that if I was to get POZZED it would be by the man I would want to spend the rest of my life with. I gave him my NEG ass to POZ as a birthday present of true love which meant a great deal to him and me. I could not see wearing a condom for sex with him for the rest of my life especially since I love this man so much and want to share everything, every part of his life with him including his status.

    So for an entire month he barebacked me every night always brushing my ass before hand and always with some really HOT POZ talk while breeding me. I even took a few booty-bumps from him to help bring us closer together and to help open up the pathway for his DNA to enter my body.

    I came down with a really bad case of the fuck-flu that required hospitalization for 3-days due to extreme dehydration mainly cased by fever and puking along with a nasty case of thrush. But he was there with me everyday and we designed a special biohazzard tattoo together while in the hospital knowing full well what had happened.

    When I returned home he took excellent care of me and I was finally well and back on my feet after 2-weeks and the following month he went with me to get tested and even sat in the doctors office when they told me I was POZ and we went out and celebrated that evening like we never have done before.

    The following day after getting my test results he took me in to our local tattooist who tattooed the biohazard design my partner and I designed while in the hospital. A tattoo I am proud to wear for so many reasons to this very day.

    I have now been with my SIRE/Partner for over 15-years and I do not regret being pozzed in anyway because I know I have a part of him in me for the rest of my life. I also know that I will never again have to wear a condom when having sex with him or anyone else.

    Since then our sex life together has increased and been wonderful. We have even done a good number of 3, 4 and 5 ways with others and always bareback. Some weekends we have guys coming just as one (or more) is leaving and sex before my conversion was never this exciting and fun.

    We have recently been talking about the possibility of bringing a third into our relationship who we would both sire and make him a part of us both and we have no problem in sharing our gift with others who understand our status and know that we only bareback.

    So my advice here would be that if you can wait to get pozzed you can give your neg-status to the guy you love and that will bond you together and make you even closer as a couple since you would know just who it was that sired you, whose DNA is a part of you and a true gift showing just how much you love your partner.

    Joining the POZ brotherhood is one thing, but joining it through the man you truly love makes it all the better!

    I'll have to post a few the 28 times we got together for him to breed me on here in the near future for you men to read. Some of them were pretty wild and wicked!

  5. What a really HOT story and a good way to be brought into the brotherhood.

    Your right about it feeling "too good" and if your not careful (and you were) you can get hooked on it to the point of financial problems.

    I always say it's fun to do from time to time, just not all the time and to give myself a little break in between slams.

    Glad to hear you were lucky to skip the fuck-flu. It effects people in different ways and when you don't get it all the better.

    Hope your spreading the gift and bringing others into the brotherhood responsibly!

    • Upvote 1
  6. Wonderful story and what a time you must of had too!

    I didn't convert and join the brotherhood until I was 45 and I gave in much the same way you did with my first raw dick, first bump and first time smoke'n that bitch of a lady Tina.

    Looking forward to the rest of the story and hope it turns out with you joining the brotherhood as well!

    • Upvote 1

    Love the story with furry muscled men who know what they want and how they want it. But then I like stories about guys that could actually be me and this one cums pretty fuck'n close.

    Got the fur, got the muscles, got a biohazard tattoo on my back and got more then 10" of man-meat to enjoy a good long raw ride.

    Now just to find a guy that's man enough to take it from a furry musclebear who also has a "T"-Lube recipe I like to use on the right type of ass!

    • Upvote 3

    And I must say that the main character was smart to add the "consent letter" part to the story which really makes you think about POZZING in this sue happy society we have turned into these days.

    I know in some states if you knowingly POZ someone you can be held for attempted murder and serve time in prison and/or be liable for the "bug-chasers" medical treatments should they decide to take legal actions against someone after infection.

    In any case it would not really hurt to do so and in some cases it might even be considered HOT to do.

    • Like 1
  9. Wonderful story there alwaysbarefoot!

    I should take the time to tell you guys about a neg guy we had visit us who stole and took 4 of my 800mg neurontin pills (or 3,200mg) thinking they were my percocet I had in my personal medicine cabinet by mistake.

    He ended up in our sling and we pozzed him by request not knowing he had taken those pills.

    People really need to learn to be careful what they take from other peoples medicine cabinets because sometime some med's can cause some real damage. I was glad the neurontin did not hurt him because in high doses it can cause some neurological damage to name just one of the nasty side effects of those pills.

  10. I've been to a few conversion parties in Sacramento and San Francisco and the guy I gave my toxic load to was hooded and screamed his head off and thought I was a black dude because of the size of my dick. I have never had that happen but for some reason it only turned me on and made me fuck faster and harder and I wispered in his ear that I was going to be his POZ-Daddy, the guy who sires him and all he did was whine.

    When I was done and my balls emptied I pulled out and I had never in my life seen that much blood and scum leak from a guys ass before.

    I am pretty sure I was the one who pozzed him since most of the guys there had VL's that were undetectable or extremely low and mine was just over the 250,000 level.

    We were never allowed to see the face of the Neg guy in the sling, but I would of sure liked to meet him and welcum him to the brotherhood as his sire.

    Also wanted to thank noexitfastlane for a real HOT story there and hope to read more of your work. You got me dripping away here really good this morning!

    • Upvote 4
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