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About totallyWild

  • Birthday 07/26/1960

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  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
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  1. One more thought; how do you know, that the boyfriend who your barebacking with, is not already POZ? When was he last tested? If he was tested, is he telling you the truth about his test results? Do you realize just how many boyfriends lie about their status, and deliberately POZ lovers? I personally know a number of cases like this. I am one of them. I now know, that my ex knew for three or four years while he kept fucking me bareback. We were together for sixteen years. When we separated, he kept calling me, telling me how much he still loved me and wanted to get back together. This went on for 4 1/2 years after the separation. I was wearing condoms with others, so I never worried about getting tested after he left; silly me! In the end, I started becoming really sick, but I and my doctor attributed that to clinical depression and the stresses of working in a seriously homophobic workplace, where I was being seriously harassed. At the time, I was telling my ex all this, and he still said nothing other than how much he still loved me! I have spent most of the more than a decade since unable to maintain steady employment, always making sure I know where all of the washrooms are when I am out, as I now have had serious diarrhea the whole time, and I get very little notice (yes, I have shat my pants in public many times)... Oh, and the most important lose to me, I have serious emotional and cognitive problems due to this disease. It is anything but this wonderful freedom that all of these stories suggest! I hope everyone is getting the points I am making! To the person who started this thread: Please, don't be so silly? Get tested, and if you already have HIV, take care of your health. If you are still negative, please protect yourself. Everything in life comes with a risk, and life is about making INFORMED decisions, and weighing the risks against the benefits.
  2. Random studies have been done which included testing for virus. What these tests have shown is that roughly 26% of men who have sex with men, have HIV and don't know they have it. Without meds, these men are likely walking around with a viral load, that is easily high enough to convert you. Add to that, the men who lie about their status, or who slip off the condoms, or who deliberately get you so fucked up that condom use never happens at all, or... (I have found, that the number of men who actually do this is staggering!) Rest assured, that you are certainly already barebacking with POZ guys! Just a Thought... Which do you think is more dangerous; barebacking with guys who know that they are POZ and undetectable on meds, or barebacking with guys who don't know they are POZ, and who almost certainly have high viral loads? When was your last test?
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