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Everything posted by power0459

  1. I'm going to wind this thread down in just a few short sentences and not revisit it: 1) I'm fully aware of the risks involved with unprotected sex. I CHOSE to play Russian Roulette, so to speak 2) This guy KNEW he was HIV+, despite several denials, so it was more akin to playing with a revolver that was fully loaded 3) I take responsibility for what I did, and know that if my test did come back POZ, I would SHARE responsibility 4) I'm NOT as "experienced" (no shade) as many on here, and have only recently begun to embrace my inner cumslut 5) By no means am I getting bred weekly, or even every other week. I consider getting bred to be a special occasion and one worth experiencing maybe every other month. 6) I harbor no ill-will towards this guy, nor to any of you, I'm simply providing my perspective on the situation 7) Just because two people are horny cumsluts, does not give one the right to defy common decency and *gasp* manners (I'm from the South) by not divulging one's HIV status (when known) 8) Failing to alert your partner (despite the wording used to ask their status) of your infection, when it is KNOWN, is still considered criminal. Hell, you don't even HAVE to ask as far as I know. The burden of disclosure lies with the infected partner. Thank you everyone for your input, I really do appreciate it. I know that some people will probably read that and interpret it to be sarcastic or patronizing. It's not... Every poster on here has given me different points of view and things to think about. I called our AIDS Center here in town and they've given me some leads on where to get PrEP, so I'm going to go that route I think. Again, thank you all.
  2. College? And most people in the US get their HIV drugs either through state ADAP programs or manufacturers, so cost really isn't an issue.
  3. I don't want to sound like I'm trivializing any of your emotions, but this may be the best thing that happened to you. It could possibly give you a fresh start in life. Have you considered moving?
  4. Just know that you're not alone, man. You have millions of people in the same boat as you. It's not a death sentence, though I know it feels like one right now. I can only imagine what you're going through, and yeah, it's scary. My best friend has been POZ for three years. The only people that know are him and myself. That was his decision. We treat it like any other chronic disease, like diabetes. He chooses not to disclose his status to anyone, and has a good sex life plowing 20 year old college boys, the only thing that's changed is he has to wrap it up. HIV is an inconvenience, yeah, but in time you'll be just fine.
  5. I know, and what's worse is that as I sit here typing this, I've got three fresh loads from two dudes swimming in me. Dammit. Cum is my heroin.
  6. Hey guys - I'm interested in going on PrEP, especially now that CDC has come out and recommended it for pretty much every gay male not in a monogamous relationship. Trouble is finding a doc willing to write for it. Are there any "online consults" offered? Any docs in the Charlotte or Columbia, SC area open to writing it?
  7. Whoa, dude... harsh choice of words, and not at all apt. I have taken responsibility for my actions. I knew that I was playing with a loaded gun, so to speak. In fact, the last part of my post was "I know I shoulder a lot of the blame, and I'm not trying to discount that." I'm not necessarily angry with him, and I more than likely won't confront him. I had just kept this to myself for a while and I really wanted to vent to someone. It's the first time I'd (knowingly) encountered someone that was POZ and failed to disclose it before engaging in sex. I'm sure it's more common than I realize, but I still think it's at the very least callous. I'm well aware that if I play with fire I may get burned, and this was a wakeup call. I'm not aware of any docs in my area that Rx PrEP, so if anyone has any recommendations on where to go in the Charlotte area, I'd be much obliged.
  8. Hey all, First time posting, so go easy on me. I just need to vent for a moment. I'm a 26 year old, fairly attractive, vers/bttm. I don't hook up often, but when I do it's BB. I've never liked condoms, and you can't beat the feeling of a man planting his warm load in you. I know that BB sex is risky, but I do what I can do minimize the risks by relying on the honor system when selecting who's going to fill my hole. That and prayer. haha I was wasted one night back in March, after a particularly bad breakup, and met a dude on a4a, good looking, big dick, top, Latin.. we exchanged messages for a while, he assured me he was clean, so I agreed to meet him at his place. Got two loads from him. Fast forward to last week, he texts me and wants to go at it again. For whatever reason I felt uncomfortable, something just didn't seem right about him the first time we met. So I used the resources available to me (do not ask), and found out he was POZ. I did an OraQuick on my lunch break and thankfully the results were negative. It was right at the 12 week mark, so I'm confident that I would've converted by now if I was going to. I know I was being naive in assuming people would be forthcoming with their status, especially when engaging in bareback sex with others... but I mean that's just fucking heartless to know your status and not tell the dude you're seeding. He could've even told me afterwards so I could've gotten PEP, but he didn't. He doesn't know that I know, and I'm conflicted on whether or not I should tell him. I could open up the floodgates to HIPAA lawsuits, lose my job, etc. I have no problem with poz people, my best friend is poz and an awesome guy, he'd never put someone in a situation where they could contract his strain without telling them. WTF is wrong with people? I shoulder a lot of the blame in this, so I'm not trying to discount that. Should I confront him?
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