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Posts posted by Lorenzo

  1. My first cock.

    I was 20, had a room to myself in a house of college students. I had been browsing the net for all things gay, but never acted on it.

    Eventually a gay man in his 50s going through a divorce suggested a real life chat so I could ask all my questions.

    3 minutes after he walked through my door his thick dick with a stunning mushroom Hèze was in front of my face with the simple question ‘aren’t you curious’?

    That cock made me gay. And in love with daddies with Thick Cock.


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  2. So, I have been here a while, but I’m actually quite a shy closeted straight acting guy.

    I have been together with My girl for 18 years now and have been taking and sucking cock for almost every yeah of that relationship (and before that).

    Next to that, I have been crossdressing since I was young, with a profile on fetlife and other places.

    But untill now, I wasn’t ‘out’ to friends or family. My girl know about the crossdressing and detests it, she knows Nothing about the cocks.

    She has a lot of gay friends, so last week I contacted the one I trust the most, and after Some whatsapp Messages I outed the crossdresser bit.

    He was totally cool with it, knew Some people who do it as well, and was up for a real life chat if I wanted to.

    That chat is tonight, as My girl is abroad (so yes, I crossdressed last night).

    Really looking forward to talking bout this to someone I know.

    Really looking forward to additionally revealing that I’m bisexual and have Someone I know in the know.

    Slightly worried that the bisexual bit, and the taking cocks bit, Will lead to him informing My girl (he is her friend after all).

    But, if he is a member here, reads this and recognizes me in this post: yes I trust you, but I also think you are incredibly hot and I hope we’ll fuck tonight.

    (Sorry for all the capital letters, typing this on a mobile is annoying.)

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  3. Speaking from personal experience, I must say that I have a love-hate relationship with edging.

    We have read the fiction about bottoms going completely cock-crazy because they have been edging. Or we have experienced the rising feeling of hornyness ourselves.

    I am just wondering who is the true me... does edging let go of some of the breaks in your head... or does it make you want stuff 'you' don't want.

    After cumming, I've often thought to myself... what have I done. Or the fantasy I was jacking of on immediatly comes over as wrong or 'not for me'.

    When I have been edging for a couple of days - especially when I'm in chastity those my gf isn't home so she can't notice the cage - I usually get online a lot more; chat a lot more; sometimes I text old friends to out myself or say something equally stupid; I'm more likely to talk about my crossdressing and I'm more likely to dress up; in short sex is always on my mind. And I'm more likely to date when I've been edging for a while.

    When I cum after such a period, the need for anything sexual is gone for a while. I'm usually stuck hating myself for a while, which flows over into a period of cumming multiple times a day; which flows over into edging... and the cycle starting over again.

    It confuses me.

    What are your experiences with edging? Do you like it? Is it a phase one must go through?

    I know I'm a sissy bottom in a relationship with a gf who know nothing about my gay/bi-persona, which probably aggravates the problem, and maybe edging is only for bottoms, but I'm interested in hearing your opinions.

  4. In a relationship with my gf for 17 years now, with a gap of a year af few years back.

    Have been taking cock for longer than I now her. If we hadn’t started dating, I would’ve probably outed myself as gay and a crossdresser a couple of months later.

    I never stopped taking cock, although the action limited itself somewhat to me sucking of guys.

    When we started out we were fuckbunnies, that ended after a couple of years, and I started taking cock a lot more.

    Because of my relationship, I have been very hesitant of taking it bare. But when the cock was particularly hot, I have been known to.

    I agree with the opinion that sex is different from the emotional commitment and that both can coexist with different people.

    Somehow I think she does not share that opinion

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Webster9 said:

    I'm wondering where you've been hiding all the outfits, wigs, make-up, heels, etc, from your "girl," for the past 20 years ?

    That's not very hard. Sometimes is was just in storage boxes buried in the garage, but after a few close calls nowadays it's in a convenient location I rent as storage for my work (self-employed, so easy).

  6. Kevin had been curious for a while now.

    When he was about 15 he discovered that he had a more than usual interest in girly stuff, which made him question some other things.

    Sure he had a girlfriend and she was thrilled to find out Kevin would gladly join her on shopping trips or help with her make-up. But she never expected Kevin to read up on news feeds involving search terms like 'homo' or 'gay'. To be frnak, Kevin wasn't too sure himself what he was doing, or whether or not he was really interested in stuff like that or if he was just horny as fuck.

    Anyway, nothing happened in those years except a lot of straight sex.

    And once Kevin got a bit older and he went to university to study law, nothing changed.

    Kevin still had girlfriends, and Kevin was still jerking off on online sites that could probably be qualified as queer.

    The difference was that now Kevin had a little bit more privacy as his parents had rented a small appartment in the city of his alma mater. And as such, Kevin had plenty of time to really search the internet for all kind of devious stuff. And to engage in chatting and sharing some pics.

    Doing so, showed Kevin that he was not alone. A lot of men were jerking of thinking about the same stuff, and Kevin discovered that he quite liked knowing men got hard because of what he said, or what he showed.

    Of course, this quickly became an addiction. Logging on every time he could, trying to delay cumming as long as possible, so he could chat for longer as he discovered that once he came, he became a bit confused and embarassed.

    Luckily, chatting so often also meant that every now and then, the same people showed up. And some of these people were actually interesting to talk to, even if stuff often got back to talk about hard cock and the uses thereof.

    One of these men was really interesting. 52, married but in a sexless relationship, plenty of experience with men, had discovered his sexuality later on, enjoyed talking to young men and guiding them along, had a really nice thick cock, frequented the gay sauna a couple of block away, etc...

    And they chatted a couple of days, or weeks, and they actually got to know each other.

    Which of course also meant sharing some more personal details, like relationships, feelings, thoughts, and location. First a bit circumspect (near the cinema), later on a bit more specific, and even later - probably in a way to horny mood - Kevin shared an exact address. As he was cumming a he pressed 'enter' to send that address, of course he immediately felt scared and embarrased and he logged out.

    But nothing happened.

    A couple of days later, he was once again chatting, when that guy logged in, and the conversation started up again. As Kevin felt bad for treating the guy to a silent treatment, the conversation quickly picked up again. Talk went this way, and that way, and Kevin admitted he really liked seeing that thick cock. So the guy said that he was going to log out, and he would be at Kevin's place in 15 minutes.

    He logged off. 

    15 minutes later the doorbell rang.

    Again and again. But Kevin didn't open, because Kevin already came, and he felt embarrased and thought that he wasn't like this at all.

    Kevin didn't see the guy online for a few days and when he did, he quickly logged out himself.

    In the end, Kevin chatted at some other places, browsed some other sites. And he hoped that that man would be so pissed, that he didn't return.

    A week later, there came a knock on the door. The landlord was doing some repair work, and he happened to be painting the front door when Kevin's uncle dropped by, so he showed him in.

    Kevin doesn't have an uncle. So there he was, pretty fit, a tanning bed brown, smaller then expected, but definitely the guy from the chat room.

    He went inside, thanked the landlord, closed the door and set down on Kevin's bed. After a moment of silence he just said that he had the idea that Kevin needed to talk to someone like him in real life.

    He asked Kevin to come sit beside him, and of course Kevin's legs betrayed him by walking over to the bed. The same phrases as he had read online... That sometimes men feel things for other men. That this isn't a bad thing. Sometimes one needs to try it to know, but sometimes you immediately know it isn't for you. For example, if the touch of another mans hand on you thight feels wrong.

    Kevin's cock was the next body part to betray him. The simple motion of putting a hand on Kevin's thigh made Kevin's cock jump so hard, that the man couldn't help but notice.

    "So you do like it, he said...", and Kevin - flushed red - could only start to say "of course" before he received his first kiss from a man.

    It all went very quickly after that, almost rehearsed.

    The man stood up, pulled of his short and string (which he obviously wore when tanning) and went to wash his cock at the sink, while Kevin sat there on the bed.

    Once the man returned, with an incredible erect cock, he helped Kevin out of his clothes and sent him to wash his own cock.

    As Kevin returned to the bed, the guy made him stop before the bed. The guy sat down, looked at Kevin, and swallowed his cock.

    And Kevin was kind of surprised that this didn't feel so different, it was a wet mouth on his hard cock. But it was that fact that it was a man that made this so sexy.

    After a while, the guy asked if Kevin wanted to try this himself. Kevin didn't say a word, but went down to his knees for the first time in his life.

    That thick cock in front of him. Swaying from side to side. Smelling so much like a man. Glistening with precum.

    Kevin liked it. tasted it, kissed it, sucked it, cupped the balls, gently took the shaft in his hand and kept sucking it until the guy moaned that Kevin needed to stop.

    Kevin didn't stop. Kevn was wondering why he had waited so long to try and suck a cock like this.

    As Kevin was so enthralled, the guy pushed Kevin of his cock and motioned Kevin to sit down next to him.

    The guy started to say that sucking isn't the only thing men can do, but Kevin knew where this was going and said "Yes" halfway through  the explanation.

    Kevin found himself on his back, face to face with the guy kissing him.

    Kevin noticed that the guy was doing stuff to his thick cock and Kevin's hole, but he was too much in the moment to care.

    "Just keep breathing", the guy said, as he started to push his cock into Kevin's virgin hole.

    It hurt like hell. Kevin almost screamed. Tears flooded his eyes.

    The guy stopped pushing, stayed in place, slowly pulled back and then went a bit deeper.

    It hurt all the way going in, and then some more.

    It hurt when the guy stopped moving and slid all the way out.

    It hurt going back in.

    It hurt until the guy hit that spot. It still hurt, but Kevin found out he liked this kind of pain, this sensation of a cock filling him completely. And Kevin relaxed and let himself get fucked.

    Kevin was confirmed in his suspicion that he liked cock.

    And the guy was still fucking him. Kevin lifted his legs a bit and received a kiss in gratitude and a cock just a bit deeper as reward.

    The guy fucked him untill he came. He started playing a bit with Kevin's cock, but Kevin remarked that he didn't want to cum.

    The guy stood up, washed his cock, dressed and left. 

    Kevin stayed in bed a bit. Jerked of, while his fingers were probing his used hole. And came incredibly hard, cum shooting over his head against the wall.

    Kevin didn't know what to think.

    The guy wasn't online for a couple of days.

    When the doorbell rang on the third day, Kevin just opened the door.

    • Like 6
  7. On 8/6/2022 at 4:22 PM, Stiff14me20 said:

    She had sex with you out of the blue? After not having sex with you for years?
    Possible that she could’ve gotten bred  by another cock, found out she was knocked up, and then fucked you as an attempt to cover or get you on the hook for providing for them both by making you think the kid came from your seed. 

    Nah, while it is a possibility, I think this is not very likely. But as a guy, no way to know for sure except for a DNA test.

    Nevertheless, thanks for the responses.

    Stuff to think about.

  8. Personally I don’t need to get off when I’m bottoming. I enjoy the feeling of that real man using my hole.

    If he likes me to be hard, I try to stay hard.

    If he likes me limp, I just focus on that feeling of cock filling me.

    If he likes me in chastity, then I’m totally game.

    Sometimes I jerk off afterwards, sometimes I let that feeling of complete hornyness linger.

    But if I cum from him fucking me, then I’ll keep his number on quickdial. 


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  9. Short intro:

    - Been together with my girl for just shy of 18 years.

    - Been getting fucked by men for about 20 years.

    - Been dressing up as a girl for about 22 years (the full monty, outfit, wig, make-up, heels... and looking stunning I might add).


    We have had our ups and downs... and the last couple of years we have had no sex whatsoever. She has had an affair or two, I have been taking cock. When she was abroad for a couple of days, I'd dress a lot. She knows nothing about me taking cock, she knows about 1% about the dressing up.


    We fucked - it just happened, completely out of the blue - for the first time in about 4-5 years.

    And she's pregnant (and don't get me wrong, I'm quite happy to be a father).


    My first instinct is: I need to stop taking cock, I need to stop dressing. I have other things to do now.

    At the same time I doubt just being able to change certain things.

    Anyone have any experience they want to share?

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