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Posts posted by q310

  1. On 3/11/2020 at 8:30 AM, GermFactory said:

    I noticed this thread and wanted to weigh in. Granted, this is from the perspective of someone who more ‘clinically’ goes about getting semen into a recipient as opposed to a pleasure fuck, but nonetheless wanted to give my own two cents:

    I see one of my roles and responsibilities when I am engaged physically is to emotionally and mentally ‘prepare’ the recipient. I do this by creating in that moment a mesmeric, almost hypnotic control. They are brought into a headspace in which they know ‘why’ they are there. They are made to be pliant; docile; yielding. Not by any physical restraint but by their own emptied whiteboarded brainspace. By instinct and nature itself they recognise their purpose in that moment. They are made to take an active role but only insofar as using their hands as they are bent forward to splay open, to expose to me, to PRESENT as a female animal will for mating.

    It is in that headspace that they are in (actually which we both are in), that perfect moment, that splendid, beautiful moment of penetration their own instinct is to simply “let it happen”. In that soothed (yet emotional)state of mind that nature itself leaves them static; still; rendered motionless to simply allow themselves to be the vessel, to be the repository, to be dosed by me.

    You so perfectly capture that  perfect moment of,  still, silence as you just become the repository...

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