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Everything posted by bblooking70

  1. I'm not a doctor and i'm not playing one on the Internet but that looks exactly like a hemorrhoid. It is most definitely not a wart so stop putting wart remover on it, you are going to cause yourself more damage that way. Have you been constipated recently? Are you straining when you go poop? Do you sit on the toilet for a long time reading, etc? How much water do you drink a day? Hemorrhoid creams and suppositories work well as do a sitz baths to allevaite discomfort and symptoms. But if you aren't dealing with the real cause(s) it's not going to go away. You need to examine what is going on with your diet/water consumption and defecation process in order to alleviate the real cause otherwise you'll be spending a lot cream and suppositories and being uncomfortable At any rate you should always go see a doctor if something is causing you this much mental anguish.
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