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Posts posted by bbboix287

  1. I have finally got approved by my doctor to start going on PrEP. So in a couple of days my first 30 day dosage will be arriving by mail. I've been researching ever since I found out about PrEP. I have a few question bumping around in my head and hopefully the community can answer.

    What have been your experience when first taking the medication?

    Did you experience side-effects?

    Have you ever missed a day that was a 'planned vacations? If so, what do you do?
    If you were schedule to take it at a certain hour, can you recover that day? If so, the there a cutoff period?

    I mean there are the text book answer, and then their are the experiences of the individuals. I'm curious and I'm trying to find some answers.

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  2. I live in Virginia and I can only see doctors within the managed care Medicaid plan. And the contracted insurance company has the legal option to restrict patients to one doctor and one hospital if it is determined you are unnecessarily using excessive resources, at least in Virginia. My PCP said that PrEP was "experimental" and that she didn't want to be liable, and only allowed me to see the ID doc after I asked for a second opinion.

    I live in Virginia myself and I'm going through Optima Health and I've talked with them and they cover Truvada for PrEP and its procedures. I just talked with them today. Hell they even told me to talk to Gilead for the Assistance program to help pay for my Out of Pocket expenses. Unless you're going through Private insurance company, I don't see that on my end. I've yet to be stuck with one doctor. Then again this is my first year of being on my own health plan. I'll get back to you if any of that changes.

  3. Hello Gentlemen! Justing been lurking around the forums reading tid bits here and there. Its because of this site, I'm more aware of HIV even more so than my studies in college. This site also introduce me to the concept of PrEP. I've been seeing myself slowing reducing my usage in condoms. I try to sero-sort, but its then i think in the back of my head, I know I shouldnt trust people when it comes to getting that nut. (Like its getting to the point where I'd rather have sex with a Undetectable guy. Because they now they're status, viral loads, etc. A Poz guy honest with his status and himself, will hopefully be honest with others) Gonna be honest, the other STDs don't really scare me. The bacteria can be gotten rid of with a simple shot. HPV I already have (Ironically when I was more a condom nazi), which the body can deal with itself and I been vaccinated for other potential strains. Vaccinated for the Heps (A/B). Herpes is only a skin condition. (The stigma with it is almost as bad as HIV). I don't have the convert mentality, so I wanna be cautious, but still wanting the feel of raw uninhibited sex. So I want to go down the road with PrEP on my side. I know my risk, and I just want to reduce them as much as I can, but still wanting to bareback.

    So that being said, I want to know more on how to start PrEP, its costs, and other things.

    As of right now, I'm a college student, but no health insurance. Have minimum wage job, but hopefully entering the Pharmacy Tech field. What are my options?

  4. Just to state. That HPV has many strains. Certain strains, such as 16 and 18, give cancer. The strains that give genitals warts (6 or 8, and 11) do not give cancer. If you have warts, you don't have the strain that gives you cancer. That being said, you CAN have multiple strains of HPV. When I found out I have the wart causing strain (So far being wart free for 3 months) I immediately took the vaccination, so not to catch another strain. And this strain was caught BEFORE i started barebacking on and off.

    BTW, Anal Pap smears aren't really FDA approved yet. Men can't really get pap smears to check for cancerous strains of HPV. This is what I've been told by my doctor.

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