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Posts posted by watchme7440

  1. If I have romantic feelings for the bottom, I'm enjoying his company, and the sex is very satisfying, then I don't care if his ass is as furry as a bear skin rug or as smooth as a plucked chicken. As long as that ass is in its natural state, it looks and feels great to me. I can't stand furry bottoms shaving their asses and having razor bumps. NOT attractive. I don't feel that any top who fusses over a bottom's body hair situation is worthy of that bottom's attention. On the same note, bottoms who are fussy about cock size are not worth a top's attention. 

  2. 23 hours ago, rawTOP said:

    I thought about holding off on this story to see how it ends, but I think it's more important that it be told now…

    This is something I saw on Twitter yesterday. I'm dumbfounded…

    March 27th…


    So the guy is under "lockdown" (a stay-at-home order), and he's still hooking up – and proud enough of it to post it on Twitter.

    March 31st…

    4 days after the first hookup, he posts a video of another hookup.…


    April 3rd…

    3 days after the 2nd hookup he posts pics and videos from yet another hookup…


    April 7th…

    And then surprise, surprise…


    That's right… 3 hookups later he's in the hospital with COVID-19. He's stupid enough to think he's in the ICU when he's not – he's probably just in a ward with all COVID patients. If he were in ICU he'd have breathing support (either be intubated or be attached to a BiPAP machine).

    Oh, and the kicker is he's calling the nurse a bitch and mocking the fact that she says she's tired!

    I just want to strangle the guy.

    If he reads this… "You're a fucking asshole. If karma doesn't catch up to you this time around, it will at some point. And guess what, I won't give a shit when it does."

    People, seriously, be responsible! Hospitals are over capacity. People are dying. There's no cure. There isn't even a decent treatment. Even in the middle of the AIDS crisis hospitals could manage their core caseloads. This is a whole other order of magnitude above that pandemic.

    It's gonna be a long time (probably years) before we're back to where we were before with big sex parties and crowded bathhouses. Even when the stay-at-home orders are lifted people will still need to be vigilant to avoid another peak of the pandemic. You'll need to focus on risk reduction – fewer partners, 1-on-1s, maybe sex in parks, maybe gloryholes. But being legs up in a bathhouse taking all loads isn't going to happen again until there's at least a decent treatment. If for no other reason, that sensible gay guys are gonna stay away. Here's a poll I did on Twitter a few days ago… Only a bit over 1/3rd of guys will risk a crowd when the stay-at-home orders are lifted (and that's now when they're horny and jacking off to Twitter, before the pandemic hits their city/town)…

    We can hope the clinical trials they're doing now turn up something, but who knows. 

    Don't be like that guy above. Don't be a COVIDiot!

    Very well said! I agree with you. 

  3. Natural. I don't care if the bottom is naturally smooth or has beastly fur like an ape. If that's the way that he naturally is, then I want him in his natural state. There is nothing more irritating than a nice ass pocked with razor bumps and feeling ass or chest stubble. I just can't understand how some tops are so fucking picky. If you are going to be with a man, why would you want him to look more feminine and unnatural? As long as he's clean, smells good, and looks like a masculine man, he's good enough for me.

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  4. I'm into bears/otters/cubs, men in their 40s and 50s, and I can't stand those pristine, perfectly-plucked and airbrushed feminine twink bottoms. They do nothing for me. If I wanted to fuck something that looked like plastic, I would spend the money on an inflatable doll rather than deal with the little pristine twinks and their bullshit games. If I wanted to fuck something that looked like a woman, I'd look for a woman, not a girly man. Don't get me wrong, even twinks can be exciting if they don't have plastic-like, airbrushed bodies. I just prefer a decent, mature mind to go along with the ass that I'm about to fuck. It makes the fuck more exciting, and the bottom is likely to be more creative and adventurous. 

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