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Posts posted by Andyhotfuck

  1. I had just been diagnosed HIV poz and learned my viral load was excessive.  Anyone taking an unprotected load was sure to be converted.

    I was 51 and had a few younger lads with whom I regularly played, lads who were into Daddies. One of the lads was a a fairly shy somewhat nerdy dark haired slight lad who went by the nickname of 'Tiger'.  At least that's the nickname he shared with me.  We had been playing games for about a year or so, and had always barebacked.  He was good at triggering my buttons and, as a consequence, he always went home with more than one load inserted deep in his guts.  

    I hadn't told him yet about the issue about status as I had gotten the results only a couple of days before our next session.  Thinking it over, I decided it was best to give Tiger the news face-to-face.  I also picked-up some condoms - just in case he still wanted to get fucked.  

    When he walked in the door I gave him a hug, explaining we needed to chat.  With that I got the two of us a drink, led him into my bedroom, and taking him into my arms I began saying "Well Tiger, things are gonna be a bit different today and for a while.  'Cause I  just leaned I'm HIV poz.  It's okay," I added, continuing "I'm fine, I don't need counselling or hugs.  To be honest, I'm somewhat surprised I went this long before seroconverting."

    Tiger made to comment, but I cut him off saying "Anyway, Tiger, here are some condoms.  That's the change in the way we go at it, at least for now.  My viral load is quite high, so we must take precautions to stay safe, especially because you're so much younger than me."

    When I paused in my announcement Tiger responded "Look, I barebacked you for a year.  I'm not gonna stop now just because of this."

    "No, Tiger, come on, this is serious business.  I don't wanna be responsible for having converted you.  Be sensible." 

    Giving me a snog, and tweaking my nipples, he easily got my cock hard and eager to play.  I tried to get control of the situation by saying "Hey now, we've gotta agree:  no bareback play." 

    "Fuck off," he responded, adding "I decide whether or not I bareback, not you.  It isn't your decision.  If I wanna side down this diseased a toxic pole - well, that's my choice."

    "That's not fair to me, Tiger.  I couldn't live with myself, knowing I had converted you.  Again he snogged me, stuffing his tongue into my mouth and giving my nipples a twist.  That is the most expedient way of getting (and keeping) me rock hard and burning with lust.

    Grabbing my cock, he spat in his hand, lubbed my cock and his ass, and, straddling my cock with his brown eye, he pushed his bum onto my unprotected toxic pole, admonishing "Remember, it's my choice and I want to climb on board for a hot fuck.  I want to to ride you - and deep."

    Before I could react to his declaration he had slid all the way down my poke, and even if I was inclined to protest I could see the determination, lust, passion and sleaze which had combined in his decision.  Admittedly my resistance was melting fast as I also found myself overcome with lust, particularly when I experienced the animalistic ferocity with which he slammed his ass down on my cock, his perverted tunnel enveloping my entire cock.  

    Grabbing nearby poppers, Tiger huffed deeply, and then thrust the bottle under my nostril.

    "Okay, okay," I replied, "but promise to get off my cock before I cum, please," I grunted.

     Staring at my face intensely, Tiger answered "Okay, I'll try."

    Inwardly I sighed, thinking perhaps he would come to his senses.  But I didn't have much time to dwell on what was, ultimately, Tiger's decision as just then he doubled, if not tripled the energy he was expending in riding my cock, shouting as he did so "You sleazy slut!" adding all manner of obscenities with each furious downward thrust.  Nor did he neglect my tits in roughing them up even more fiercely than earlier, which, of course, brought me to the cusp of blowing my toxic load.

    "Hey Tiger, it's time, get off me, I'm gettin' close," I managed to warn. 

    Tiger, however, only replied "Give me your toxic load, Daddy.  Fuck your boy."

    "Come on, Tiger, you said you'd get off," I grunted, even as I had now joined in pounding his ass.

    "Okay, okay," he responded, making a move that led me to think he was about to dismount my cock, only to find, to my utter horror and complete startlement, to find he slammed back down on my shaft, sliding all the way down to my balls, simultaneously twisting my nipples, squeezing them hard as he gave me full on eye contact as he snarled at me "I want that  fuckin' poz cum, Daddy!  I want your toxic load.  Holy fuck, give it to me now!"

    With that he squeezed my shaft with his ass muscles, and held me in position as he verbally demanded I give him my load.  Naturally, at a certain point a man just can't be expected to hold off, so I didn't.  I accepted the fact that Tiger was a cum whole, a bug chaser, and I should give him what he demanded of me so I let loose and flooded his hole with my toxic load, emptying an unbelievably large load of cum into his hole.

    As we came down from the orgasm Tiger grunted "Fuck condoms.  I want your poz cum and that of all the other hot poz fuckers I can find.  I want your disease.  I want your AIDS."

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