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About nairbinaz

  • Birthday 11/03/1971

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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. hey guys, i'd like to thank each of you for sharing your experiences and lessons learned. i gotta admit, the bf had always been a fan of this site and i knew little about it. i'd read a few posts here and there and didn't think it was for me. in all honesty, some of the stuff is can be a bit shocking to virgin (ahem) eyes. but i decided to open my mind and give it a shot. anyway, i have no frame of reference for navigating an open relationship... especially a piggy one. so, again, thanks. i think the big take-aways for me are: 1. don't like about the small stuff because it makes the trusting the big stuff more difficult. 2. give each other some privacy. 3. watch out for all the assholes who will want to come between us for sport. later guys.
  2. New member, first time to site. Honestly, just need some perspective. I'm in an open relationship for a first time. I'm top, he's bottom. We both like quantity. We moved in together about 1 month ago. Between us, there are big, grande statements of love, trust, etc... Thought it was amazing, best of all worlds. Because it's new to me, I put some requests/limits on our play: 1) No lies. Always honest and always covering each other's back. 2) I'm not really into fisting... and... is hole is getting way too loose. I asked, no fisting for 1 year. Let's ease into this. 3) Just all around loyality to each other... no one comes between this great bond we have So... 1) Find out he was planning a hook-up with a mutual acquaintance and a deal was struck not to tell me. Broke my trust in him. 2) He gets caught in white lies all the time. For example, hooks up on our planned date nights and tries to cover it up. I get annoyed because if we are completely open, just choose another fucking night and then don't lie to me on top of it. 3) He uses me as a scape goat with online hook-ups. For example, "can't tonight, bf is being high maintenance."... meanwhile, i'm fucking oblivious to the entire conversation. He says I overact and should chill. I think, can't you be a pig and have some dignity too? Thoughts?
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