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Posts posted by wambb

  1. There`s been a couple of topics here about the effect of low testosterone on libido - but the assunption has been that libido is to do with the desire to fuck, have hard-on`s, nocturnal erections, etc. This is the normal view of libido.

    So what is the effect of low testosterone on someone who is a pig bottom - who has no interest in fucking, but craves being used as a cum dump, piss dump, or whatever ?

    Does low testosterone reduce this desire, does it increase it, or does it have no effect.

    In this query I am including not only naturally occurring low testosterone levels, but also the effects of anti-androgen drugs, or even physical castration.

  2. Hi

    Thanks for all that - if I follow it all correctly, it means that if you have an HIV test, and the result is negative - then it means there are four possibilities -

    - you haven`t been exposed to HIV

    - you may have been exposed, but you haven`t become infected yet

    - you may have been exposed, but are one of the 1% who are immune

    - you may have been exposed, but are one of the 10% who are resistant so haven`t been infected yet

    and more importantly, you can`t tell which is the case from the negative result.

    If the test result comes back positive, you may or may not be a controller.

    Thanks for the info.

  3. It is known that some people won`t be affected by the HIV virus - at least they don`t go on to develop classic HIV. They may be affected in some way.

    Now if such a person is exposed to the HIV virus, and they get "infected" ( ie - it gets into their bloodstream ), but don`t go on to develop HIV - what happens if they then have the standard HIV tests.

    Do they develop either antibodies or antigens which would show in an HIV test ?

    ( I believe that these are the two things that current standard HIV tests look for. )

    Or do they not have either of these, or have them in sufficient quantities to show in an HIV test.


    Now repeat the above questions for normal people who get "infected" by the HIV virus, but take some form of Post Exposure Prophylaxis, or something which "boosts" their immune system ( in particular their CD4 count ), so they don`t go on to develop HIV - do they develop either antibodies or antigens which would show in an HIV test ?


    Does anyone know anything about this ?

  4. Mostly I agree with you - if you go to gay sauna`s, bathhouses, etc to get fucked, then the expectation is that your arse is clean. In a way I think it is a bit unreasonable for tops to expect that the bottoms are cleaned out, after all, arse holes are designed to have shit in them, that is their primary function in life. However the expectation is there, and we have to live with it.

    It is something that causes me a lot of grief, because my arse is totally unpredictable as to when anything is going to come out of it, and enemas just don`t work, I end up leaking mush for hours.

    When I go to a gay sauna mostly I have to just suck cock, if someone wants to play with my arse I feel I have to tell them that I may not be clean. Usually they back off, very occasionally they go ahead anyway, and I love it when they finger and fuck me.

    Maybe there are tops out there who either don`t mind or even like a bit of brown - I don`t know how to meet them, but I wish I could.

  5. Seeing the thread about sucking unwashed cocks reminded of a guy in a gay sauna I was in a few weeks ago. I started to suck his cock, and he lay down on the bed and opened his legs, and I bent over him to carry on sucking his cock. And then I met it - the smell from his arse - it was gross.

    Now I have sucked cocks before where the guys have not had the cleanest of arse holes, and sometimes the smell is bit strong, sometimes almost a turn on, but this guys arse was just gross. I sucked his cock for a minute or so, then had to come up for air. Tried again, but I just couldn`t stomach it.

    Got up and left him without a word. It was the first time ever I have walked away from a cock.

  6. Hi

    A week or so ago there was some discussion on one of the topics about how HIV develops after initial infection. A couple of months ago I found and downloaded a jpg diagram which shows what happens. So I wanted to post a link to it. However I couldn`t find where I got it from.

    However after a lot of digging around I finally found the web page again. Only trouble is I now can`t find the topic. So here is the URL, it is quite a good description of what happens, but it would be nice if they added a curve which show how the antibodies develop, as that would help to explain why you need to wait for 3 months to get a definitive negative result.


    I think that typically, sero-conversion symptoms occur around month 2, but there can be quite big variations in this, and it also shows why you are highly infectious during the first 3 months of infection.

    Hope this helps.

  7. Yes rawTOP, a lot of things stop working when you turn off JavaScript - that`s the whole point of doing it. So many sites - even very respectable ones - try and give you whole loads of evil crap like adverts, tracking software, and malware which tries to take over you computer.

    It is why I don`t use Windows, it is why I uninstall Java from every machine I use, it is why I use a script blocking plugin on my browser.

    If you don`t like me doing this, just let me know and I`ll delete my account and go away. I`d rather not, because I like your forum, it isn`t filled with the sort of rubbish that has ruined SYD.

  8. Hi

    I have identified the cause of the problem - JavaScript

    When I use Opera, on the first page I get when I go to www.breedingzone.com there is the message box about something, and down at the bottom of this box there is a line which says " stop executing scripts on this page ", with a small tick box.

    If I tick that box, Opera stops running JavaScript, and I can`t set paragraphs.

    If I don`t tick the box, Opera will run JavaScript, and I can set paragraphs.

    If I use Firefox, this line and the tick box don`t appear when I have JavaScript enabled in Firefox, and I can set paragraphs.

    So there you go - maybe you have some kind of weird interaction between JavaScript and php. I have never had this problem on any other forums, websites, e-mail, etc.

  9. There is information on the web that suggests that anal mucus is a rich source of HIV viruses, so if you deep rim or felch a poz guys arse, there is a chance you will swallow some anal mucus, and therefore swallow the HIV virus. What the risk of infection is from swallowing poz anal mucus I have no idea, but I think it is lot less than getting poz cum in your arse, which is the big daddy of them all. As there is a higher level of HIV in anal mucus than in cum, that means the risk from swallowing poz anal mucus is higher than the risk from swallowing poz cum, which is sort of a low risk activity. I`ve always been a bit sceptical of the frequently touted view that your mouth is a route to infection if you`ve brushed or flossed your teeth, and it isn`t if you haven`t. I don`t think I`d want to rely on it as a route or barrier to infection.

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