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Status Updates posted by Top-Secret

  1. Happy Holidays to Everyone (hope you all get your nutz drained )

  2. there are guys on here who are HIV Positive, and guys on here who are Negative, and guys on here who are Positive and don't even know it. for all those who are positive and having sex with guys without revealing your status . i beg of you to stop the nonsense of purposefully passing the illness on to someone else. it's cool if they want to become HIV and crossover , but to poz others deceitfully is disgusting to me . yes we all as individuals are responsible for our own selves , healt...

  3. met a few guys online who down to meet up. 1 asian and the other Latino. i haven't had sex in so long , that theres this nervous energy inside of me lol : it feelz like i'm about to do it for the VERY 1ST TIME HAHAHA !

    1. Giftundpozempfangb


      If the sex is driving it must be released, is logical

  4. i can't believe i posted the same message 3 times in a row (smh) i have no idea how that happened lol !

    1. Giftundpozempfangb


      This happens ever apologize for it

  5. 1st things 1st ! ........get some PReP........next go bath house or Boystown.......Find em ; Fuck em ; Breed em

  6. 1st things 1st ! ........get some PReP........next go bath house or Boystown.......Find em ; Fuck em ; Breed em

  7. long overdue : i'm ready to stick my chocolate dip-stick inside a sweet,smooth, pink hole (HELL I'LL SHAVE MY NUTZ AND LEGS IF I HAVE TOO) .....haha !

  8. well finally got the hang of this site .......i think it's a great site.......hope 2 meet new people

  9. I NEVER BEEN WITH A WHITE GUY BEFORE ............(my fantasy lol)

  10. My mind is on interracial dating and "fun"

  11. theres some really good looking guys on here lol , i feel broken hearted and blessed @ same time/ idk , i'm alive so i have nothing to complain about. but my happiness depends on my circumstances and the last time i had sex , was a temporary high "BUT I DID GET HIGH" lol.

  12. whatz on my mind ??? hmmm! "GUESS" ...lol , i 'am a freak (behind closed doors)

  13. 1371_Combat_Engineer "SEMPER FI"

  14. I haven't navigated this site yet to learn all the controls but so far i like it "THUMBS UP"

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