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Posts posted by cageyone

  1. AIDS is an umbrella list of diseases the NIH came up with and continue to modify to include any and all maladies. They don't know. They think, they believe, it's a theory. I have my own story that's been told here. Won't bore you. I've been called a liar and other things because I go against the dogma. However, know ALL of the med side effects. Liver failure and death are high on the list. Wanna up your immune system. Don't stay out all night trying to get pozzed. Self fulfilling prophecies are just that. And if you give the "medical professionals" the right answers, they will be more than happy to diagnose you to get you in their "Treatment program."

  2. But by casting doubt on my personal experiences of what was done TO me by the medical establishment, you seek to discredit me because it doesn't follow the dogma and narrative. Evidence can be manufactured and tainted. Please look at the case law. The so-called evidence has been tossed in military and civil courts. OMSJ. thanks for listening.

  3. So, funny how you trust numbers (that you haven't shown) about mortality from liver cancer, but you don't trust the numbers about decrease of mortality due to HIV in young men.

    "Black Box cancer causing drugs," Pure bullshit. Overgeneralization.

    "with no proof that they do anything to the virus." A lie, pure and simple.

    "Even the Doc who created the viral load test said it was never designed or intended for it's not accepted use." Citation needed. I know probably what you are talking about and it's still wrong. But still, citation needed.

    People make their choices - but this subject is more emotional than rational. If you are the scientist you profess to be, (...and we don't know who YOU are) you have access to the research, documentation and case law. With name calling and other attacks, there is no discussion or conversation. FACT- more money and grants from research, med development and patents than for a "cure". FACT - Even the not for profits don't really want a cure. What will they occupy their time with? What will those CFO's do for their 6 figures? What will they "WALK" for now? I'm not a conspiracy theorist, just someone who's lived a long time and watched licensed criminal and unethical behavior in action. And as lemmings, people follow... but they don't follow the money and the patents. Altruism ended a long time ago. End. I like this thread. People are talking in a fuck site.

  4. Trying to hold back but can't. I stand by my former statements. CDC officials have even conceded that the early AZT doses were killing people, the ARV's (weaker AZT combos) cause major liver damage. Liver failure is the number one cause of death in the so called HIV patient. This is major long term chemotherapy. Black Box cancer causing drugs, with no proof that they do anything to the virus. And last I heard, it was the virus that a community is fighting. Even the Doc who created the viral load test said it was never designed or intended for it's not accepted use. And if you really look at the disclaimers for the tests, they are not approved to be used to diagnose infection. What other immunity problems do people have that the medical community and our community is allowing to be herded under the umbrella of a diagnosis? End.

  5. People were dying of AZT poisoning. They will now with lower doses of the meds based on AZT die of liver failure. Big Pharma and the CDC stopped trials and pushed through newer versions of old meds. More on this, but I trust no doctor after they profiled and tested me without consent - after I said NO. And after they stipulated to known cross reactions to the 'test'. Ever notice now WHO the HIV testing and websites are pitched to now. Gilead and Merck and more.... They won't get me trapped.

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