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About csmorrison2012

  • Birthday 10/14/1993

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  1. My ex and I started talking again. We're both 20 year old kids, so when our car broke down on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere after a night out, exactly what I was hoping to happen, in fact, happened. As I'm a mechanic at the dealership where he bought his car, we were standing by the hood of the car trying to see what was wrong. He drives a nice Lincoln MKZ and I know those like the back of my hand, but it was too dark to even see anything. As I bent over the engine, he suddenly came up behind me, grabbed my hips, and started humping me. I jokingly moaned, "Oh yeah baby. Fuck me harder." He spun me, started pushing me towards the back of the car as he kissing me really roughly. When we got by the back door, he opened it and pushed me in, climbing in behind me, and as the door closed, he leaned over the middle console and turned the radio up. I don't know if you've ever heard the song Cake by Rhianna, but that song is so fucking hot and luckily for us, it was on. He ripped off my shirt and I got him out of his, and then started unbuckling his belt. At this point I was on my back as he straddled my stomach. As I worked on unfastening his pants I kissed his abs, and as I pulled his jeans and underwear over his dick, it popped right up. I leaned back against the door and he shoved his cock into my mouth and started slamming my throat. His dick is almost eight inches and of an average thickness. With every thrust he made, my nose was buried in his twinky, trimmed pubes. Normally I might have gagged a little, but he was rough like this when we dated so I was used to it. After a few minutes of face fucking me, he started breathing heavy, and within seconds he moaned "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum! Oh fuck!" He slammed my throat one more time and I felt his cock pumping six or seven shots of cum which slide down my throat. I started running out of air and so pushed on his thighs until his dick slid out of my mouth. We were both dripping sweat and he panted heavily, but even so, he slid his jeans down and took them off completely as he also worked at my belt and took it off. Then he leaned over and kissed me, whispering in my ear "Roll over, babe." I rolled over onto my stomach and he kissed my upper back, mid back, lower back. I just instinctively arched and he started kissing down my crack, rimming me for a little while. Then he leaned back and pulled my hips up so I was on my knees. When I picked my head up he pushed it back down into the sweat drenched leather seat. He rubbed his dick head against my hole and then with one solid quick push he was in. I let out a huge moan and my dick flexed in his hand. He started laughing and said "I hope you remember how rough I like it." Before I could even say anything back he was pounding away deep and fast at the same time. It felt amazing! Our knees kept sliding around on the leather since it was so wet though, so he flipped me over onto my back without withdrawing from my ass, and resumed pounding again before I even realized I was on my back. I wrapped my hands around the backs of his thighs and used the perspiration on the leather to my advantage by pulled myself into him with each of this thrusts so he could get in even deeper. After few more thrusts he asked "Fuck, baby, you ready for another load?" I was in such pleasure I could barely speak, but I managed to grunt "Hell yeah! Shoot it deep inside me!" With that he tilted his head back, moaned and buried his dick in as deeply as he could, as I also pulled myself down on him as hard as I could. I felt his cock start pumping again and I could actually feel his cum splattering my insides. He stayed inside me for a minute then pulled out. I licked his half hard cock clean. After we get dressed I noticed that the same song was still on. He told me he must of 'accidentally' put it on repeat. Then he got into driver seat, turned the key and the engine turned right over. It turned out he had planned the entire thing. But I wasn't complaining. (;
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