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Any feedback ? How long until Truvada needs to be out of my body/system ? Would really need to be a month ?
I've decided to take Prep holiday just to make sure that it isnt causing peripheral neuropathy ( I highly doubt it is). I'm not sure how long I should stay off prep, just to make sure its out of my system. The doctor from the clinic mentioned an entire month, just to be on the extra sure side - does that sound about right - Or would a couple of weeks be enough? Also, when I start Prep again - 7 days would give me 'full protection'? The CDC website recommedns 7 days for recptive anal (me) and 14 days for other
Hi, I've been on Prep for two years, never had any issues. However, for the last 4 weeks Ive been suffereing with permanent 'numbness'/pins&needles down one leg. I spoke to the doctor at the trial, he said it can't possibly be Truvada, because I've been tolerating it for two years and also because Its 'newer' type of HIV medication that does not cause peripheral neuropathy. I've read extensivley around, and most of the article seem to confirm this (I think). For example; http://www.thebody.com/content/art6077.html 'Several HIV drugs can cause PN. The most important are the "d" drugs; ddI (didanosine, Videx), and d4T(stavudine, Zerit). Hydroxyurea, which is sometimes combined with antiretroviral drugs, increases the risk of PN. Zidovudine (Retrovir), abacavir, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), and protease inhibitors do not appear to cause PN.' However, I've read a couple of articles suggesting truvada could. I appreciate that nothing is 100% but was wondering if anyone else on Truvada has experienced the same ? I'm concerned because I've read that if it is due to medication, the medication needs to stopped asap, to avoid it becoming permanent. If I do decide to take a prep-holiday, I need to decide how long after expsoure, should I stop. To be on the extra safe side, I guess four weeks after last having unsafe sex (same as pep I guess)
Due to be flying out tomorrow to meet german fuckbuddy, who is HIV+. Have a weekend of rampant sex planned, with others joing too. Had a few niggling symptons this week, been ignoring them. But took picture with phone today and it doesnt look good. A saw a couple of small anal sores, look very much like syphilis. I know, becuase I caught syphilis last year for first time and was given a shot He's gonna be ultra pissed when I tell him, 5 star hotels booked etc. He's the type to say dont worry just come over. I dont want to go now, especially if it is syphilis. Prep gives me good degree of protection, but surely if syphilis is present, the risks of catching HIV increase expotetnially ? Not to say anything of his reckless atittude of not minding. I'll go first thing to clinic, before flight and get checked. If its not syphilis, but I still have small sores, is there a mucher high risk of catching HIV ? Prep provide protection against HIV, is that at the local level or at the 'cell level'? What I mean is by 'cell level' is that irrespective of how the virus gets into the body, sores, anal, oral - Prep provides the same level of protection ? I should change my nick to 'dumbass' Any advice appreciated
Thanks for the replies, it is reassuring. I guess the bottom line is that we don't know for sure - thats why its a trial - but so far, all the prep evidence from around the world looks very promising. It could be that Prep is very effective irrespective of viral load. I know you have to trust the science, take that leap of faith - but its scary when its your life your playing with. Stick to prep regime, educate yourself on the risks (based on evidence so far) and decide what risks you are comfortable with. I'd love to fast forward a couple of years from now, when more data from prep is in. I'm hoping that well be able to say with confidence that prep is as effective/if not more than condoms. Imagine how many lives that will change/save.
Ive been on Proud Study/Prep a year now and everything is good. I'm mostly passive but I never took loads i..e. never let the guy cum inside me, that was my extra level of protection. I broke that taboo about 5 months ago, had the a recent checkup and everything is still negative. The guy that came in me I suspected was HIV + even though he said he wasn't (his bbrts + other profile = 'ask me', always parties' etc). The last couple of months I'be been taking loads (letting the guy cum inside) from guys I know are HIV +. I strongly suspect that they could be 'undectable' (long story but good basis for it). I figured taking loads from Undectatable guys and me being on Prep - was a close to being safe with bb sex as possible (I know nothing is 100% but the risk seems miniscule). Long story short - met a guy couple of weeks ago at bb sex party, he came in me. Met again at his place, he came in me multiple times. He told me he was HIV, was undectable but at same time told me you should believe everything, alot of HIV + guys say they are undect when they are not. His bbrts states he is Positive (not undect). Although I know he is taking meds, he took them in front of me, I think he has just started on meds. I'm due to meet him again now, but concerned abit about risk. I know this is hypothetical, but Im trying to gauge my level of risk. I never miss a dose (although I have been an hour or two late a few times). Assumping his VL is high or is dectatable and I'm on prep and taking his loads - how risky is it ? I appreciate its a 'how long is a piece of string' type question but I'm just trying to quantify it. Is it really true that no-one on prep thats adheres properly to their medication has caught HIV ?
Took a Prep holiday to see if side effects were TRuvada-related, there are not. Went back to Sexual Health clinic, saw one of the doctors there. He said that I should have a good level of protection after just 3 days of PREP. That seems low, on the forums here it seems that consensus is 7 days. I know I could wait 7 days, but I've had no sex for a month. This Sunday would be day 4 of me being back on PREP - Long enough ?
Thanks for the info, but I'm still unclear ! I think I understand the theory behind it. But is 3 days of Prep after last sex really enough before taking prep 'holiday' ? Or should I take it longer, just to be on the safe side. And how much longer ? Thanks
Hi, I've been on PREP for about 4 months now and will be taking a prep holiday to see if symptons are side effects of Truvada. The Doctor at the sexual health clinic has suggested I take a break for a few weeks to see if that makes a difference. The only thing that's got me abit concerned is that he said that he that I only need to take Truvada for 3 days after my last risky exposure and then I can stop. He explained this is because the HIV virus itself can not live for long (inside and outside body), it needs to reach 'a area of the body' And that 3 truvada after last exposure is fine. I'd like to get others opinion. Is this really the case ? I've seen others suggest 30 days 30 days POST EXPOSURE makes sense i.e PEP but surely if you've got the level of protection from PREP, it acts as barrier. The doctors rationale seem right and I just wanna put it out there?
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