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Posts posted by ChaserBoysRHot

  1. The open door policy thing is a hot idea, but you also hear about people getting beaten, robbed, etc by nut cases that lurk on craigslist looking for shit like that. Not sure if I'd recommend it...

    If you're gonna do that sort of thing you're safer if you post the invite on a site like this, or any other method you can think of that limits it to guys in the gay community. Yeah there are probably nut cases there too, but fewer.

  2. I'd call that anonymous 'darkroom sex' rather than being 'slutty'. Not that it probably wasn't a good time mind you.

    Was it at a club? I recall one of the clubs I went to used to have a darkroom, and there were many tales of what went on in there.

    If you're going back, you could lube your hole and put a butt plug in before entering, and that should give someone the idea that you like to be filled up back there :)

  3. I think the answer to that depends a whole lot on the people involved and the 'scene'.

    Personally it 'ain't my thang' - but I know people who get off on it, and more power to them. Sex is personal.

    Sex is a messy thing sometimes and farts happen accidentally. I've been pretty lucky so far, but if it happens with me (top or bottom) I don't worry much about it. Hopefully the guy I'm with doesn't either. If they get too mad, don't let it bother you. Eventually they'll let one rip with someone else later. Karma's a bitch :)

  4. Cock rings will keep you boned, but you don't want to wear them for hours on end. They work by restricting blood flow out of your cock, and are fine for fucking, but not so great for long term use.

    Butt plugs will stimulate your prostate and keep you boned, not to mention being boned just from the knowledge that you have a plug up your ass while you're chatting someone up. Some, depending on the design, have a tendency to fall out, so either get one that has a small diameter shaft where your ass clamps down on it, or get one that has a strap to keep it in place. Some also have a cock ring as part of the plug. Those kind of rings aren't as bad since they're silicone and not as tight.

    You'll find a bunch of examples in the Ass Plugs section of the Dildos page of the link above it you want to know what's out there.

    Grab one, get it inside you, and then next time you're at the pub and see a guy you want to get naked with, tell them about your toy and that your ass is already open and lubed up for them. If they're the kind of guy you want, their eyes will light up and you'll get some action.


  5. Sex toys are kind of personal. It's like asking for suggestions online for what kind of furniture or paintings to buy for your new house. Everyone has different tastes. Some thoughts though for a new sex toy owner/purchaser:

    Are you mostly bottom or top? Are you looking for something to work your ass, or your cock? Are you looking for something to use solo, or with a fuckbud?

    If you're looking for cock toys, you might want to take a look at cock rings, 'strokers' (masturbation sleeves), or if you're kinky and really careful, urethral toys (things to put down your piss slit). Urethral play can be amazing, but it can also give you a nasty bladder infection, which left untreated could give you a nastier kidney infection, so don't approach this kind of play lightly.

    If you're looking for ass toys, then do you get off more on cocks/toys that go deep, or cocks/toys that stretch you wide? Are you looking for something to keep up inside you while having your cock worked on, or maybe something to keep your cock stiff while you're working around the house or drinking coffee at a pub with friends?

    Do you get off on the in/out thrusting of a dildo, powered either by you or by your partner? Or, do you prefer the sensation of being filled full with a plug?

    There's also a relatively new class of toys out there in the form of a ring that holds your ass open, providing an easy-access hole that you can fit a dildo, fingers, etc through, piss into, etc. That would be more of a toy to use with a partner than by yourself.

    Most ass toys can be broken up into two groups: training toys, and general use toys.

    - Training toys start out at one smaller diameter and work their way up to a larger maximum diameter. Sometimes they go smoothly from smallest to largest, and sometimes they have several 'bumps' of increasing diameters along the way. When you buy it, you'll only be able to get in on the small end. As you use it more often, your ass will get trained to open up more and you'll take more of the toy.

    - General use toys are pretty much the same diameter all the way up the toy. Good for thrusting, but you'd better like the diameter because it won't change.

    You'll find toys made of latex, silicone, glass, and probably others.

    Avoid latex. It's cheap, but will discolor, emit unhealthy plasticizers, and just in general is not a good idea.

    I recommend silicone. It' s more expensive, but much safer and will last many years. Make sure you wrap silicone toys in a towel between uses, with the fabric separating it from other toys. If silicone touches other plastics for prolonged periods, it can melt/disfigure.

    Most thick glass dildos are probably safe from shattering, but they don't bend. Ass toys usually need to bend. Don't know if I'd recommend them or not.

    Keep your toys clean between uses. At a minimum hand-wash it with soap. Most toys can also be put in the dishwasher (best if you live alone, and definitely do a cursory rinse first...)

    For ass toys, make sure you check the dimensions of the toy before you buy it. Don't let your eyes get bigger than your hole. Conversely, if you get too small a toy, you either won't get much sensation from it, or you'll outgrow it quickly and won't use it for long.

    Make sure it's not something that will get lost inside you. The last thing you want is to explain to an emergency room doctor how you were having a good wank with a new toy, but then oops! can't get it out! Most reputable toy makers think of that when they're designing the toy.

    What would I personally get if I was looking for a first toy, I would probably go for a nice silicone ass trainer. You won't be able to thrust long and deep with it, but it won't be old hat after a week either. It will grow with you as your ass talents improve. Here's an example of one. If you're very experienced it might be too small, but if you're just getting started, it might be just right: http://www.mr-s-leather.com/D482/small-tree.html. The manufacturer, Square Peg has really high quality stuff that will last for many years, but it's not cheap. This is on the low end of their price range at $69. I've had good luck with the shop, Mr. S. in San Francisco. Big place, good selection, and they will ship if you need that. No, I don't get a kickback from them. Just like them.

    Enjoy! and post some pics of your new toys in action :)

  6. I remember having the same experiences when I first started jacking off. If you really want to, you'll start eating it as time goes on. As a couple of others have said, shooting directly in your mouth is one way to overcome that mental block, if you're either flexible enough or shoot hard enough. You can also shoot on the back of your hand. Makes it a little easier.

    These days I eat my cum once in awhile but not very often. I'd say do what makes you horny, but don't stress about it.

  7. In a perfect world, your bf would take one look at you wide open asshole and lick his lips and ask how he could help make it bigger. That's what I would do :)

    If that's not his thing, then you have to ask yourself if your desire for a well-worked hole outweighs your feelings for him as a bf. You don't want someone that continually puts your down for something that you enjoy. My relationship (like most) isn't perfect either, but you have to decide what you're willing to put up with and what you won't in order to make you happy and hard.

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  8. Sluttiness is a state of mind - something you are. Said another way, you aren't a slut because you have sex with a lot of guys. You have sex with a lot of guys because you are a slut.

    Being a slut isn't bad. It's just you - or at least it may be you - not everyone who wants to be a slut turns out to be one.

    The main thing is to gain the self-confidence to do the things you want to do, not limit yourself to what you think society wants you to do. If you want to be a regular at the saunas, do it. If you want to set a goal to have at least one load in your ass every day, do it. If you want to work your hole with cocks and toys until you have a nice gaping asshole and a rosebud, do it.

    At the same time, if you don't want to do any one or all of those things, then don't. A slut is someone who enjoys sex and isn't restrained by others' views of what they should or shouldn't do sexually.

    Like other have said, it's typical for young guys to be rather 'vanilla' and take time to work up to a no holds barred slut. Even that isn't cut and dried though. I've seen Xtube videos of 18 or 19yos who can easily fist themselves and enjoy doing it. I've seen other videos of young guys who get off on swallowing piss. Those guys got an early start. It sounds like you want to as well :)

    So go for it and do what you want in your own time. Having the sex YOU want to have is, after all, much of what a slut is.

  9. I would have to agree that you need to be yourself. Chances are it will happen on its own anyway.

    When I was in high school, I was shy and reserved. I thought that when I went to college I'd be in a place where no one knew me and I'd be able to bust out and be an outgoing partier and transform into a 'new me'. Well guess what, the only thing that changed when I went to college was my address. Being an outgoing partier just wasn't 'me'.

    My guess is that if inside you're a slut, cumdump, or whatever label you want to put on it, that even if you turn away from it for awhile, you'll probably find yourself walking back down that path - which is not necessarily a bad thing if it suits you. Having a desire for wild group sex or multiple partners isn't necessarily a bad thing (unless you're a priest, or if you have ambitions to be in politics or otherwise in the public life, etc). For most other jobs, what you do in your own bedroom (or someone elses, or at a bath or a party room, etc etc) is your own business and no one elses. Driving an hour or two away from home for your wildest sexcapades can work if you want to do that, but it's kinda inconvenient if you want to do it very often.

    Yes, there are going to be guys out there who will shy away from starting a relationship with you if you've 'been around'. Those same guys will probably shy away from you if you're positive. My opinion is, that's their loss. From what I gather, you probably wouldn't be happy with one of them anyway, and would feel your hole itching for other cock after being with them for a number of years. You might be better off finding a partner that is fine with having a 3-way or mutual night out at the baths once in awhile. As long as you've got a strong relationship, that will probably make both of you happier in the long run.

    Basically I'd say to weigh the STI consequences and other comments above, but if you're ok with those things and your hole's itching, go out and find a cock (or two or three or a half dozen) to satisfy that itch. Do your job, pay your bills, see movies with your friends, and with whatever time's left over, get naked and horny with as many guys as you want to. If any of your friends complain, ask them how often they have sex. Chances are they're just jealous :)

  10. Sorry about that rawdad, but wow, many of them here getting bred as just kids. It is terrible about that but didn't ask for anyone to lie.

    "terrible" is a judgement call. Forced rape is terrible. Consensual sex, especially with another minor, is more of a grey area.

    Combine severe shyness with an era where being gay would get you beat up, and with the lack of an Internet, and I didn't fuck or get fucked until I was in my late 20s. Doesn't mean I didn't want to. I was lucky enough to have a few 'you show me yours I'll show you mine' sessions back in my single-digit years, and knew exactly what I wanted from that point on. Had I grew up in a different era, I probably would have been one of those telling stories about how they were fucked in their early teens.

    That said, I have no doubt that some percentage of those responding are talking with their cock and making it all up as they go along. I won't throw any stones (or shade) because a few decades ago I might have been the one writing the posts. It happens with some of us, and you usually grow out of it. The point is, don't believe everything you read, and the percentage on the poll probably doesn't match reality (certainly of the overall gay population).

    For the rest of the posters, those telling the truth and who weren't forced, I'm actually kind of envious. They've grown up having the experiences that I always wanted at their age, but never got. Very cool. I hope they had fun.

    For ages, straight youth have been fucking each other (and sometimes older folks). Except for when someone gets pregnant, few call it 'terrible'. Now that it's easier for them to find each other to do it, I don't see any reason why gay youth should be bashed for doing the same things as their straight counterparts.

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  11. personally I like them smooth, but as the other posts have shown, that preference is far from universal.

    I've shaved mine before and what I remember was that the stubble can be irritating as hell when it grows back in, so if you're going to shave it, you'll probably want to do it fairly regularly so it doesn't start itching.

  12. I agree with all of your comments about Google being more pro-gay than Microsoft and that being a good reason to use them (I don't really like Micro$oft's practices anyway). However, I have another reason why there might be the 13.5* difference.

    For better or for worse (I would say worse, but that's just my opinion) I think it's safe to say that the average age of the users on this board is late 20s or higher (probably higher). Bing has only been out 4 years. Humans are largely creatures of habit and it takes quite a bit for us to modify our habits. Most of the users on this board started doing Internet searches when Google was pretty much it (or at least greatly dominant in that field). We're used to Google and use it because we've always used it, and don't see any reason to move away from it.

    There are other factors out there I'm sure, but I'd say that's probably part of it.

  13. Castration and penectormy is a common fantasy. Check out eunuchworld.org for a story site similar to Nifty but which caters to that fantasy. It's not something that I would do to myself, but once in awhile if I'm in the right mood I'll find a story and stroke to it.

    Most guys are voyeurs or mind-players like me, but there are people out there (like ctdanburyguy) that are serious about it and edge-play with elastrators, and a few that actually follow through with it. Everyone has their own kink that gets them boned (such as getting pozzed) and if they really want to play hard with it, I say go for it. Just know what you're doing, be safe and stay out of the emergency room.

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  14. I don't get it. The overwhelming majority of tops prefer tight, muscular holes that milk one's dick (one of the best fucks when it comes to technique I had with a professional dancer, his ass knew how to work bare dick just right).

    So why this obsession with having a loose, unattractive hole? Why try to make one's ass less appealing by stretching it out?

    Different strokes for different folks. There are also a lot of us out there that love seeing (and helping) guys get fisted or play with large toys, and get off on gaping wide holes.

    Also, a well-trained ass can open up to take a fist or a large toy, but within a day or so get back to be being a tight hole to fuck. It's a muscle, so can be trained to open wide when needed, but clench tight. Of course there are some out there that really work it long enough and hard enough that it never really gets tight again, but that's a pretty small percentage of the guys. I don't get the impression that the guys replying here are going that far.

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  15. I've read about PVC being bad for a number of years now. My rule is silicon only. My favorite brand is Square Peg, which I usually get from Mr. S Leathers.

    On storing them, manufacturers also recommend to not let silicon toys rest directly against each other in storage either. I wrap them up in small towels when not in use.

    Play safe!

  16. Whether a plug will stay in on its own depends a lot on things like the shape of the plug, the diameter of the large part of the plug, the weight, the shape of the guy's ass, and how tight it is. Lots of things that can go wrong there. Best thing you can do is try different plugs and see what works for you. Unfortunately here, there aren't a lot of remote controlled butt plugs to pick from... :( I like the idea of it, but as you found out whether it's right for a given person is a major unknown.

    If you're trying to walk around with it in and your pants are on, then a thong or something like that would work. For general stroking, not sure what to say...

  17. My thoughts:

    So, the vast majority of young guys on A4A list as SSO yet the vast majority of the poster's one-on-one contacts were bareback. My interpretation is that, publicly, they want to look 'safe' in case one of their friends finds their profile with their picture on it. Privately, HIV is (at least perceived to be) much less of a health issue than in the past so many say 'fuck it' and go bare.

    As to why they aren't on here? Well, I guess they have to find it first. That's always the big hurdle. I found this place from the old BBZ site and might not have found about it otherwise. Plus, as others have said, the young are bombarded by social media sites where they can hook up. Grindr lets them find playdates in their own back yard. I wish they would find us in greater numbers, but even if they did, there's the question of whether they'd put up self-pics and be active. As others have said, image to their peers is especially important at that age.

    We need to be thankful for the young ones that have joined us, and encourage them to recommend the site to their barebacking friends. That's the best way for the site to grow, and ensure longevity.

  18. As a top, not that you asked, if it's too big it would bother me. Mainly because if you get too stretched out, I can't feel your hole when I'm pounding you. I prefer my sluts to be tight and be able to milk my cock, lots of friction to start and having to thurst a bit hard to go balls deep. I'm pretty sure keeping your hole stretched like that overnight is counterproductive. Then again, there's something sadistically fun about fist fucking some slutbox who has a hole that easily takes my entire hand past the wrist.

    Personally I'd encourage bottoms to sleep with large plugs. I love a wrecked hole on a young guy. Tells me they love playing with their ass :)

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