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Posts posted by ptyguy

  1. On 3/5/2019 at 6:47 AM, leatherpunk16 said:

    I wish to do a bit of speculation here.

    Let's say this works and becomes a viable cure. How many of us BZ guys would queue up for it? Who would go and get the cure, and try to get infected again? I imagine a weird convo to be something like this.

    Guy 1: I have to go the clinic for the HIV cure again.

    Guy 2: What is this, the fourth time for you now?

    Guy 1: Something like that. I'm such a whore, LOL.

    Guy 2: Make this the last time, okay?


    See how weird that would be?

    The supposed cure they are talking about involves a complete blood transfusion from a person that cannot become H.I.V. positive because their CD4 cells have an odd little growth on the receptor and the virus cannot enter and compromise the cell because of it. People who have that cell mutation are a very small percentage of the total world population. They can have the virus passed on to them and can be carrying the virus but it cannot harm them since it cannot compromise the CD4 cells. Much like how they cure leukemia, a complete transfusion  of the donors blood must replace the blood of the person receiving the donors blood. Also just like with leukemia, there needs to be a very good match between the donor and patient or else the patient will reject the donors blood/marrow and that could easily lead to death. If everything goes well though, the patient's body should start making new CD4 cells that have the receptor mutation anywhere from a month or two after the initial transfusion. How quickly this happens will depend on how much graft vs. host issues arise and there is always some amount of rejection no matter how good of a match. If the patient is lucky they should start generating new CD4 cells with the mutation though and that is how their body will generate new CD4 cells for the rest of their life. Since science still hasn't figured out exactly where the virus hibernates within the body of people that are undetectable, the virus will still be inside the patient but cannot affect the patient anymore. It also cannot replicate since it uses the CD4 cells to do that so eventually what few instances of the virus that were hibernating will die and the the patient will be completely free of the virus. This is not considered a cure though. It would be very hard to find good matches since the percentage of people that have this mutation is quite small and the overall risk to the patient is too great without near perfect matches. This is just a stepping stone where scientists are acquiring more knowledge about the mutation. One hope is to develop a vaccine that will alter the human genome and will make anyone who has been vaccinated to generate new CD4 cells with the mutation once vaccinated. Scientists have been somewhat successful doing this to apes but it is not to a point where they can start human trials from what I understand. Some apes still die when given the vaccine and until they perfect this to where it is not killing any ape's (no matter how small the numbers), they will not try it on humans.     

  2. On 5/20/2018 at 1:51 PM, takingdeepanal said:

    Do either of these allow multicam editing? 

    I know that Videopad does not. I have not used VSCD recently and several new versions have been released since I tried it but it has always allowed for multi video and audio tracks on the timeline so multicam should not be a problem.

  3. 11 hours ago, takingdeepanal said:

    I have a question.

    A top and I are looking at filming ourselves (mostly smartphones, and perhaps a laptop and video camera (about 10 years old)) and put it on a porn site which allows submissions. As some of the footage will be unusable, we wish to edit it out.

    What free video editing software works the best? I am a novice when it comes to these things, but I think that I shall be the one doing the editing. My laptop uses Windows 10.

    Moderators: please feel free to move this to a more appropriate section if applicable. Thank you! :)

    VSCD is a full featured freeware editor for Windows based systems. It has lots of features which may be a drawback if you are new to editing your own videos though. Its homepage is http://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor


    If VSCD looks a little intimidating, check out Videopad. It is also a free editor for windows based systems but is not a feature rich which translates into easier for beginning editors to understand and use. Its homepage is http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/

  4. No idea if he is poz or not but he has done many bareback videos with lots of different guys so there is a good chance that he is. Oh....yes, Nam is one hot and sexy little fuck. If I knew where to find him I would be deep in his sweet ass right now. :D

  5. If you can't feel the cum spraying into your mouth then the guy must be a dribbler. I find that the guys that really spray it or shoot it forcefully will have their cock heads expand (swell) just before shooting. If the guy has a big mushroom head, it will really get big and then you should feel the spurts hitting the top and back of your throat. Of course you will also taste his cum at that point as well. Put it all together and it is sheer bliss.

  6. I watched "We are coming for you" last night. I did not think it was that big of a deal. Maybe slightly raunchier than most of their past titles but only slightly more. I was actually disappointed in the video because the lighting was really dark throughout most of the video. I sort of felt like the production values were quite sloppy.

  7. It really depends on the situation. Sometimes you realize that you need to be very careful and diplomatic because your trick seems to be a bit more unhinged and strange with every passing moment. You have to consider your safety in those situations but at the same time, you also have to find the quickest way to get them out of your house. These are the trickiest situations for me because the guys behavior is a complete turn off for me and if I am turned off, I am not going to want his cock in me at all! I naturally become really bad sex in that case because I am so turned off and the other guy gets turned off fairly quickly because he thinks I am awful, stiff and hung-up sex (and who wants that?). 


    I used to try and be nice to the guys that are very clearly lying in their profiles by 20+ years and 75+ pounds but that also depends on just how badly they are lying. I have had guys show up that didn't look anything like their pictures...I mean...I was questioning if it was the same guy in the pictures. Those anger me. Did he really think he could show up looking nothing like his pictures or how his profile described him and I would be so horny/desperate that I would just go with it? When they are that bad, I am fucking rude at the door. They do not step one foot in my place and they know why. 


    And then there are the completely and wonderfully hot looking studs that have a personality that just gets on my nerves quickly. These guys tend to think they are doing everyone they hookup with a favor because they are so hot so they do not listen to anything you are saying and quite honestly, they don't really care about pleasing you as well. It is all about them. I will let these guys know what is not working for me and if they do not listen and correct the problem or they just figure that they are so hot nobody would ever kick them out of bed, then they will get a reminder that something is not working for me and 15 to 20 minutes later they will be asked to leave if they still are getting on my last good nerve.


    These days I rarely get together with guys I don't already know. I have my group of regular play buddies and I so much more enjoy playing with them instead of an unknown because my buddies and i know exactly what excites each other and how to do it. That familiarity makes for far better sex than an anonymous hookup. 

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