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Everything posted by gfboy1988

  1. well if anyone cares, here's how I've been doing since my last posts. I was tested after a week and again a month after that; both negative. Nurse told me to not bother getting tested again, because I likely didn't have HIV. She said something like 95% of guys will test positive within a month (not sure the accuracy of that but whatever). Haven't really thought about it again until tonight. I logged onto adam4adam after not going on in a long time. He was on there (the evading daddy, although we originally chatted thru grindr). His profile didn't list anything for HIV status. I texted a gay guy I've befriended in the area that seems to know everything about everyone. He said yes he's poz. He's been poz since his heroin-fueled sexcapades many years ago. That got me thinking about my status again and that maybe I was one of the 5% that didn't test positive right away and it's been just over 6 months. I drove around town tonight and found an Oraquick test at Walmart. Negative again. I think I dodged a bullet from evading daddy, but I still don't know how big of a risk I was actually taking since I haven't talked with him since that previous episode. Thanks for all your guys' advice. I haven't gone on PrEP or anything. I've settled down and am not taking risks anymore. Haven't had sex in a long time and don't really have a desire to after everything that has happened. I'm sure I will in the future tho, just not right now...
  2. well guys thanks for the advice. I ended up just taking my chances and not doing anything. I will get tested next time there is a fair with free testing in town. I think I need to figure out what's going on with me. When I'm not horny I want to use condoms to be safe and stay healthy for my future partner, but when I get horny, I can't stop myself at all. I got horny again today and another hot daddy hit me up on grindr for sex. Turns out he was right near me and fucked me raw. I wanted it at the moment. As soon as it was done I regretted it and wished I hadn't done it. He assured me many times he was negative for HIV and everything at his last test this summer, but still I think I have a problem (there have been other incidents like this). Do you guys have any tips to help me make better decisions in the heat of the moment? I just like have out of body experiences when I get horny and give in to any desire. I want that to stop. I'm worried if I don't get myself to stop, I will end up with something I don't want.
  3. That's very true. I guess I'm probably a little naive, but I feel like if I have something communicable I would need to be upfront about it and give the person a chance to protect themselves from exposure. If he was HIV poz would I still have sex with him? yeah probably, but with a condom....
  4. My parent's wouldn't care. Same result either way if they found out I was gay or poz... Bye family. I live in a very conservative area....
  5. Sorry if this goes somewhere else but, I met up with a hot daddy this afternoon for a flip-flop session off Grindr. No discussion of status or condom use before. I had planned on using a condom, but in the heat of the moment and the fact that he was a bit aggressive, fucked me bareback. I was on my stomach and he fucked me hard from behind, so I really didn't see what was going on and it hurt like heck. He kinda just plowed in and wouldn't slow down even when I said it hurts. Afterward, I looked right at him and asked what his status was. All he did was smile and say, "I'm good." I then asked when he was lasted tested and he said "October." No more elaboration. I asked him what the result of the that test was and again, "I'm good." When I asked if he was HIV neg then, again all he said was "I'm good" with a weird smirk. Then he said he needed to go someplace and I needed to leave. I'm worried now. Why wouldn't he just straight up say if he was HIV neg or not? Wtf does "I'm good" mean. I've read a lot of the stories on this site, and maybe I'm over analyzing, but this fuck session is straight up story material for this site if he is HIV positive.... I'm a little worried. I don't know much about him. I'm on my parent's health insurance and every medical visit bill thing gets sent to them in the mail by the insurance. They would know if I went in for PEP... I'm stressing out here. Anyone have advice for me?
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