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Status Replies posted by asslikker

  1. You write really well! Your stories are fucking hot?

  2. Hey! What happened to my story??

    1. asslikker


      Thanks so much, bareall. I also wrote to the moderators. There was no explanation, just gone! No contact so far. If it's the photos I see rawrawraw's writing, which I like very much, who has photos. I'd say delete that last story if that's the problem. At least you saw it! I hope they bring it back. I have a back up copy but if they're going to delete it again without telling me why seems pointless. I can't say how much, though, I appreciate you taking the time to comment on the situation. Cross finger's it'll be reinstated. bareall, you are the best :D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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