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Posts posted by sarutobi

  1. This is a tricky issue. I hit puberty at 11. I was already interested in sex before. I chalk part of that up to being molested very young. But the other was just my natural curiosity. When I reached puberty, I constantly fantasized about sex. I knew the boys and girls I wanted to try stuff with, I also fantasized about men I wanted to fuck me. And I knew my age would be a problem for them.


    So I can see lowering the age because some kids are probably like I was. But I know a lot of young kids, and as mature as they are mentally and physically, they just aren't ready for something like an adult relationship. I mean, these are the same people who stop talking to their friends over text messages. They couldn't handle an actual relationship. It'd be too easy for someone to take advantage of them. Hell, even if the person wasn't trying to do that, it'd be too easy for the kid to get confused or caught up in something.


    I wanted sex at 11 with grown men, but I doubt I'd have been able to really deal with it, and I was pretty mature for my age. So I think the age of consent should stay high, around 14 or 16. At least at that age the kids can sort of understand what they're getting into.

  2. Here's a list of Truvada's potential side effects. I looked at hundreds of comments written by guys taking PrEP before I decided to get it. Most didn't have any side effects. Those who did weren't sure if it was caused by the drug or something else. I've been taking for a week, and so far I haven't had any side effects. I'm usually prone to experiencing drug side effects. I take Sudafed and I know it's working because I get drowsy. I took Vicodin for a tooth extraction and had crazy nausea. I will never take Morphine again after the way it made me feel. Truvada hasn't caused me as much as a head ache. About the only thing I get is a slight after taste when I take it. 


    As long as you take Truvada with a decent meal (not a snack), you should be fine.

  3. I prefer a connection. I can have emotionless sex, but it's much better when both of us are into it. Isn't that part of the whole deal? To feel part of another person? For me, it's important for the bottom to be pleased. If his being pleased is me fucking him balls to the bone, cool. But I don't just want him there thinking that all that matters is that I get off.

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  4. Studies have shown that being cut reduces the risk something about the skin that they cut away and it being easily penetrated by the virus so having it cut away during circumcision gives the virus one smaller or less place it might be able to enter.  To put it in laymans terms.


    Those studies weren't completed. I'm skeptical about them anyway because many men in the U.S., especially black men, are cut, yet there's still a high rate of new infections. If being cut added such great protection, you'd think there'd be higher HIV rates in uncut populations, like in Europe. But there isn't. There are far higher rates in places where a large part of the male community is cut. Many African countries practice circumcision, but they also have high HIV rates. So something's off about those results. Even then, the best thing would be to teach boys how to clean themselves, not cut off their foreskin.

  5. I'd say I've worn a condom about half the time that I've topped guys. I've used condoms every time I've bottomed (only twice). I use a lot of lube and I love foreplay. I'm also not into rough sex. I'm guessing that's what's kept me from getting HIV so far.


    I'm betting a lot of the counselors play up the risks in order to keep people aware. There are millions of gay men, most of them old enough to have lived through the 1980s when HIV/AIDS hit. Most guys didn't wear condoms back then, yet most of them are still alive. I think that pretty much shows that even though there is a risk for getting HIV, there's more going on than just a single bareback fuck. I know there are plenty of guys who got it their first time. I'm just saying that HIV probably isn't the "one bare fuck and you're done" nemesis its been made out to be.

  6. They said that the data from the studies that proved PrEP worked did not show that it caused people to be more promiscuous.  So I wonder if people are just being more open about  thier barebacking now that they can say they are on PrEP so they can't be branded a reckless bug chaser by the haters. 


    That's my guess. I just started PrEP, and I don't think I'm going to be fucking every hole I come across. For me, it just takes some of the guessing out of the equation and makes hook-ups easier. 


    The one thing that worries me is haters might try and point to blogs or forums where guys are sharing their sexual adventures now that they are on PrEP and try to hold that up as evidence that it does make people take more risks sexually.


    I'm sure some folks will do that, and clearly they're not thinking. Is PrEP supposed to magically create those desires? As if those guys were all hyper-conservative when it came to sex, then they popped the pill and became cock gobblers? Seriously. Anybody having that much sex after taking the pill was either already doing it or already wanted to do it.

  7. I think Poz1956 has the best plan of action. You've been playing with the guy for a while, so he shouldn't be bothered by the questions. You're clearly worried about possibly getting infected, so you should ask. If he's genuinely interested in you and not just using you, he'd have no reason to lie. At this point, if he wanted to give it to you he'd have probably tried already.


    It's a tough decision. Everybody doesn't want to become poz (I certainly don't), but barebacking carries that risk. A person on meds for years is less likely to pass HIV along than someone who doesn't. In my experience, they're also less likely to lie about their status. Of the four guys I fucked who were undetectable, they offered information about their viral load, medication routine, and STI history on their own after I asked their status. One guy actually explained a ton of terminology to me before we fucked and asked about my sex history. He really didn't want me to put myself at risk.


    Take the time to learn about the risks. Read the information that's out there. Don't make a snap decision.

  8. If you don't use social media, all a name check will show is your credit and criminal history. Even if you use social media, you can always make the profiles private. All anyone doing a check would know is that you have an account. You don't have to worry about anyone stumbling onto a site like this unless you use your full name. You'd need a face pic, too, unless they know what your ass looks like :)

  9. Virgins. I like to take my time, and whores are usually more into a rough fuck. I also remember my first time bottoming and how the guy was more into getting off than making it feel good. I'd like to make someone's first time be more than that time that guy hurt my ass.

  10. No, I've had the opposite happen. I worked as a temp at an insurance in 2005. I'd just started going to Steamworks in Chicago. On the elevator I bumped into this tall guy I'd fucked a few weeks before. He kept looking at me and asked if we knew each other. It dawned on us at the same time where we knew each other from. It got real awkward, especially because there were a ton of people on the elevator with us.

  11. This sort of thing drives me nuts. I've had it happen to me a few times, and every time the guy acted surprised when I didn't want to stick around. I mean, once I show up and see you, I'm going to know you lied. Might as well be upfront about what you look like, your age, and so on. Some guys like older, chubbier men.

    That's why I prefer going to bath houses. Pretty hard to lie about your age and looks when I'm looking dead at you.

  12. PrEP lets neg guys enjoy bare sex and still remain neg at least at the same rate as condom sex. So the fellows here who are attempting to serosort and "want to stay neg" really ought to contact their local STD clinic, or local Infection Disease doc and explore it for themselves. It makes it substantially less risky for the poz guy who would like to stay OFF meds for a long as possible, to do so and still fuck the PrEP guys.

    It's an option, but it's pricey. Every one's insurance won't cover it, and even if it does it's still lots of money. If it were free or cheap, I'd think it'd be a great choice. But since it is so expensive, a lot of men won't be able to go that route. Even then, that doesn't deal with the other STDs you can get. So in the end I think guys just need to ask about the other guy's status and accept the potential risk, use a condom, or get used to handjobs.

  13. Anyone remember Man's World in Chicago? It was down the street from Man's Country near a roller skating rink. It catered to the mature older crowd. Nice setup as the rooms were in a dark maze-like section.

    Yeah, I remember that one. First bath house I went to. I tried going there a few years ago and found out it was gone. They'd torn it down in a few weeks.

  14. I've only been to the three that are in Chicago. Steamworks is by far the best. It's clean, big, plenty of playing space, awesome sauna and pool, and it's easy to get to. I get a decent amount of action there. I've only got some attitude a few times. Lots of random types of guys, especially on the weekends.

  15. But will he tell the truth? I would be safer if the guy asks me if I'm neg. That way I know he's concerned too, and most likely neg. If he doesn't ask, it obviously doesn't matter so much to him. But again, how could he know that I'm telling the truth?

    Well, it seems like a lot of guys who like to bareback don't even bother to ask, so it may be they don't care. Some guys also just assume that if someone doesn't mention their status they must be neg and some assume they must be poz. I'm still trying to figure that one out.

    Yeah, the guy could be lying about his status when I ask, but since I ask before we meet, I've got time to see how he goes about the rest of the conversation. For whatever reason, people who lie about their status end up admitting it later on, so you've got some time to catch them. One of the cool things about using sites like BBRT is that you can see how people present themselves. If they've got "ask me" on their hiv status, that says to me they either don't know or don't care about their status, so we aren't playing.

  16. I like Pig Bottom's suggestion of The Loading Dock. It's catchy, easier to remember, clear about being about barebacking, and it can work for referring to socializing (you could actually call the forum The Dock and each blog a person's "dock").

    One thing I have noticed with sites that do both hookups and social networking is that eventually one takes over the other. That's a big risk if you're really going for a hookup site because some guys may just want to blog or hangout online.

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