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Everything posted by big3g

  1. Just wanted to update this as I did finally meet with him. He showed up at my place and I was kind of annoyed with him already. He used the bathroom real quick to make sure he was good and clean. He sucked my cock and never really gave me time to get comfortable. He wanted me to put this numbing gel on his hole before I fucked him. Smeared a little on then lubed him up. I went in him slow at first and he had taken a cock before so I was happy about that but once again that didnt last long. He kept moving and trying to do way too much. He pushed my cock out and said he wanted to ride it. No offense to my bigger guys but sometimes it just doesnt work. He tried to get on top of me but never could get my cock in his hole and im not exactly small lol. He just kept trying and trying then I just said bend over again. I got back inside him and let him have it. I grabbed him by the waist at first which then turned into me pushing his head down and putting my hands on his shoulders. I felt myself getting there but by the time I was working up a good load he pushed me out again and said his hole was sore......Highly irritated at this point I just let him clean up and leave. He blew up my phone for the next week before I just told him I didnt want to see him anymore and to stop texting me. If he could have taken it for a few more minutes I might have dealt with him a few more times but I will pass lol poor load ended up going to waste
  2. lol what a conversation with this one. Gave me this business about having to make a stop before coming. Made the stop then came up with some BS about being scared to get lost coming here. ( I live on a main hwy literally 0 turns before you get in my neighborhood). Shortly after it changes to "I don't want to be to far away from work. I'm on call". Basically I'm cutting this off. He is either lying and putting up a front because he is an inexperienced bottom or he just likes to waste time. I don't think being fem is an issue but this was borderline the behavior of a young girl getting attached to the guy who took her virginity.
  3. Oh yes I have definitely told him up front what I want and what I don't like. I'm pretty upfront and if things start going in a way that I don't like I will put a pause on things quickly. Guess he is getting what he deserves today lol pics to come maybe even a video.
  4. Curious to see what you guys suggest lol 22 yr old bottom I contacted and got some quick public oral from is probably the most annoying bottom this side of the Mississippi lol. Boy has a huge fuckable ass and is extremely fem (this could be the issue). I on the other hand am a strict top...I like to fuck dump and go. No texting like some kind of relationship...I hate the "tell me what your gonna to me" "your gonna love my ass" etc crap because honestly most of these bottoms can't take a real ass pounding without crying or leaving a mess. I've got him coming to me today so he will finally stfu. How should I handle this guy? Thinking of just pounding him good so he is scared to come back lol jk I'm not that mean
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