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Everything posted by stratfordtop

  1. It is not dangerous at all in daily life. You're not unlikely to end up in a terror attack in any place in the "civilised world" as you'd have it, Paris, New York, London. Just because it's portrayed as an aberration rather than a daily occurance doesn't make it less safe. In terms of minority rights, it's far, far ahead of most places in the self-styled "civilised world". But do give me an example of a democracy that enables people who openly call for the end of that country in its very parliament... (never mind full language rights, supported access to education, medical support etc.) But apparently it's now cool to rather side with people who want you dead. Antisemitism is rife in the "civilised world".
  2. Hi :) @chienDUSTPE Thanks for adding me :)
  3. Any btms close to Stratford?
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