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Posts posted by TxBbMarine

  1. Chapter 1.

    God, I am a bastard.

    I found myself at loose ends for the first time in my life. For the past twenty years, I lived and breathed the Marines. I joined fresh out of high school at 17, and had my twenty at 37. I wasn’t really sure I was going to leave the service, but that decision was largely taken away from me when I popped positive on an HIV test. The whys and hows of my conversion are a different story, though.

    Do you know how limiting being positive is to a military career? The short answer is very. They do not kick you out, but they really limit what you can do. So here I was at 37, retired with half pay and a whole lot of time, and every constant from my life removed. I had a lot of money in the bank (even with the low pay, 20 years of almost no expenses adds up), full military benefits, and an honorable discharge. I was so bored.

    When I couldn’t stand living in my own head anymore, I decided to go back and get a college degree. Really, that is where this story begins. I decided on Civil Engineering not because of any particular interest, but because the Department of Labor showed the highest 20-year growth in that field of all the engineering fields. I applied for, and was accepted at the University of Texas at Austin. Honestly, I think I was accepted solely because of my military service, but beggars can’t be choosers.


    At the freshman orientation, I was very uncomfortable. Here I was at 37, 20 years older than everyone around me. At this point I really started to question my decision, but fate intervened. Call it providence, call it fate, or call it luck, but I bumped into someone just a handful of years younger than me who was going back to finish his degree. He was a nice guy who showed me around campus (he lived in Austin) and gave me the info on living in Austin. He also offered to help me get up to speed on all the math I had never taken or just completely forgot. If I had not met him, the rest of this story would not be possible.

    Now I should say that I had not been sexually active since my diagnosis. Being in the military so long, I had long since gotten used to suppressing my sexual needs. I just took that energy and used it to improve my body (which was already in good shape), increasing my workouts until I was in the best shape of my life. That continued until after my first semester had started.


    Now I suppose I should describe myself, just to keep some of you interested. I am a nicely built 6’, around 220 lb of lean muscle. My coloring is pretty average, brown hair, blue eyes, a moderate amount of hair on my chest. I am a good looking guy, not great, but not ugly by any means. I still, to this day, wear a high and tight. One of my better features though is my cock. I was blessed with a thick, veiny cock, still intact, that while not gargantuan was a very nice 7.5” long, 6” around. Not the largest by any means, but quite respectable.

    Now my buddy, who I will call S, really helped me out when I started. He let me stay in his house for a couple months while I got my shit together, showed me around town, and helped me come out of my shell. It turned out he was gay as well. He was pretty open about it, but it took me longer to open up. 37 years in the closet will do that to you. He also convinced me to join some student organizations, just to round out my college experience. I am glad I found him, because I don’t think I could have made it without him.

    The first time it happened, I really felt ashamed of myself. I found myself at the Gregory Gym getting a late-night workout in after study tables when I caught a kid checking me out. I say kid, but he was probably around 20, but he just seemed so young to me. As I went through my routine, he kept looking up until I left the workout area. I headed in, showered quickly (a habit from the Marines I have since broken), and then headed to the steam room to relax. It is in the steam room it happened.

    I hadn’t been in there 5 minutes when the kid walks in. He was a handsome man with reddish blond hair, not built but not fat, with a smattering of chest hair and a trimmed goatee. He smiled at me and nodded, and I just nodded back. His next actions surprised me, though. After sitting for a few minutes, he started rubbing himself though his towel. Now at this point, I hadn’t had sex with anyone in over a year, so I went from limp to painfully erect in seconds. The lack of blood to my brain probably led to the rest of the nights actions, because rather than discouraging his behavior, as I should have, I started rubbing myself through my shorts.

    That was all it took. The next thing I know, he is exposed and stroking a hard, cut 6 incher. I followed suit, and before I knew it he was sucking me down his throat. At this point, what little rational thought I had left, and that leaving changed my life and probably his forever.

    I don’t know what came over me, but next thing I know I am standing behind him, one arm around his chest, the other around his cock, with my cock leaking a river of precum into the cleft of his ass. After a minute or two of this treatment, He was writhing and moaning, which only made me leak that much faster. Then he said three little words that would certainly change his life:  "Please fuck me."

    I couldn’t have said no if I wanted to. I was so horned up, my only thought was getting off. I lubed him up with spit and precum and worked my cock into his bare ass. It was pure bliss. After giving him a minute or two of gentle fucking, I started to really pound into him. For over a year I had denied myself this, and I just couldn’t help myself. He had one hand braced against the wall, one hand stroking his dick, and was backing into me as if he just couldn’t get enough. His downfall, however, was when he came. I could feel his already tight ass clamp down on my cock and I quickly followed him over the edge. It felt like I shot a gallon of cum in his ass in what was probably the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced. I kept myself in there for a couple of minutes while I recovered; only pulling out when he started stepping away. When I pulled out, a fat wad of cum followed, splatting on the floor and it was then my senses returned to me.

    I had just fucked him bare, came in his ass, and I was positive. It was quite distressing to me, and I quickly left the gym feeling enormously guilty. The part I felt worst about though was how much I enjoyed it. I liked the thought of my cum filling his ass, of him going back to his dorm or apartment and sleeping with a piece of me in him. I shouldn’t like it, I should be disgusted with it, but god help me I did.

    That is how it began.

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