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Posts posted by DepravedIndifference

  1. Once upon a time, when I first came out, I fell prey to the then (and, I'd argue, still) hegemonic "gay," or, perhaps more accurate, "faggot" discourse, I'd have answered this question with the exact opposite to that which I am about to give.

    What kind of men do I like to fuck or get fucked by? Easy. I like to fuck and be fucked by, er, um, men. Real men. Maculine, if not hypermasculine, men. Indeed, masculinist men. And when I do fuck or get fucked by men, we insert our cocks in our respective assholes, which is the common, albeit not the scientific, name for that particular. Men do NOT have "boi pussies" or "man cunts." Period! Correction: No period. Were I ever again for some unfathomable reason want to venture near or into a pussy or cunt, well, I'd choose the original models. But trust me: that will never happen. (And frankly, I wish it never had.)

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  2. i dunno. why is Breeder Zone so far refusing to post the testimonial that I made as to how this site has changed my life? Could it be because I have not changed my life in accordance with the orthodoxies of Breeder Zone, whatever they may be? For what I've discovered perhaps more than anything else in recent experience is that love, care, affection--whatever words you want to use--are illusions. And bare-backing and mhming, and mhming are the only things that will allow me to occupy that reality.

  3. From day one as a member, I have been impressed by and grateful for BZ's commitment to freedom of expression and by the rich, provocative, and, for me, utterly life-altering conversation it has elicited. More on the life-altering aspects soon to be posted in another BZ forum--if, that is, I still have access to it as an unpaid, not-capable-of-paying, and wouldn't-pay-even-if-I-could member. I'm in total agreement with RawPozLust on this. The proposed changes would just be one more example of the personal and political tragedy that is the creeping "normalization" of queer life--or what in another time and place we'd have called a fucking closet of orthodoxy and orthopraxy, of guilt and shame.

    I appreciate this site and all the work that you've put into it a lot. I've contributed to a lot of forums and have gotten a lot of positive feedback.

    But if the restrictions you're considering were implemented, I would definitely ask to have my account deleted and would leave permanently. I understand that some people are "not into" some of the ideas and practices of others, but the solution is simply to find something else on the site to enjoy or to move on to another site.

    The fact is that you can't please everyone without someone raising an objection. Adding restrictions only shifts the burden of free thought and free expression from one group to another. It also sets you on a slippery slope that is bound to lead to more objections and restrictions.

    I'm a firm believer in internet neutrality. If that principle goes, so do I.

    Thanks for asking.

  4. Wow! Really appreciate the rapid and unquestioning processing of my request. From day one, The Breeding Zone has felt like a home: a home that makes comfortable those who belong and creates room for those who don't. Thank you! The journey will indeed continue!

    please, dear moderators, would you be so kind as to change my user name to DepravedIndifference? my goals/desires/identity have evolved since joining this amazing community.
  5. As a teen, I was turned off by the stereotypical fem gay man. Now as an older adult, I find androgynous and fem men hot. I especially like to bottom for fem or androgynous men, sort of a role reversal where i the masculine guy is dominated and fucked by the outwardly appearing bottom. What irony.

    Yes yes yes! Love the gender-fucking implicit in being fucked long and hard by a femme twink boi.

  6. So, am I too old to be a tina whore? I mean, I'm 57, but all things considered pretty hot. Or so I've been told. And I really really really want to live as a tina whore for a while and take as much cock as I can, especially once I convert. Cause that's basically what I am ... and am actually totally proud of it. Besides, there's no way I can support the habit to which I've become accustomed if I don't. And I never ever ever not ever want to give it up. It's just too fucking glorious, isn't it?

    • Like 4
  7. I am posting my latest reply in a new "Continued from 'Thoughts and Doubts' thread in General forum" in The Backroom's "HIV fetish" forum. NOT, I hasten to add, to appropriate the thread in any way, but because I've already received one infratctiion notice/penalty for posting on a backroom topic, i.e., chasing, outside of The Backroom, and want to respect the site's guidelines.

  8. Dude it's never too late, though. If you wanna be a bb cock slut, wannabeabbcockslut, by all means go for it. i was lucky my dad started me on this road when i was very young and impressionable, but learning never ceases dude. So don't wish, open your holes.

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Faggot Hole. Cum whoredom here I come.

  9. I have tarsal tunnel, the foot version of carpal tunnel. As such I have to have something padding the bottom of my feet (well, my right foot, but wearing something on only one foot looks ever more silly), preferably with arch support, or the pinched nerve fires up and burns like hemmorhoids. Plus, some people are not comfortable walking around in bare feet, especially at clubs with outdoor areas. It's not always a matter of catching something off the floor.

    Thank you for gently challenging my prejudice.

  10. Can't help but chuckle at this thread in that absolute turn-off for me is a guy walking around wearing a towel and run-of-the-mill runners or flip-flops. I mean, presumably they're sharing their orifices with sundry guys but are afraid of what they're going to catch off the floor through their feet? I don't get it.

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